0-10 Min: as a child, recalls his father had a business as a painter/general handyman, but his father was contracted to work on one of the dorms associated with WCSU; feels that for the greater Danbury area the college was perfect for the local schools who never wanted for teachers; notes that the lack of community involvement with the school is simply lack of community attendance at college events that are open to the public; feels that it is a failing on both sides, on the public a lack of follow-through and on the university for a lack of or misguided promotional efforts; feels their is a lack of state support that also causes the lack of awareness about what WCSU has to offer;
10-20 Min: feels that the large contingent of republicans that get elected and sent to Hartford from this area is a large factor in the lack of movement on the WestSide campus; Grant Finch, geography professor that Dr. Warner mentions because he was one of the few men on the staff at the time Dr. Warner was a student; Hazel Tobias was an art teacher that Dr. Warner feels she was another example of a terrific teacher at WCSU;
20-30 Min: recalls fondly his relationship with May Sherwood; feels that as the college expands its course catalog it is also expanding its ability to help and benefit the Danbury area; remarks that Mr. Friel should look for a textbook that Dr. Higgins wrote and that the Danbury schools used for a time;
30-40 Min: suggest that Mr. Friel research the effect of the massive growth on the attitudes and administration of the college;