Horace Purdy Journal April 1865 Entry (Still Image)
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04/01 SATURDAY - Pleasant in the morning, but cloudy again in the evening. We had but one dozen to finish at the shop; I got through before dinner. I brought home a little paint for the edge of some picture frames and painted them after which I went to caucus at 3 P.M. in the basement of Concert Hall. David P. Nichols and Mr. H. Tweedy were nominated for our two representatives. L. C. Hoyt was chairman of the meeting. Edwin Harris and John Tweedy were appointed Tellers. I expected Aaron Mallett of Redding here to get his interest money, but for some reason he did not come. After I returned from Caucus, I helped Father Griswold trim some trees in his yard and move a bird house from under the cornice of his house to the sweet apple tree near the barn. When I came from Caucus however, I went to B. Cable's and got a large sized clothes dryer to use in place of the one we have been using which was a small size. The small one I am going to store until Mr. Wing or his agent calls for it. In the evening, I went to Dr. Buckley's and got a change of medicine as Georgie has some indications of croup. I went to market (after talking with Dr. and his son about politics, the war, etc.) and bought some oysters for our breakfast. By the evening Post, gold is 151. Gussie went to the dressmakers (Mrs. McNeil) in the P.M. Louise took care of the baby. Bell called this P.M.; Mother is no worse. Our new neighbor, Mr. Pond moved in today. 04/02 SUNDAY - Pleasant. Father Griswold preached for us today. I attended in the morning. His text was 1st Corinthians 3:21.22.23rd. George Cosier went up for Mother in the morning and brought her to church. After class meeting, he carried her to our house where she stayed in the P.M and to tea. I came home to let Gussie go in the afternoon. At evening meeting time, I went to the church and borrowed Mr. Levi W. Bartram's team to take Mother home with. Mr. S.W. Platt, the Newtown Methodist preacher gave a scientific temperance lecture at our church. He illustrated it by charts. The other churches were closed and all attended the lecture. A collection was taken up to help pay for the Newtown parsonage as this is the object for which he now lectures. I mailed the Harper's weekly to George as I went to the church. At the close of the lecture, the telegraphic news just received from General Grant was read to the audience. After three days hard fighting, our troops have been completely successful. Sheridan is sweeping everything before him capturing large numbers of prisoners. Grant has ordered an advance of his whole line and has captured the enemy's whole line of defenses. As the news was read the audience could with difficulty restrain their joy. President Lincoln is at City Point and directed the above dispatches to be sent. Julia Pine died this morning. She has been nearly or about a year been sick with consumption. 04/03 MONDAY - Election day ' Republican majority ' 208. The papers today confirmed the reports received by telegraph last evening. About noon we received by telegraph the intelligence that that Richmond and Petersburg had fallen with 40,000 prisoners. About 4 P.M. the cannon was fired 36 times in honor of the event. At the firing on Ira's Hill, I saw Andrew Knox for the first time to speak with him since his return from the army. He was 1st Lieutenant in the 1st regiment Heavy Artillery, C.V. His time of service had expired. He left his regiment near Petersburg. I have had no work in the shop. I worked around the house a great part of the day. Mr. Mallett of Redding came about noon for his latest interest on $1,100. I paid him $59.40 having paid his tax for him on the amount last summer, which was $6.60 the same being deducted from the 66 dollars. Later 10 o'clock at night I have just returned from Concert Hall where we have had a gathering to rejoice over victory in the field and to receive returns from the election. We have heard from nearly all the state and we have increased Union majorities and falling off of Copperhead majorities in strong Copperhead towns. The indications are that Buckingham is elected by a larger majority than ever before. By the evening post, gold is 145. During the day, it varied from 141 to 149 closing as above named. 04/04 Tuesday - I had work all day in the shop. On my way to work in the morning I took Gussie's shoes to C.H. Reed's to be mended. Buckingham is elected by about a 12,000 majority. The war news is good. The evening paper quotes gold at 146. 