Horace Purdy Journal June 1865 Entry (Still Image)
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06/01 THURSDAY - Pleasant and very warm. National Fast appointed by President Johnson to be observed as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer. The factory has been closed on that account. The first thing I did this morning was to mow the grass in front of the house in the street. After breakfast I went down to Stebbins's Lumberyard and bought a piece of studding for Father Griswold 16 feet long to make a flag staff on his house, the old one being too short. I spiced on the new piece after which the flag was run up at half-mast in observance of the national fast. Just before dinner Mr. Cocking came home and helped me clean up the front walk and straighten the edges after which we both took a walk up to James Scaitlin's to look at his strawberry beds. I called to for our folks at the same time. They were cleaning house. I brought home the scythe which I lent him last night. The religious services were held in our church at 11 o'clock. Sermon by Mr. Dunham a Congregational preacher. I did not attend. We sent for Dr. Bulkeley about noon and he came to see Georgie. He had a swelling near the left ear which we feel some concern about. Wrote to Carleton & Porter requesting the S.S. Advocates be sent in one package instead of two. Gussie and Sarah Purdy went up to the cemetery and did not return until about 9 o'clock. 06/02 FRIDAY - Pleasant but not quite so warm as yesterday. On my way to the shop in the morning ordered 6 lbs. of Potash to be sent up to Mother Griswold's. She is going to make soft soap. I found Potash and she the grease and I am to have a share in the soap. I worked until 7 o'clock before stopping at night. 06/03 SATURDAY - Pleasant. Before breakfast, I hoed out my Trompe de Gard strawberry bed. I spent a part of the forenoon in finishing over my old Nutria hat making it into a Spring Brim, the latest style. I should have finished over Father Griswold's old block soft hat which I have in the shop to make over into the same style if the new block which has been ordered had come but it did not. It is to be on the 5 deep 7 size. Gussie bought a new dress and shoes this P.M. After tea, I worked in my garden spading between rows of potatoes until 8 o'clock and then went to the Post Office and market. While I was at work in the garden Cousin Mary Purdy and David Bradley's wife called to see Gussie. Before retiring, I drew some beer and Mr. Cocking and I drank some together. 06/04 SUNDAY - Pleasant and very warm. Gussie went to church in the morning while I stayed with Georgie. Mary Purdy came and stayed with baby and let us both go in the P.M. The first Sunday of David Bradley acting as Assistant Librarian, James Parmalee not being there. I was obliged to help distribute Library books in addition to performing the Secretary and Treasurer duties. After supper, we went up home and drew Georgie. Mr. Charles Starr was up there and sat in the yard with us and talked. Mr. Squires and wife were there also. I went to Baptist Prayer meeting in the evening with Mr. Cocking. Gussie stayed at home with Georgie. When we returned we drank a glass of ale together. The wife of Truman Trowbridge died at 8 o'clock on Saturday (last) evening. The bell tolled this noon. A heavy shower passed around us by the North at about 10 o'clock, but we got no rain from it. 06/05 MONDAY - Sunshine in the morning and very warm, but the wind passed around into the east and soon clouded over so that before noon there was a great change in the atmosphere. I finished over Father Griswold's old high crown black soft hat on a 6 deep Spring Brim style. I felt nearly sick in the A.M. and came home to dinner thinking I would not return to the factory but after dinner I felt so very much better that I went back and worked until night. When I came home and after tea, I helped William Carlson clean out his rain water hogshead and then he helped me clean out mine as both of them were nearly dry and there being a prospect of rain. Mr. ____, Father Griswold's German neighbor joining on the west, mowed his yard today and Father Griswold gave me a little of the grass to put around my strawberry hills which I did just before dark. Mrs. Stone washed for us today and brought her little girl with her. Mrs. McDonald and Elisha Serrine's wife called in the P.M. and in the evening Mr. Swift's wife and mother called. It rained a little this P.M. Truman Trowbridge's wife was buried this P.M. Captain