0-10 Min: had a degree to work with the mentally disabled and worked with Dr. Cuts in that field in late 30s early 40s; talk of Mr. Durgy and his general competence and knowledge of WCSU physically, most memorable member of non administrative WCSU staff;
10-20 Min: each year at the model schools the first week was left to the supervisors, a teacher's teacher, and after that the student teachers would come in; the start up of each year meant that the supervisor had to get her class under control before handing it off to the student teachers; she recalls that in certain years she was responsible for as many as three student teachers' classes; the city of Danbury itself was not interested in allowing WCSU to extend the student teaching program to schools that were not model schools;
20-30 Min: again makes note of the fact that she graduated high school at sixteen and WCSU at eighteen and was teaching students her own age when she first started;