13,000 rebel prisoners have arrived at City Point. General Lee with what is left of his army is skedaddling and strewing the roads with the implements of war. Grant is in hot pursuit. Our prisoners are released. Libby is empty. Hatters' meeting in the evening. I got excused and left before it was over. Julia Pine was buried at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Gussie attended. We made up a purse at the shop for William Pine of about $4.20 with which to pay funeral expenses for his wife. 04/05 WEDNESDAY - Hager's barn was burned about 3 o'clock this morning with a wagon and sleigh and hay cutter belonging to Dr. Brewer and some books belonging to Mr. Robertson. We were limited in our work in the shop today. I came home about 3 o'clock and washed down my fruit trees with a solution of Salsoda. A fight today between two Dutch merchant tailors named Zarkowski and Harris. Two of their men took up the cause of their employers and had a clinch in Parmalee & Bradley's store. They were immediately parted by Bradley and Charles Hadden taking each of them one and taking them away. Thomas Stone was yesterday arrested by A.B. Hull (the freight agent at the depot) for adultery. His case was examined today and his trial put over to the next court and he was bound over under $500 bonds. John Bussing cut my hair at the shop after I finished my work. While we were at tea, Bell came in and said that Mother wished to see me up there as soon as I could come after tea as her business was important. I accordingly went up. It was about a gravestone for John and having his, Abagail's and William's remains moved from Mill Plain here to the cemetery. We concluded to let the matter rest for the present until a more convenient time. By the evening post, gold is quoted at 152. There is a rumor that Jeff Davis has been captured and that Abraham Lincoln has been taken by rebels at Richmond, but these need yet to be authenticated. I mailed the Jeffersonian to George in the evening. On account of going up home, I did not get to class. 04/06 THURSDAY - Rain a little at times, sunshine and wind. No work in the shop. I bought a little more Salsoda and finished washing my trees. Set out some horse radish roots under the drain. I filled out where plant had died in my Trompe de Grand strawberry bed. Raked leaves off the door yard. Sawed my 4 foot wood in the woodhouse once in two and piled it away in a smaller compass to make room for Mr. Cocking's wood. Gussie received a letter from Cousin Eliza in California. I sorted over the apples in the cellar. I went to market in the evening and walked up West Street as I came home with Rev. Mr. Shepard (Universalist clergyman). Good news in the evening post. Grant has cut off Lee's retreat. Gold at 150. 04/07 FRIDAY - No sunshine during the day, a little rain. There were enough rays from the setting sun to produce a rainbow. The grass has taken a fresh start today. It looks fresh and green. I have been at work on Full Stiff Drab Brush hates today. The papers tell us today the Sheridan has occupied the R. Road junction at Burkesville ahead of General Lee and Grant being close in Lee's rear there is all about a certainty of the destruction of the rebel army under Lee. Gussie went to the Sewing Society at Mrs. Alberta Hoyt's in the evening. Before retiring, I commenced a letter to George. News by the Evening Post that Sheridan has handsomely whipped Lee again near Burkesville and captured six rebel generals, a large number of prisoners, cannon, etc. Gold 147 by the Post. 04/08 SATURDAY - pleasant and a little cooler. About a half days work for the men, but I being on Brush hats had all that I could do. The news by the Evening Post last night was fully confirmed by the morning papers. Gussie made mince pies today. After tea, Louise came down and stayed with the baby and let Gussie go with me to market as she wanted to do some shopping. I bought meat, oyster crackers and two collars for myself. Nothing new by the evening papers. Gold quoted at about 149. After we came home, Fanny came in to make some arrangements about presenting books to the Sunday School Superintendents tomorrow. Brother Pegg and wife came to George Starr's this P.M. by freight train. He is to preach for us tomorrow. 04/09 SUNDAY - pleasant but cool; a heavy frost last night. Fanny and I went to church early and took the books for presentation to the Sunday School Superintendents from the parsonage into the Sunday School room. At noon, they were presented by Brother Pegg. 'The History of Methodism' in two volumes was presented to Brother William White and George Starr, Supt. and Asst. Supt. 'Biographical Sketches of Methodist Ministers', imitation of Moroccan Gilt price $3.00 was presented to Sisters Holmes and Bartrams, female Supt. and Asst. Supt. It being Conference Sunday and Brother Hill being too sick to go to conference or to preach, Brother Pegg came and preached for us. Text in the morning, Hebrews 12th, first 3 words of the second verse, viz. Looking Unto Jesus. Sacrament in the P.M. After the morning service Mary Purdy came up and stayed with the baby to let Gussie go to the presentation at noon and the Sacrament in the P.M. I went over in the morning and engaged her to come. She stayed and went with Gussie in the evening to hear Brother Pegg preach. I stayed at home with Georgie. I finished a letter to George and sent it with a Harper's weekly and yesterday's tribune to the Post Office by Gussie as she went to meeting. A prayer meeting was appointed to Mother's at 2 o'clock. 