Morris Krasynski of Co. A, 11th Regiment, C.V. arrives home this evening by train having left the service. He declares that he ready to continue in the army when they want him. 06/06 TUESDAY - There have been indications of a storm all day though the sun shone some in the PM. David Scribner's wife who is crazy came into the shop at noon and said she was going to have a donation party this evening down at the County House after which there would be a dance. She went on with her crazy slang until our Foreman V. W. Benedict ordered out at the same time hurrying her by putting his hand on her shoulder and pushing her. After tea, I forked over the ground between my potatoes in the garden and then went to market. There is a meeting this evening at Concert Hall to make some arrangements for a 4th of July celebration. As I came home, the Brass Band was playing on the steps of the hall to draw the people together. Cousin Frank Bouton received a letter today from John mailed at Jacksonville, Florida stating that the regiment was on the way to Tallahassee to do garrison duty. Mother is not so well today. Bell came down this evening with a bottle to get some ale for her. I being away to market, Gussie could not draw it so she returned home and left the bottle. Before retiring, I put some insoles in my new patent leather boots. 06/07 WEDNESDAY - Cloudy but no rain. Edward P. Stevens, an old shop mate had a watch stolen from his home just before noon. I bought home Father Griswold's hat which I have been finishing off for him. I have intended to go to class this evening, but I am very tired so I stayed with the baby to let Gussie go to the milliner's to get a cap trimmed for Georgie. The thief who stole Edward Stevens' watch was caught by Charles Crosby over to Stony Hill. He denied having stolen the watch but upon being taken to the jail confessed it and told where he would find it. Abel Wheeler's father from New Fairfield is at Father Griswold's on a visit and is staying all night. A new railing in the Post Office to prevent crowding. 06/08 THURSDAY - pleasant and very warm. Have not felt very well today. The watch that was stolen from Edward P. Stevens yesterday was found by Charles H. Crosby where the thief told him it was under a stone near where he arrested him. After tea, I went up on the top of Father Griswold's house and with a pole placed the halyards on the pulley of the flagstaff which was off when the staff was erected. I also spliced the halyards to make them reach the window of the observatory. I stayed with the bay in the evening to let Gussie go to the milliner's for Georgie's cap. In the meantime Aunt Louisa and Cousin Frank called. 06/09 FRIDAY - Very warm. I was changed from Drab Hats to Black just before dinner. It was so very warm after dinner that I stopped work between 3 and 4 o'clock and came home. A hard shower came up just as I left the shop and I got wet before I reached home. I went to market in the evening and brought home a blue fish and fixtures for a lamp. It is what is termed the 'Tom Thumb' arrangement. While fixing the flagstaff on Father Griswold's house last night, I left my pocketknife on top of the cupola. I went up for it tonight. We had a fine mess of strawberries for tea tonight. Mary Cable brought the baby's cap up which Gussie went for last night and found it not trimmed. 66 S.S. Advocates came today. 06/10 SATURDAY - I went to the shop in the morning and worked about 2 hours and I then quit as I did not feel able to work. I have a cold and have worked very hard for about a month which I suppose is the reason for my indisposition. After dinner I lay down and slept for about 2 hours and then I went downtown with Gussie. I bought a Weekly Tribune for Mrs. Hancock to send to her husband in the army, and then went with Gussie to Benedict's Shoe Store to exchange a pair of baby shoes for one size larger. I then went to the Danbury Bank and found it closed. I intended to take a hundred dollar U.S. 7 # 30 Loan but was too late as banking hours were past. I intended to take money from the Savings Bank to invest in the U.S. Loan as named. I then went to Joseph Ives and talked with Edmund Allen about a new tin roof on the wing of my house. I came home and worked off the S.S. Advocates and carried them down to the church before tea. A heavy thunder shower came up just after dinner and it was showery the remainder of the P.M. and evening. Mr. Cocking came with team to meet Mrs. Lynes at the depot. I rode down with him. Mrs. Cocking bought some beer in the evening for Robert and he brought down a glass for me before we retired. Mrs. Hancock was taken unexpectedly sick yesterday and today she has had the Doctor and is not able to sit up. She is a new wife and we suspect she has a miscarriage. Thomas Sproul brought another 1/4 ton of coal today for $2.75. I mean to pay him next Monday. Before retiring, I wrote again to Carlton & Porter about the S.S. Advocates to send them in one package. 