Horace Purdy Journal September 1865 Entry (Still Image)
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09/01 FRIDAY - Very warm, I think the warmest of the season. George started with his sifters for Brookfield this morning; he only sold two today. I worked hard all day. Theodore Bradley came down to the shop this morning according to agreement last evening with his mother and me for me to take the size of his head to get him a new hat. I got one before night and finished it but could not get it trimmed. George came home about dusk. I helped him unload his sifters and he came in and got supper; then I rode down with him as he took Mr. Judd's horse home. I did some marketing and then we rode home with Robert Cocking who was at the depot to meet some of Mr. Lyne's folks who did not come. Mr. Cocking paid his rent for last month in the evening. 09/02 SATURDAY - Rain last night and a little this forenoon; the sun came out in the P.M. I worked as usual but finished about 3 o'clock when we got our pay and I came home by way of A. G. Crosby's Coal Office to pay him for some coal but did not find him in the office and therefore did not leave the money.. Before tea, I went over to Joseph W. Allen's and altered a kitten for him. About 7 o'clock I went over to Widow Burr Bradley's with a hat I had been getting for her boy Theodore. Burr's old shop mates with myself made her a present of the hat. I went to the market and home not waiting for the mail as the train was very late. I saw George over to Singing School and he came home with me and got a bottle of ale for Father who is sick. The makers who have been on a strike for a few days at Edmund Tweedy's shop were sent for by the boss yesterday and today they went to work having got the prices they asked for, I believe. 09/03 SUNDAY - Pleasant and very warm. Gussie went to church in the morning as usual and I to Sunday School and in the afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Horn, who formerly preached in Redding, preached for us. In the afternoon, In place of the regular sermon, he talked to the Sunday School which occupied the north square body. After tea, we went to the cemetery, drawing Georgie in his new carriage, arrived back home about dusk and having the headache, did not go to meeting in the evening. We went upstairs a short time and sat with Mr. and Mrs. Cocking, then came down and retired. 09/04 MONDAY - Very warm. George started with a load of sifters for Ridgefield this morning and has not yet returned (8 o'clock in the evening). As I came from work tonight, I stopped at A. G. Crosby's Coal Office and paid him for 4 tons of coal - $14.00. While we were at tea, John Bouton came in to carry home some apples for Aunt Louisa which she got of Father Griswold. Phebe Palmer came from Starr's Plain with cousin Edwin Mills this morning. She took the train this P.M. for Stamford. Gussie went to the depot with her. 9 o'clock George has returned. I rode downtown with him as he rode home with the horse. He returned home with me and too supper before going up home. Just before George came, Harriet came down saying that Josie had locked herself in her room and she could not get in. I got the ladder just as George came and he went up and got in the window and came downstairs leaving Josie asleep. 09/05 TUESDAY - Indications of rain until about 4 P.M. when the sun shone a little. A fine moonlit evening and very warm. We were limited in our work today, only 2 dozen but it lasted me nearly all day. I worked in my strawberry bed until tea time assisting the runners to take root. I went into the street in the evening and saw George and gave him a letter from E.C. Andrews which I took from the office. Expected Clark Beers on the evening train with some tea and coffee and a basket of peaches for me from New York, but after the train came I learned that he only started for the city that P.M. instead of yesterday morning as he intended. John Brayman came to our folks last evening on the train. George has spent the day with him in the Hat Shops and this evening he attended a meeting of the Makers. 09/06 WEDNESDAY - A little rain in the forenoon, but it came off pleasant and warm in the P.M. We had only 2 dozen hats today; I finished mine by 3 o'clock. I called at Couch's and got 4 card pictures of Georgie which I ordered on Monday. I finished rooting strawberry plants before tea. I went to the depot in the evening expecting Clark Beers with a basket of peaches for me but he did not come. I broke my garden trowel yesterday morning and bought another as I came home from work this P.M. Theodora (?) Flagler and James Sparks were married this afternoon. 09/07 THURSDAY - We were limited to 2 dozen today in the shop. I finished about 4 o'clock. When I came home, I put up a shelf for Mrs. Cocking to set her water pail upon. Gussie went uptown in the P.M. to see Eben Barnum's wife; she stayed to tea and I got a bowl of milk for mine at home. George and John Brayman came in from a peddling trip just after dark. I returned 6 pint fruit jars to Joseph Ives in the evening. 