04/10 MONDAY - A day of rejoicing, General Robert E. Lee yesterday surrendered to General Grant. This morning's papers brought us the news. Stores and factories were immediately closed and notwithstanding the rain, the streets were filled with people all carrying happy faces. The bells were rung and cannon fired; the Brass Band and Drum Corps was out. In the evening, Concert Hall was illuminated and a large enthusiastic crowd assembled. Music by the Glee Club and Drum Corps. and Brass Band. Speeches were made, etc. I bought some sperm candles and illuminated father Griswold's cupola. The girls helped and also illuminated the whole house. We lighted up the lower part of our house also. I went up home and got Bell to come down and stay with baby to let Gussie go with me to Concert Hall. The evening mail brought us a letter from George. Bell stayed all night. Teachers' meeting in the evening. Mary Purdy came over before tea, and I cut her hair for her. 04/11 TUESDAY - Cloudy in the morning, a little sunshine in the middle of the day, cloudy again in the evening with a chilling atmosphere. On my way to the shop this morning, I called and paid Fred Bradley $1.00 for the sperm candles I bought there yesterday to illuminate Father Griswold's cupola. I also went to the Jeffersonian office and gave Ashley the item of Lieutenant Colonel Wilcoxsen's death for publication. I worked late on some brush hats in the shop. It was about 7 o'clock when I came home to tea. After tea, I went to market and bought some table salt. There was an adjourned Hatter's meeting, but I was too tired to attend and came home as soon as the mail was opened. Mrs. Stone washed for us today. At the Sunday School Teacher's Annual Meeting last evening, the same officers were elected except the male Supt. and Asst. which was only changed. George Starr was made Supt. and William S. White, the former Supt. made Asst. 04/12 WEDNESDAY - Cloudy most of the day. The sun shone a little after dinner though faintly. I am completely tire out finishing badly cleaned Brush hats. I burned one a little on the brim this P.M. and may have it to pay for. I stopped and would not take any more of them. I came home with the headache. An article in the Jeffersonian from George speaking of the death of Lieut. Col. Wilcoxsen of his regiment who died in Tallahassee, Florida in the rebels' hands, a prisoner of war. Inflammation set in his wounds and caused his death. After tea, I finished my letter to George and mailed with it in the evening a New York tribune of Monday and the Jeffersonian rolled up together. It is reported that William Seward, the Secretary of State in Washington is dead. He died from injuries received from being thrown out of a carriage. It is also reported that Lynchburg, Va. is taken by General Thomas. Gold by Evening Post is quoted at 145. Father Griswold returned from conference (which was held in the 17th Street Church in New York City) by the evening train. 04/13 THURSDAY - Pleasant. D.L. Chichester called the shop this forenoon to get an advance on some hats that were heavy, called B&W Hats. It is certainly harder and heavier work than we ordinarily have and we ought to have more for doing it. But as we had said nothing about it when trade was good, we thought it an unfavorable time now to ask an advance just as trade was over and a prospect of dull times coming on. It being late before I got to the shop this morning, I did but little during the day, only 1 dozen and then came home. Robert Lewis was off today, has gone to Lacey & Sheathars. I bought glass for two picture frames at O.H. Swift's. Gussie drew the baby over to Mrs. Lynes this P.M. to see Mrs. Cocking. She stayed to tea. Hattie Mills came to see us before she returned. She stayed until evening when Gussie went into the street with her. I understand that Theodore Flagler and Fred Wildman arrived home last evening, their term of service of one year having expired. 04/14 FRIDAY - A beautiful day. Fast day, no work in the shop on that account. I did some grafting for Father Griswold and myself. Before breakfast, I carried home the bottle of cut rubber and other ingredients called cement which a long time ago I borrowed of John Cosier to mend my rubber boots. I got Mr. McDonald's horse and carriage and carried Mother to church and home again. After dinner Father and Mother Griswold took the same team and rose over to Mill Plain to engage butter for the summer for themselves and us of Chris Fowler. They also spoke for Mrs. Cocking. Mr. Fowler agreed to furnish us ___ . At the same time that they went over there, Harriet, Gussie and myself went up to the cemetery to repair the flower beds and set out some plants. On my return I brought home a 3 # pound shad at 20 cents/lb. from Avery Raymond's, our first this season. It came from the North River. I finished grafting for myself before tea. In the evening, I intended to attend the Union League, but the room was not lighted, so I waited for the mail and came home. Gold 146. 