06/11 SUNDAY - A little cooler after the rain but pleasant. Gussie went to church in the morning while I stayed with Georgie. I went to Sunday School and in the P.M., Sunday School Prayer meeting at noon at which a collection for the Lincoln Monument was taken - $10.62. Sacrament in the P.M. We had lobster for supper after which we drew the baby and went up home to see Mother. John Cosier called to see her while we were there. We sang and he prayed before we left. He walked down with us when we came home. I went to the 2nd Congregational Church in West Street in the evening to hear Brother Hill preach his sermon on Methodism. Wrote to Carlton & Porter to send our S.S. Advocates in one package. This is the second time I have written about it. 06/12 MONDAY - I worked in the forenoon and finished off a dozen hats I had out. I went back to the shop after dinner but did not work. I stayed until they paid off and then went up to Joseph Ives to see about a getting a tin roof for the wing of my house. I came home by way of E. Whaley to see his strawberries and to see him about sending S. Barnum to New York for fire crackers for the 4th of July. They will cost us more than we expected and I am in favor of not sending. I went over to David Bradley's to see about his doing the carpentry work to my roof. He was not home so I left word to have him call and see after which he did. He will not be able to do the work before Friday. While he was here Ed Whaley came along and I drew some ale for them. I went to teacher's Meeting in the evening and was made Secretary and Treasurer of the Sunday School. I had a severe headache in the evening and I retired as soon as I came from the Teacher's meeting. It is now Tuesday morning that I am writing this. I was not able to do it last night. 06/13 TUESDAY - Not feeling very well, I rose late. After breakfast I cut a little grass in my yard and put around my strawberry plants to keep the berries clean. Went down to the Post Office and to the Savings Bank to draw out $100 with which to take a $100 7-30 U.S. Loan but concluded not to do so as I would thereby lose the interest in the Savings bank from April until the present time and besides the Savings bank pays 6 % instead of 5% as I supposed and furthermore I shall probably pay the $100 on my place next April and unless Mr. Mallett was willing to take the 7-30 Loan, I would be obliged to sell it before I could pay him. So I came home without making the changes. After dinner I took a nap on the bed with Georgie and slept until nearly 3 o'clock. I then picked what strawberries there were ripe and rode downtown with Mr. Cocking and bought a gallon of molasses and 1 # lbs. of sugar at B&N and sent it up home. I then went over to the church and looked over the Sunday School classes on the Librarian's books and arranged them on the Secretary's book which I now have the charge of. David Lanigan was married at the Baptist Church in the P.M just before the cars went out and took the train for a wedding tour. He married Miss ___ Comstock from the Boggs District. While downtown this morning, I saw Charles Fowler and paid him $1.75 due him up to date for butter. After tea, I went over to Seth Downs and Dr. Bulkeley to see their strawberries. I came home by way of the Post Office and got a letter from George written at St. Augustine, Florida June 3rd and Jacksonville June 7th. They were waiting transportation to come home. 06/14 Wednesday - Pleasant but a little cooler. Gussie went up to Mrs. McNeil's to get some dressmaking done and I carried my dinner at the shop. I worked all day though I have not been in a condition to do so. I feel nearly sick with my cold and also I have a sore mouth. On my way home from work, I overtook Father and he came around home to get a glass of beer. It has been reported today that David Mansfield has been found dead in a lumberyard in Norwalk. I went to market in the evening but was too tire to stay down to class. The 2nd Congregational Church is holding a strawberry festival this evening in Concert Hall. 06/15 THURSDAY - Cloudy