09/08 FRIDAY - Cloudy all day and began to rain about 3 P.M. I worked until 6 o'clock. Gussie went with me into the street in the evening to do some trading. We gave Mr. Austin a picture of Georgie to give Miss English who is nursing at his house. John Brayman and Hart Purdy came home with us from the street. John borrowed a pair of rubbers of me as it was raining hard. 09/09 SATURDAY - It rained hard last night. It has been cloudy nearly all day. Before breakfast, I carried dozen quart preserve jars back to Joseph Ives. George and John Brayman called to see me at the shop before the afternoon train went. I went to market in the evening after which Andrew Knox came home with me to get a copy of the Constitution and By-laws of the old Wooster Guards as a sample for new ones to be printed for the new militia company. I did not find them. Clark Beers brought my peaches from the depot which came on the evening train. 09/10 SUNDAY - Cloudy and at times misty during the day. Gussie went to church as usual in the morning and I to Sunday School and communion in the P.M. Saul Main and wife Edith Newman as it was are in Danbury and attended church today. Gussie went to church in the evening. It was a Union meeting at our church for the benefit of the Guardian Society. As she went she mailed a letter for me to Carleton & Porter requesting the copy of the Sunday School Advocate which w they omitted in the last package. Victor Benedict's child died about 10 A.M. 09/11 MONDAY - Cloudy and misty in the morning but it came off pleasant in the middle of the day. Victor Benedict's child was buried this P.M. at 2 o'clock. Gussie put up 8 air tight glass jars of peaches today. I attended the Teacher's meeting in the evening. I copied the minutes of the meeting before I retired. 09/12 TUESDAY - Cloudy and misty with the exception of a short time in the P.M. when the sun shone. John Brayman came to the shop in the P.M. to ask my advice about taking a card for wool hat finishing as the joiners (?) at Rundle & White's have concluded to give him a card rather than let him go to work foul. He stayed until I stopped work and walked up West Street with me. After tea, John came over and we went into the street together. I did some marketing; called a few minutes at Military Hall where George was intending to play with the band and then I came home, John coming with me and stayed awhile. 09/13 WEDNESDAY - Lowry, foggy and thick mist in the morning, but it soon came off clear and extremely hot. I was taken early in the forenoon with the sick headache which increased so that at noon, I was compelled to stop work and come home. I had a severe turn of vomiting in the P.M. after which I felt better. Mrs. Daniel Starr came over and spent the afternoon and stayed to tea. We gave her a basket of sweet apples for baking and in return she sent us a fine head of cabbage. John Brayman went up home and got the hat which I gave to George and he does not want. I let John have it for a small price and he is well pleased with it. A Mr. Thompson who came from Norwalk to work with John at Rundle & White's called with him in the evening. He is a Methodist. He was waiting for George to go with him to class meeting. George was late and they went into the street without him. While they were gone, I broke the grate to my stove and though I did not feel able to go into the street, I was compelled to for a new grate as I could not make a fire in the morning unless I did. 09/14 THURSDAY - Misty in the morning; sunshine and showers during the day. I did not feel very well today and in consequence have not been to the shop. George went to New Fairfield with sifters today. I saw him in the street previous to going. We talked about selling out the county if a purchaser could be found. I talked with Joseph Ives about it. He said he would think about it and give an answer in a day or two. I saw Charles Barnum about John Brayman's case of working foul or getting a card. I saw John at noon and advised him to take the card (as he now had a chance to get one) and leave the shop. He took my advice and left in the P.M. I saw him again in the evening and lent him $10.00 until he could get to work and earn something. I returned a dozen Eureka Preserve Jars' to Joseph Ives in the evening, they being a failure. They will not keep the fruit air tight. John Brayman and George came with me from the street. We gave George some supper and then we shaved each other. They went home about 9 o'clock. I bought our first mess of scallops in the evening. In the afternoon, I took Georgie in his carriage and went over to Mr. Lynes' to see Robert and the garden, particularly the strawberry bed. I got another dozen Moore's Preserve Jars' at Charles Hull's in the P.M. and Gussie changed the fruit from the Eureka into them so that I could return them in the evening. 09/13 FRIDAY - A little sprinkle of rain this morning, but the day has been pleasant though t warm. I worked in the shop though not very hard as I do not feel very strong yet. We expected Mrs. Beardsley and daughter from Bridgeport here this afternoon and to tea, but they did not come. The have been in town a week or more visiting at Mrs. Cyrus White's, up to our folks and other places. John Brayman got a Wool Hatter's card, also a Fur Makers' card today. I went up to the old military hall in the evening to see George who was there to play with the brass and. Gussie had a letter today from Fannie in Ohio. Andrew Hull's child died today. 