Image 1 caption: Front - l to r: Betonio, Stratman, Singmaster, Doudy, Couch. Rear: Cintas, Warner, Schoenman; Image 1 verso: 1. Bernabe Cutas 2. T.A.W. 3. Walter Schoenman 4. Martin Betonio 5. Edward J. Stratman 6. Lawrence Singmaster 7. Gerard Doudy 8. Theodore Couch, Casa di Bambini; Image 2 caption: Sgt. Papa gets his purple heart; Image 3 caption: a Seance with Singmaster, note the ectoplasm! ); Image 4 caption: Italian surgical supplies, note the operating lamp; Image 5 caption: Night at the aid station - time for talk 1 to 1 Kimball, Rogers, Belisle, Roach, Roper probably has cocoa cooking; Image 6 caption: Front l to r Murillo, Betonio, Roper, Belisle, Hoefling. back: Weick, Colling, Amick, Platt, Roach, Furhat, Dees; Image 6 verso: 1. John Weich 2. Red" Colling 3. Jess Amick 4. Raymond Platt 5. John Roach 6. Moses Farhat 7. Clyde Dees 8. Leslie Murillo 9. Martin Betonio 10. Hazen Roper 11. Theodore Belisle 12. Norman Hoefling, Casa di Bambini; Bottom of page caption: all at Casa de Bambini"