and cool but no rain. The body of David Mansfield came last evening on the train. I have felt better today than for many days past. I worked all day in the shop. I went in the evening to Joseph Ives to see about having my tin roof put on tomorrow. They are to put it on if the day is pleasant. Gussie went into the street with me in the evening. She went home after doing some shopping and I waited for the mail. I received a letter from Carleton Porter explaining about the extra packages of the S.S. Advocates sent to us. I answered it in Parmalee & Bradley's store and mailed it ordering 8 extra copies before I went home. 06/16 FRIDAY - Some appearance of rain in the morning, but at times during the day, the sun shone. I stayed home and with David Bradley ripped off the old shingle roof on the wing and put on new roof boards for a tin roof. After dinner, Mr. James Turner and Mr. William Allen came with the Irishman Mike and succeeded in putting on the tin roof by working until 7 o'clock. David came over after tea and helped me put on the strips of siding which we took off that the Turner's might work. We then went downtown together. I reported to Joseph Ives about the new roof, but they were just closing the store and desired me to call at some other time. I got a $10 bill changed to pat David what I owed him. 06/17 SATURDAY - Pleasant and very warm. I went to the shop in the morning, but feeling rather sore and stiff from yesterday's work, I concluded not to work. I went up to Joseph Ives' store and paid $20 on the bill of ___ for my tin roof. I took a nap after dinner and the Gussie and I took the baby up to the cemetery. While coming home in the morning, I met Louise Jones; she had just been to the house to see Gussie. In the evening, I went downtown and bought a thin vest and coat. Went to the barber's and got my hair cut and then came home. 06/18 SUNDAY - Very warm in the forenoon. A shower came up about noon and rained a little cooling the air very much. The sun was hid from view nearly all the remainder of the day. I stayed with Gussie in the forenoon to let Gussie go to church. She came home after the morning sermon to let me go to Sunday School and in the P.M. Dr. Holdrich preached in the A.M. He is Secretary of the Bible Society. F. W. Jackson preached in the P.M. from the last clause of the tenth verse of the 12th chapter of 2nd Corinthians. We continued the subscriptions in Sunday School for the Lincoln Monument Fund. After tea, I did my writing for the Sunday School and then we put Georgie in his carriage and went over to Aunt Louisa's. I also carried David Bradley's pipe to him which he left here last Friday while at work. I went to hear Dr. Holdrich on the Bible Cause at our church. Rev. Mr. Shepard preached at the West Street 2nd Congregational Church in the evening on Universalism. I walked from the church in the evening with Widow William Bradley as far as the corner of New Street. John Cosier's class met at 5 o'clock up home with Mother. 06/19 MONDAY - Cloudy all day; misty at times but no rain. I worked all day in the shop. When I came to dinner, I ran up Father Griswold's flag as I promised him I would as he wanted to make a little sport with Aunt Ruth and Anna Eliza when he should come with them on the freight train. They came with him as expected. When I came home, I found the flag caught on the point of the lightning rod. I went to the top of the house as soon as I could and took it down. While doing so, Anna Eliza came up to see me. She had changed so much that I should not have known her if I had seen her anywhere else. When I came down, I went into the sitting room where they had just finished tea to see Aunt Ruth. I stayed there to tea. Anna came down with Gussie and stayed while I went to market. While down to the Post Office, I saw Henry Hoyt who is to be gatekeeper at the Fair tomorrow and the next day and he wanted some of our Sunday School Festival tickets for the Committee at the Fair to use while running out and in. We went over to the church together and I went to the Library and got them for him; he took 35 of them. I took from the Post Office some King of Swedes Turnip Seed sent by Congressman J. H. Hubbard or at least the envelope had his frank upon it. 06/20 TUESDAY - Cloudy but no rain. The wind went around from East to Southwest and our threatened storm will I think prove a dry one. Before breakfast I stuck down some of the vining plants to my Russell Strawberries. I am trying to force a few plants to put out early. The