Camp 10th Conn.Vols.
Before Petersburg Va.Sept.llth 1864
My Dear Abbie are
For a wonder we left quietly in camp to day. some thing must be wrong
although Genl.Terry ordered the fatigue party back to camp last Sabbath.but
I did not think Col.Plaisted could leave us in camp.he would have had us to
work some where on our Brigade line,it is possible however he may have received
orders forbidding it to day.their was a detail made last night for to
day.but for some cause it was countermanded this morning.Although Sunday the
men have been very busy cleaning up. Washing their clothes,and fixing their is the only chance they have,and they have to improve it.if it is
Sabbath,to morrow they will without doubt be on fatigue all day and at night
go in the trenches.when I got in camp last night I found my tent fix up pretty well.
my Pioneer and Sam had been to work.I found a good bunk and a good
table.things quite convenient.
I felt a little inclined to leave my tent last night,and go down in
my Co. street under the breastwork.! thought the Bullets were flying over
rather uncomfortably thick.Some of them pretty close.I could hear them whistle
by.I remained in my tent,woke up this morning and found every thing safe.
during the unguarded watches of the night,I had been guarded by an eye that
never sleeps.and kept from all harm.
As yet I have heard nothing about any service to be held to day.I suppose
however the Chaplain will hold one service some time during the day.although
his and Camps time is very much occupied at this about getting Camp
Mustered as Major.that appears to engross his whole time for a few days past
all at once last week,he left us at the front and went into yet fie
they have not succeeded very well,hor do I think they will.if they do I don't
wish to remain longer in the Regiment if it were possible to get out.
the Chaplain was just around says he intends having service at 2 Oclock
he had invited the 24th Glee Club to lead the singing . as though we could not
lead our own singing.I think it would have looked better if he had invited
them to unite with us as it is our meeting.evry one to their notion however
as the old woman said when she kissed the cow .quere notion of hers however.
It ' has been very quiet thus far to day but few shots been fired along
the line.appears to be a genl.regard for the Sabbath I wish we might always
have it.I tremble when I think of the effect on the Thousands in our Army of
this disregard of the Sabbath on their after life,after the close of the War
and they have returned to their homes.I fear to a great extent we shall be
come a Nation of Sabbath breakers.God grant deliverance from this great Sin.
8 PM We recieved the mail a short time ago I recieved three
very short one from you,one from Cousin Louisa,and one from Lieut.Linsley.he
was at home in Northford is doing very well.expects to return to the Regiment
about the 25th.I shall hail his arrival with joy.the Chaplain had service
this afternoon.we had none to night.I have been down in my Co. street part
of the evening singing with some of the boys.I quite like my Co. have some
pretty good boys.I have written Adelia quite a long letter to day.I hope she
will answer.the next letter I have to answer is Marys I may commence it to
night,if not I will do it to morrow,unless I am on some detail.
God bless you and Bennie is my earnest prayer.
loving ever