09/16 SATURDAY - No fog this morning, but clear and pleasant and cooler. I left the shop as soon as we were paid off and got into a buggy with John Bussing intending to go with him over to Miry Brook and show him where Mrs. Doane lives, he wanting her to nurse his wife, she having had a little daughter last night or this morning.. We rode up to Daniel Benedict's land and I put a pair of heavy boots in the buggy which I had been buying. We then went down to A. Judd's store to enquire of him if we would be likely to find Mrs. Doane at home, and he told us that she had been getting married again within a few days and would not be likely to get her. So John drove up home with me and did not go to Miry Brook. Andrew Hull's child was buried this P.M. George had 2 dozen sifters brought from the depot this P.M. I broke a crank to one of them while trying to straighten it while on the machine. I went to the market and to the depot in the evening to see if Mother Griswold's trunk and bags came from New York which was left behind this morning. They arrived home by the morning train from Ohio. Father Griswold left again in the P.M. for one of his appointments. I wrote for Mother Griswold before I retired to John Stevenson in 27th Street opposite the depot to have him try and look up the baggage and forward it. Before we retired George came in from Singing School suffering from the toothache. Gussie helped him doctor it. 09/17 SUNDAY - A beautiful day; neither to hot or cold for comfort. Gussie went to church as usual in the morning and I went down to Sunday School at noon and to prayer meeting in the P.M. This was the first prayer meeting under the new order of things, not having preaching in the afternoon but in the evening instead. After supper, we took Georgie to ride in hi carriage around the square and up to Father Griswold's where we picked some watermelons and brought home two of them. I added a few words to the letter I wrote for Mother Griswold last evening and enclosed the express man's receipt for the trunk and bag thinking it would assist Mr. Stevenson I finding them. George stopped on his way to meeting with Sarah Purdy, Bell and Mary Purdy. We gave them some watermelon. I went to church in the evening. Brother Hill preached from Luke 12:20. I commenced today to take subscriptions for the Sunday School Advocate for the coming year commencing October 1. 09/18 MONDAY - Cloudy all day but a few drops until evening. It has been cold enough for December today. After tea, John Brayman came over and we went down to market together. I went to the depot when the train arrived to see if Father Griswold's trunk and bag arrived. Ed Barnum the Express messenger said that they were in Norwalk. I arranged with him to bring them up tomorrow and deliver them. I went from the depot to the Post Office and got a letter from Father Griswold written at Meriden to have me see about the lost trunk and bag. John Brayman came home with me and stayed awhile. Before retiring I wrote an answer to Father Griswold directing to West Suffield. 09/19 FRIDAY - Clear and cold. As I went to work this morning, I mailed the letter to Father Griswold which I wrote last evening. I worked in the shop until about 2 o'clock and then came home with the headache. I repaired 2 sifters for George and went with him to Mr. Mygatt's to look at his horse which he offers for sale. I then came home to tea. After tea, I helped Mr. Pond pick some quinces. I went into the street in the evening to try and dispose of some windfall apples at the store for Mother Griswold but could not. I bought dozen fruit jars from Hull & Rogers for her and came home. 09/20 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and warmer. Not feeling very well, I did not go to the shop. In the morning, I went over to Granville Ambler's to look at a horse for George. Ambler harnessed it and drove it into town with me and took George in. George and I afterwards went up to Theodore Fowler's to look at a wagon and before we left pretty much concluded to buy his horse, wagon and harness. He harnessed it and we drove home to dinner after which we went up and paid him for it. We gave $100 for the establishment. I took the money from the Savings Bank and lent it to George. George called after tea and we went into the street together intending to go to class but I did not. I received a letter from Mr. John Stevenson of New York in reply to one I wrote him about Father Griswold's baggage. 09/21 THURSDAY - Pleasant. After breakfast, I went up home to ride over with George to Granville Ambler's to notify him that we did not want the horse we were looking at but before we got there, we discovered that we had lost the whip out of the wagon and turned back to find it. We found it and then gave up going to see him. I rode down to Main Street with him and then went to the shop leaving George to get a crate of sifters from the depot and go out on a trip to peddle them. I feel miserable having a bad cold and being nearly used up with hard work. I quit work earlier than usual on that account. Gussie and Georgie went up to my folks in the afternoon and stayed to tea. I rode from the street with Theodore Lyon who came up to get some strawberry plants but it was too dry and he deferred it. 09/22 FRIDAY - While we were eating breakfast, George came in having taken his horse to the blacksmith to be shod. He wrote a letter at my secretary to Mr. Andrews about a sifter got up in the best style to put in the County Fair in Norwalk next week. We were limited in our work at the shop, but I being behind on yesterday's work had more than I could do. After tea, I started to go home to see George but found him away giving Mother, Harriet and Sarah Purdy a ride. They returned while I was there and he drove downhome with me. 09/23 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I went to the shop and worked until noon to get off a dozen hats