0-10 Min: Sale of the WestSide land; 1973, building of the road; Ruth Haas savvy;
10-20 Min: Republican influence in Danbury 1970-1974; Ella Grasso; Partisan aspects of Grasso's term; Other interests in the property; Jack McCain?; 1977, 1978; Carbide;
20-30 Min: Ethan Allen; Bersi; Southern and WestConn; Student influence on Grasso?; 1979 issues; Infrastructure in Danbury; Need for water; Size of the pipes; END OF SIDE 1; James Dyer; Don Esposito; Chance of losing WestSide; Meskill; Reorganization of the State government, public hearing process;
30-40 Min: Further building in Midtown?; Judicial district in Danbury; Funding for WestConn and Southern;