0-10 Min: spring weekend continued, relating musicals that were done at WCSU under Dr. Esposito; how class and fraternity advisers were appointed, class by the administration and fraternity by the students; yearbooks of 1962-1970 and the great amount of change that occurred between those years in the yearbooks themselves as well as the students who made them; theorizes that the shift from general offerings to that of various specialized departments explains the increase in student unrest
10-20 Min: a comparison of WCSU students to more politically active student body's such as Europe and Berkeley; Dr. Esposito looks fondly on the legacy he left at WCSU; fundamentally Dr. Esposito feels that the student body has not changed much over the years, they are basically hard working, good kids; opinions on the basic studies programs; his frustrations with the program;
20-30 Min: frustrations with the basic studies program; friendly chatting