04/15 SATURDAY - Pleasant in the morning; began to rain about 4 P.M. I finished grafting for Father Griswold in the morning, and while at it about 9 o'clock, a dispatch was received saying that president Lincoln was shot last night while at Ford's theatre in Washington. He died this morning about the same time the President was shot, an assassin, perhaps the same one, went to Secretary Seward's room where he lay sick in bed and cut his throat at the same time lunging his knife into his side. As he left, he stabbed ___. Upon the receipt of the news, all the bells commenced tolling. Flags are at half-mast and many houses are dressed in mourning. A general sorrow pervades the people and indignation is aroused anew against the rebels. A later dispatch this evening states that the murderer has been caught. I raked off my garden and burned the rubbish. I dug around my trees and destroyed worms. Mr. and Mrs. Lynes having come home for the season today, Robert and wife returned to their rooms and furniture. Her sister, Mrs. Courtney is visiting with them. She is to occupy our bedroom upstairs while she stays. Mrs. Lynes gave Mrs. Cocking a basket of eggs as she came away. When she got here with them she gave Gussie a dozen of them. Later, 10 o'clock in the evening I have been downtown. Received 2 letters from George, Gussie one and Harriet one. There was no evening papers come. There are rumors that Secretary Seward is not dead but that his son is and then right the reverse that the secretary is dead and not the son. Taking all the reports together we are yet in the dark as to the safety of Seward. While we were eating dinner this afternoon, Harriet Purdy called. Aunt Louisa called also a short time afterwards. 04/16 SUNDAY - Pleasant, a shower about 6 P.M. Mr. Stone, the Baptist preacher, preached for us in the morning. Gussie attended; I stayed with the baby. Father Griswold being home, he exchanged with Mr. Stone. Gussie came home at noon and I went to Sunday School and to preaching in the P.M. Brother Hill preached for the first in quite a time. He has been prostrate with inflammatory rheumatism. He looked like a ghost as he stood at the desk and preached. The church was draped in mourning at the death of President Lincoln. The galleries were hung in black. The pulpit was covered in a large American flag, draped in mourning. A solemn mournful feeling pervades the people. Father Purdy was at church and came to our house to tea. Mr. Cocking and myself bought a Sunday Times to get further news about the murder at Washington. The paper cost 20 cents. Henry E. Comes and Allison Smith went to Brewster Station for them. They sold like hotcakes even at that price. I completed my letter to George and Gussie mailed it as she went to meeting in the evening. A Harper's weekly and yesterday's Tribune also at the same time. I had dreadful sick headache and could not go out in the evening. There was a Union meeting at the 1st Church in the evening; I was too sick to go. I went to bed. Fanny came down and took care of Georgie. 04/17 Monday - Pleasant but a little cool. I am over my sick headache and have worked all day. I bought a New York Tribune to send to George and mailed it this evening. The papers today give an account of the taking of Mobile with a large number of cannon and 3,000 prisoners. Ezra Wildman was off from the shop today. Theodore Flagler called at the shop today. He has been in the Navy for one year. He came home one day last week. Harriet Mills called in the evening. The shop today was dressed in mourning by hanging black and white festooned together out the trimming room windows and the factory flag trimmed in black hung over the front entrance. Secretary Seward is better and his son Fred out of danger. The assassins not yet caught. 04/18 Tuesday - A little colored boy about 10 years old came to the door just as we were retiring about 11 o'clock and wanted to stay overnight. I refused and soon after heard him crying near Mr. Pond's east gate. I went to him and he said his feet were cold. My sympathies were aroused and after considerable questioning as to where he was from and how old he was, I took him in, gave him some supper and let him sleep in the lounge. His name is James Martin. He has no parents living. He is from Peekskill and is the same boy who about a year and a half ago stayed all night with us. I called him up this morning and set him at work sawing some wood for me to pay for his lodging, supper and breakfast which I thought he could do as well as me anyway. When breakfast was ready, I called him in to eat. After which I gave him as good a written recommendation as I could to help him get employment with some farmer. He