0-10 Min: purpose for various buildings being built on either campus; Arnold Hanson was Deegan's predecessor which was that of director of planning and institutional research; logistics of Westside campus construction;
10-20 Min: West Side logistics (budget, state legislature etc) continued; 1967 year that WCSU acquired old Danbury high school; the catch 22 of not being allowed to expand on midtown campus due to the West Side campus, but were not being properly funded for Westside construction;
20-30 Min: physical size of WCSU should limit capacity to around 2500 students, but have actually had around 3500 students for the past five years; laments the effects of such a small campus on prospective students; problems of housing being able to meet potential enrollment needs; the diverse nature of student body, in terms of types of students and their levels of studies
30-40 Min: State report, Dober, admits that the Midtown campus is overwhelmed by its student body;