Ladies' Sewing Society Fair of our church commenced today in Concert Hall. Bell came down in the P.M. to take care of Georgie so that Gussie could attend the Fair with Aunt Ruth and Cousin Anna Eliza Mills. I worked hard all day and until after 6 o'clock at night. In the evening, Gussie went to the Fair again with Anna and Eliza Vintz. I walked down with them; as they went into the Hall, I went to the Post Office and to market. I then came home without going into the Hall. When I came home, I took care of Georgie and let Bell go home. There was a Hatters' Meeting which I did not attend to take into consideration an invitation from the Town Committee to participate in a body by joining the procession on the 4th of July. I was notified before leaving the street that I was Chairman of an Auditing Committee, consisting of C. H. Hoyt, Nathaniel Cable and myself to audit the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer of the Association. 06/21 WEDNESDAY - Foggy, misty and some rain in the morning, but before noon the sun came out warm and pleasant. I was very tired when I stopped work. Gussie and Anna Mills went to the Fair again in the evening. I went to the Post Office and found a letter from the Post Office in Washington, D.C. It was one that Gussie wrote to Emmaline Francis in Leavenworth, Kansas and it never reached its destination and it came back to her by way of Washington. I went into the Fair to carry the letter to her and while there, I bought three dishes of ice cream for Gussie, her cousin Anna and myself. I then came home to relieve Cousin Mary Purdy who was taking care of baby for us. I gave her 25 cents and sent her to the Fair. 06/22 THURSDAY - Pleasant and warm. Being tired out from hard work, I stayed out of the shop. I called at Sheather & Lacy's shop and went from there down to where I work at the Pahquioque Shop, It being then about noon, I walked up with Edwin Whaley. After dinner I took a nap and woke up and found a hard shower coming up. The thunder was heavy, also considerable wind. It rained hard and cleared off between 5 and 6 o'clock. Aunt Ruth, Cousin Anna Eliza, Mother Griswold and Harriet Wheeler spent the afternoon with us. Father Griswold came down and took tea with us while Harriet went home with Josie. After tea, we all took a walk around the corner by Mr. Pond's place and upon the lime rocks. I went to market and to the Post Office in the evening. While down there I found that there was a meeting of the Union League called to vote the use of the cannon to the citizens' celebration on the coming 4th of July. I attended before going home. 06/23 FRIDAY - The day has been pleasant. Last night's shower having cooled the air so that it has been a comfortable day to work. I carried my dinner today in order that Gussie might have more time to visit with her Aunt Ruth and Cousin Anna Eliza. Father Griswold got Beatty's double team and took his company out to ride this evening. When I came home to tea, I found a letter from George which Gussie had taken from the Office. He sent his last bounty check and over $6 in Confederate money for preservation as a relic. After tea, I worked until about dark starting the new plants in my Russell Strawberry bed. Gussie and Anna Eliza went downtown in the evening, while I stayed with Georgie. 06/24 SATURDAY - A beautiful day. I came home to dinner after which I went with Gussie and Cousin Anna Eliza to Mr. Crofut's Forming Shop in West Street and then down where I work at the Pahquioque Shop to show them the way hats are manufactured. From there we went up into Main Street and found Fanny, Harriet and Aunt Ruth. Aunt Ruth went to Dr. Ryder's and had a tooth extracted and then they did some shopping. In the meantime I talked with O. H. Swift about the paper business for George when he should arrive home. After tea (Bell came in and stayed to tea), we all went downtown to show Eliza where General Wooster died. We went by the way of Deer Hill and I called at Father's a few minutes. The Sunday School Advocates came today and before tea I marked them off and carried them downtown with us and came up Main Street when we came home and left them at the church. Mr. Cocking came down stairs and drank a glass of beer with me in the evening. 