on yesterday's work as there was no work to weight out today on account of being so close to the facers. After dinner, I went into the street again to get some boards with which to make a box for George's wagon in which to carry sieves and other articles to peddle, but not being able to get a carman to haul the boards, I gave it up. I came home and helped Gussie pot some plants. After tea, George rode his horse down to eat of the grass in my dooryard until after Singing School. I went to market in the evening and brought home a gun from Joseph Ives' store for trial that I am contemplating buying. It is one Joe used to use himself. It became cloudy and commenced to mist a little before I retired. I mailed a letter this morning which I wrote last evening to Mr. John Stevenson of New York telling him that Father Griswold's trunk and carpet bag had arrived safely. O9/24 SUNDAY - Cloudy most of the day; a little sprinkling of rain about church time in the A.M. The sun shone a little after meeting in the P.M. After breakfast, I walked up home and stayed until church time when I harnessed the horse for George to take Mother to church. I left before they started and came directly home to take care of Georgie to let Gussie go to church. She came home at noon. I went to Sunday School as usual. I took subscriptions for the Sunday School Advocate and the Sunday School Journal, a new form of the Teacher's' Journal which is issued again commencing a new volume with October 1. It is a double sheet and the reading matter more interesting than the old Teachers' Journal. Prayer meeting in the afternoon. I went up home just before evening meeting and went from there to church. Brother Hill preached. After meeting, I walked up with George as far as Widow Thomas Barnum's and then came across home. When I arrived home, I found John Brayman there, he having come up from Norwalk on the engine which ran up to get the milk car. 09/25 MONDAY - A little rain last night. It sprinkled a little at times in the forenoon. A thunder shower just after dinner. I tried the gun that I bought of Joseph Ives Saturday evening this morning. I fired at a mark on my woodhouse. Did not go to the shop today but built a peddlers' box for George's wagon. I was from 10 A.M. until 10 in the evening building it. Mr. Pond helped me in the evening. I built it in his barn. George helped me nearly all day and through the evening. John Brayman was with us in the evening, keeping us company in the barn. 09/26 TUESDAY - pleasant; did not go to the shop. Painted (or helped George paint) his peddler's box and built a stall for his horse under Father Griswold's barn. Moved his feed down from up home. Borrowed McDonald's hay cutter and cut up some hay for several days ahead. Rode out to Fish Ware to hunt a little while just at night and then came home and put his horse in his new quarters for the first time. Mr. Pond paid for a sifter this morning and Mr. Carlson this P.M. Wrote to Alfred Humphrey at Canton saying that Gussie would arrive there on Saturday and mailed the letter in the evening. I paid Mr. Joseph Ives $11.00 for a gun in the evening. Bought a warmer for a new rod I am to make for it and came home. 09/27 WEDNESDAY - A lovely day. George stared for Norwalk with a load of sifters this morning. I helped him off. Not feeling in good working order did not go to the shop. I went into the street in forenoon and got some medicine of Dr. Bulkeley for Gussie to take with her to Canton in case the baby requires it. After dinner I took my gun and started for a ramble and to get some birds. I returned home a little after 5 o'clock with 4 birds 2 highpoles and 2 robins. I want ore to try the gun I bought than anything else. Bell came down and stayed with Georgie for Gussie to go shopping. I went to market in the evening and returned home as soon as the mail was opened. I saw John Brayman in the street and he came home with me and stayed a little while. Gussie dressed the birds before we retired. 09/28 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I went down to the shop in the forenoon but did not go to work. I came up to John Cosier's shop and made arrangements to go hunting. We went after dinner up to Tamarack. We had Henry Blair's dog. I got a pigeon and John a red squirrel. I t was after dark when we got home. After tea, I went into the street and changed some No. 5 shot (which I bought today at George Hull's) for No. 8. I found John Brayman in the street and went with him to Mr. Harris' Clothing Store to buy some underclothes. Mr. Harris trusted him upon my recommendation. 09/30 FRIDAY - Pleasant. I found Jake Morris in the street this morning and we went hunting together over to Mill Plain Swamp. I got three pigeons. We used Robert Dunning's old yellow dog. John Brayman came over to breakfast this morning on account of Aunt Louisa's folks being all away to Norwalk at the fair. He came to tea also. I went into the street in the evening to get something for breakfast and to engage Beatty to come for Gussie in the morning. 09/30 SATURDAY - Gussie started this morning for Canton. We took breakfast up to Father Griswold's. A burglar got into Joseph Ives' store last night and was shot at by the clerk who sleeps in the store. I went hunting today with John Cosier, Robert Dunning, and Henry Blair. George returned from Norwalk this evening having taken the first premium on the flour sifters at the County Fair at that place.
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