promised to go into the farming districts and with his paper to get employment. I went to the factory and soon saw him with two other Negroes on the railroad tracks after having been kicked out of the boiler room by Hiram Haddam the engineer. I send Orlando Morris, the errand boy, after him. He brought him up into the finishing room where I talked to him and took away the papers which I gave him in the morning, not wishing the little vagabond as he proves to be to carry around a recommendation with my signature. It was cloudy in the morning, rainy in the middle of the day and cleared off before night. It is reported in the evening post that the man who attempted to murder Secretary Seward has been caught. An extra meeting of the Union League was held to make arrangements for the observance of tomorrow which is the burial of President Lincoln. All business is to be suspended and stores to be closed from 11 o'clock. What further was done at the meeting, I know not as I left before business was over on account of the lateness of the hour. They concluded, however, I believe to call a meeting of the citizens tomorrow forenoon and have it a citizen's affair rather than confine it to the League itself. I bought a shad for Mother Griswold and when Fanny came home she bought another, so I took one of them off their hands. 04/19 WEDNESDAY - The anniversary of the Wooster Guards tendering their services to Governor Buckingham under president Lincoln's call for 75,000 troops for 3 months in April, 1861. NO! It was 4 years ago yesterday and 4 years ago today that the Guards left home on the afternoon train for the rendezvous at New Haven. It is also the anniversary of the first blood shed in the revolutionary war at Lexington as well as the first of this war by the killing of a Mss. Soldier in Baltimore. President Lincoln was buried today or rather the funeral obsequies were held in Washington. All over the land services were held in churches and a sermon preached. Our churches as usual on all such public occasions united. The service was held in the First Congregational Church. Father Griswold preached the sermon or delivered the discourse as he had no text. At 11 o'clock, a meeting of citizens was held at Concert Hall to make arrangements about badges, a procession, etc. They voted to wear a badge of mourning during the day. (The Union League or its members are to wear one for 30 days.) and after the service in the church which commenced at 12 o'clock (the same hour as the services at the Presidential Mansion) a procession was decided upon which according to arrangements was formed at the church at the close of the service about 2 o'clock in the following order Band (Drum Corps), soldiers who had served in the war, ladies, next gentlemen and ladies and brought up with gentlemen. The procession was a long one. We marched down to the Courthouse and then up to Franklin Street and back again to the place of starting where we broke up in the churchyard with a benediction from Bishop Williams of the Episcopal Church. In the morning, I put coal ashes around my trees and decorated the front door and piazza with emblems of mourning. I mailed a Jeffersonian to George in the evening. Gussie put Georgie in his carriage and drew him down to Brother Hill's where she witnessed the procession. I went into the street in the evening, but there being no evening papers, we got no news. Bell came down at noon for some vinegar. Smith Terrell was this morning married to Margaret Dibble. Mr. Townsend officiated. They went off on the train. Saul Mallory was marshal of the procession at A. Lincoln's funeral, or rather at the demonstration made here at Danbury at the time of the funeral. The day has been lovely. In the evening in the post office I paid my taxes, $13.79 to Charles H. Crosby. 04/20 THURSDAY - A little sunshine during the forenoon, but after dinner, it clouded over and commenced raining about 5 o'clock. I have had no work in the shop today and have worked around the house. I trimmed the edges of my walks in the yard, made the flower bed by the piazza, set out a few Poor House Seedling Strawberry Plants which Mr. Cocking brought me to fill out my bed where a few had died out. Mr. Cocking took two dozen perpetual bearing raspberry plants from Father Griswold to set out over to Mr. Lynes. They are 50 cents per dozen. He is to let Father Griswold have tomatoes and eggplants in exchange. After dinner, I took a nap and then put out some myrtle in the tubs for that purpose in the yard. I went to the Post Office in the evening and got a letter from George from St. Augustine, Florida. I also received by ail the insurance policy for renewal from Aaron Mallett, West Redding. He holds the policy as additional security with a mortgage on my place for $1,100. Before retiring, I helped Gussie commence a shell frame for John's picture. It rained hard when we retired. 