06/25 SUNDAY - Pleasant and very warm. Gussie went to church in the morning; I stayed with Georgie. She came home at noon. I went down to Sunday School and to preaching in the P.M. Asa Hill preached for us today. I had the headache in the afternoon. We had our first mess of peas for supper, from our dwarf vines. Mr. Mackey, a son-in-law of Joseph Foot, the hatter formerly of this town, who has been lately converted was in our Sunday School and made the opening prayer. He also made some remarks to the school before it closed. I felt so poorly after tea that I lay down until nearly evening meeting time. I did not go to prayer meeting; neither did Gussie, but we spent a part of the evening up home with Aunt Ruth. I felt better before retiring. 06/26 MONDAY - It rained in showers all day and very hard in the afternoon. I carried my dinner to the shop. We were paid off in the P.M. On my way home from work at night I took from the Office a letter from Cyrus Benjamin, giving the intelligence of the death of his youngest brother Joel. He died of consumption. The letter was written yesterday. The funeral will be attended tomorrow. The letter was written to Father, but I opened it to see who was dead. After tea, I went up home and carried the letter. I gave Father $1.00 with which to attend the funeral as I could not go myself. From there I went into the street to pay the balance of my bill for tin roof to Joseph W. Ives for $8.41. I then went to the depot to see Mr. Beatty about coming for Aunt Ruth and Cousin Anna Eliza as they want to start for Canton tomorrow morning. I did some marketing and then came home while it was raining in torrents. Before we retired, it was starlight. While in the street, I called on O. H. Swift to see if he had done anything more about the newspaper business from George. He told me that he had about settled the matter and thought he would be able to let George have the business when he came home. Fred Brinker's wife was buried this morning. 06/27 TUESDAY - Pleasant and cool after the rain. Father took the train for Ridgefield this morning to attend Cousin Joel Benjamin's funeral and Aunt Ruth Griswold and Anna Eliza Mills took the train also for Canton. I worked as usual in the shop. After tea, I helped Mr. Pond grind his scythe and sickle. I ground our scythe also. I went to the Post Office in the evening but got nothing. Father returned from Ridgefield by the evening train. 06/28 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and cool for June. I worked as usual in the shop. Joe Kyle, Ed Whaley and William Norman were off from the shop this morning. After tea, I hoed some corn in the garden and propped up tomato vines. I then went down to the Post Office and to see Dr. Bulkeley about Georgie who is sick from continued constipation. He was not at his office, so I walked around to his residence in Spring Street. He prescribed for him. I came by way of Oscar Serrine's to borrow his syringe, but it was broken so I went to Dr. Baldwin's Drug Store and bought one of Loewe's pattern for $1.50. I came home and gave the baby an injection and the medicine Dr. Bulkeley prescribed. 06/29 THURSDAY - Prospects of a storm in the morning and did rain a little about 6 o'clock, but it finally came off pleasant and warmer than yesterday. There has been considerable wind; otherwise it would have been very warm. The baby is better today. On my way to the shop this morning, I called at Joseph W. Ives to see about the gutter in my new tin roof. He (Mr. Allen) promised to call in a day or two and look at it. Mr. Cocking brought me some cabbage and cauliflower plants this morning; I set the out after supper. I gave what cauliflower plants I had left to Mr. Pond. I set out some cabbage for Father Griswold. Gussie went to the market in the evening while I worked in the garden. 06/30 FRIDAY - Very warm; I worked as usual in the shop. Uncle Joe Rotier, who lives just below Father's at the lower end of Deer Hill Avenue fell dead I Ed Tweedy's shop while drinking some ice water. It is supposed that he was overheated and the ice water caused his death. There is quite a stir in the community about the affair of Orange Beebe and John Rowan's widow. It seems that On Monday evening, June 19th, Beebe committed or attempted to commit a rape upon her. They were riding together. She resisted ad in consequence received such personal injuries that it is feared she will not recover. Beebe is under ____ bonds. When I came from work, I found Georgie sick. After tea, I went to see Dr. Bulkely and he pronounced it mumps and prescribed accordingly. I went to Raymond's and ordered a lobster for Mother Griswold and peck of clams for myself tomorrow. A thunder shower came up in the evening about 9 o'clock
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