0-10 Min: 1929-1930 WCSU catalog she was a teacher at the Balmforth Avenue school; in 1950s she was an assistant professor of teaching; 1964 catalog lists her as assistant professor of education; started at the Balmforth Avenue school as a substitute in 1925-1926;
10-20 Min: all of her initial experience in people management came from New Britian Normal School;
20-30 Min: got her start in Danbury school system due to the lady who owned the boarding house she was living at knew the superintendent of Danbury schools; her employment through the town of Danbury was an odd arrangement in that she was contracted on a yearly basis and paid less because she was a married women; unfortunately for her most towns in the area were not hiring married women;
30-40 Min: remembers Dr. Higgins being very much of the mindset that children are better seen than heard; was a man who insisted on a good firm handshake despite his frail physique and weak constitution;
40-50 Min: Mrs. Riley, the cook at Fairfield Hall , but she was much more than that she would throw parties for every student in the dorm;
50-60 Min: noticed a difference, while supervising in Norwalk, in the teachers relative to where they were raised; such as vocabulary, attitude, speech patterns etc; the dorm life during the 1920s was very structured; girls were expected to be present at every meal time, and were not allowed out after dark; the girls needed permission to leave the dorm even for church;
60-70 Min: praising of Dr. Haas's accomplishments during her tenure as president; her ability to see and make compromise happen within the state to further the state college system; gives vague time-line for when Old Main changed from being called the administration building to the current name of Old aMain; the change occurred around the same time as a do-day when the faculty built a sidewalk by the building;
80-90 Min: extension courses in Torrington for teachers who were working on their bachelor's degree;