04/21 FRIDAY - Cloudy and misty but only a little rain. I have not felt well today and did not go to the shop. I went into the street in the forenoon and talked with O. H. Swift about buying out his business picture framing, stationary, books, etc. After dinner I lay on the lounge and took a nap. About 3 o'clock, I went downtown again and helped Mr. Swift carry a large picture of the deathbed of Daniel Webster (which he had been framing) up to Mr. R. White's. I then went to the shirt factory to see Edith Newman about making a general exchange for George of pictures. Letters, etc. for which purpose I came downtown. She and George had held an intimate correspondence since he has been in the army and now she has engaged herself to be married to one Samuel Main of Georgetown. George wishes me to make the exchange of letters, pictures, etc. She promised to come to our house next Monday evening and bring the letters, etc. to make the exchange. I stayed with baby in the evening and let Gussie go to the sewing society up to Mrs. Fanton's on Balmforth Avenue. While she was away, I commenced a letter to George. 04/22 SATURDAY - It rained hard last night. Cloudy but a very little rain before dinner. It cleared off about 10 o'clock. There is but a few men left in the shop, they having left and gone to Tweedy Brothers, Mallory's, and Sheather's & Lacey's to get more work and better prices. What men there are left have all the work they can do. At 4 P.M. a meeting was held in Concert Hall to nominate a man for Postmaster in the coming term. Dr. Brown was selected by a majority of over 50 above all others. Fanny stayed with Georgie in the evening to let Gussie got to the stores with me. Elias Fay's remains came in the evening train and were taken over to his father's. He died last Monday April 17that Chatfield Minnesota. News came today that Fred Vintz was dead and buried. He was wounded and taken to Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C. where he died with a fever. We sat up until 12 o'clock working on a shell picture frame. 04/23 SUNDAY - Pleasant this morning. Our new presiding Elder, Nathaniel Mead preached for us this morning. A love feast was held a t 9 o'clock this morning. We rose too late to attend. Gussie went to church in the forenoon while I stayed with the baby. She came home after the morning service and I went down to Sunday School. It took so long to put on anew the numbers which were off from some of the books that I did not go to church in the afternoon. When I got there at noon, I found Saul Main in the seat by the library with Edward Barnum. He is to be married to Edith Newman before long. Next month, I believe. After supper, I finished my letter to George. There were three sheets full. A Mr. Dorman who preached for the 1st Congregational Church 4 weeks ago and also again today preached this evening at their church and the 3 other congregations, viz. 2nd Congregational, Baptist and ours united and I went to hear him. It was a eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. His text was Revelations 18:8. It was a good thing. It was fitting the occasion of the nation's grief and he did justice to Lincoln. As I went to church, I mailed a letter and a Tribune to George. The Harper's weekly did not come yesterday as usual. I expect them tomorrow or the next day. 04/24 MONDAY - I was informed wrong about Elias Fay's remains coming home Saturday evening. It did not arrive, but is expected every day. The day has been pleasant but cool; a heavy mist last night. Mrs. Stone washed for us today. I had all I could do in the shop and worked until sundown. Georgie is cutting his teeth and is very worrisome. Gussie went in the evening to the Baptist Church to hear Mrs. Bingham, the southern refugee speak. While she was gone I sorted Edith's letters from other letters of George's in order to return them to her in exchange for his in her possession as he requested me. I somewhat expected her here this evening to make the exchange. She partially promised me that she would come. 04/25 TUESDAY - Pleasant. Elias Fay's remains came on the train last evening and were buried this afternoon at 2 o'clock. On my way home from work tonight, I borrowed a pair of trimming shears of Charles Hull to make a knuckle fender for my irons. I returned them in the evening. The Harper's Weeklies came today. I sent one to George and mailed it with a letter I finished after tea. Edith Newman sent the old letters she received from George with pictures, relics, etc. including a white handkerchief with blood stains on it from his wound received in the trenches before Fort Wagner on James Island. Her Mr. Saul brought them and took hers written to George in exchange. Mrs. Burr Bradley called on Gussie this afternoon. I bought some halibut for my breakfast for the first time this season. 04/26 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and warmer than yesterday. Nothing unusual in the day. When I came home from work at night, I found the house locked up and wife and baby gone with Mother Griswold's folks up to Mrs. Bartram's. I got my own supper and was about starting for class when Mrs. Bartram drove up with them all. Just at that time Sarah Purdy came along and took Georgie and came in to the house with him. Mrs. Bartram also came in. The consequence was that I did not go to class, though I rode down with Mrs. Bartram to get my Jeffersonian and to mail one to George which I did, putting it up and directing it in the Jeffersonian Office. 04/27 THURSDAY - Warmer than yesterday. It has been like midsummer. News by telegraph this noon that J. Wilkes Booth the murderer of President Lincoln was shot dead in a swamp in Maryland. They were doubtless obliged to shoot him in order to get him at all. He was shot through the head. The cherry blossoms are coming out fine. Some trees were blossomed out full yesterday. Others have blossomed today. When I left the shop I came by way of George Hull's and got some pieces of tin for upright partitions in our Sunday School library and went to the church and put a part of them in before I came home. After tea, I took the lantern, went up to Father Griswold's barn and made a pair of cleats for a drawer which I brought home from the Sunday School room which was not of any use there and intend to put it up under my bench at the shop. After I did this, I went up home to see if I could get Father to come and make my garden for me. He is too busy in the shop and cannot. Mrs. Cocking's sister, Mrs. Courtney went home to Fort Hamilton, Long Island this morning. In the evening, Father Griswold wanted to borrow $10.00 until next week. I let him have it and $4.90 of it to balance my account with him. He gave me back 10 cents leaving my due borrowed money $5.00. 04/28 Friday - Very warm again for the season. I put up my dinner at the breakfast table but finally concluded to stay at home and commence making my gardens as I wanted to dig up a certain spot and plant dwarf peas as well as make the flower borders which I preferred to do myself rather than hire it done as I could suit myself much better though I could have earned in the shop more than enough to pay a man for doing it. I accomplished the task I laid out to do though working in the sun gave me a severe headache which I was obliged to endure until the heat of the day was over. After tea, I carried a drawer down to the shop which I intend to put up under my bench and then came home by way of Avery Raymond's and bought a shad for 12 cents per lb. I bought a New York Daily Times with the account in it of the capture of J. Wilkes Booth and one of his accomplices named Herold. They were found secreted in a barn near Port Royal on the Rappahannock in Virginia. Herold gave himself up but Booth would not surrender. He said they would never take him alive. They set fire to the barn to drive him out. As he was coming out and in the act of shooting, one of the men shot him through the neck. He lived only two or three hours after being wounded. He murdered President Lincoln with a bullet and came to his end in the same manner. Gussie mailed the New York Times to George as she went to the Sewing Society in the evening up to Mrs. Fantonӳ on Balmforth Avenue. I stayed with Georgie while she was away and in meantime, David Bradleyӳ wife, Frank Bouton, and Mary Purdy called to see her. I heard a Bob oҠWhite this morning for the first time this season. I planted dwarf peas and some radishes. I commenced a letter to George while staying with Georgie in the evening. 04/29 SATURDAY - Showery through the day, though there was a little sunshine in the P.M. I put up my drawer under my bench at the shop at noon time. While we were drinking tea, it thundered hard. It rained hard in the evening. I went to the church and finished putting up the tin partitions between every ten books in the library. I worked at it until 4 oӣlock; when I came home the stars were shining. The wind has blown hard all day. 04/30 SUNDAY - Pleasant but colder. Gussie went to church this morning. I stayed with Georgie. She came home at noon and I went to Sabbath School and to the quarterly Sunday School Concert at the 1st Church. Sunday School books were taken in but none were given out. After tea, Father came and gave me the particulars of Uncle Stephenӳ death of the 2nd Connecticut Light Battery at the Battle of Mobile when the city was captured. He went safely through the battle and while helping to carry the wounded from the field stepped on a secreted torpedo which blew up taking clean from his body one leg and badly shattering the other. He lived about an hour. Fanny came down and stayed with Georgie and we went up to the cemetery leaving Father with her. I mailed a Harperӳ Weekly to George ֠wrote a little in a letter I had begun to George speaking of Uncle Stephen's death. We being tired when we returned from the cemetery neither went to church in the evening.
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