Horace Purdy Journal, February 1870 Entry (Still Image)
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2/1 Tuesday. I talked in William A. Bedient's rooms on life insurance. As I started home, I saw Joseph T. Bates ath te crossing of Main St. by the post office. He wanted me to make out an application for a life insurance policy or him. Instead of going to dinner I immediately went with him to Dr. Bulkely's office and had him examined. I then filled out the application and received the first quartely premiun, $4.89, to cover risk from present time provided the application is accepted and gave him his receipt. After dinner I went to see Lewis A. Ward, the friend he referred to me. I mailed the application to the company by the afternoon mail. I called on Stephen L. Beers expecting to get from him the premium due on his policy but he can't pay until Thursday. In the evening I went into the street and saw Oscar Levine and gave him a written statement of what I knew about his farm in Iowa or what I had heard other say about it. He wished me to do this in order to use as evidence on behalf of the farm is he should have occasion to do so. Mr. Levine came home with me and stopped a few minutes in which I showed him something pertaining to life insurance. 2/2 In the morning I took a coffee and a tea pot to Charles Hull's to be soldered and then went down to the Pahquioque Hat Shop and talked with Victor W. Bedient and George Foot abou life insurance. I called in at William A. Bedient's Photgraphic Gallery. He told me he would have the application made out for him and his wife. I this evening I went over to his house on Steven Street and filled out an application blanks for he and his wife . I spoke this PM in Swift's stoe with Fed Benedict of Miry Brook about his taking out a policy. He made some inquiries into the matter and spoke about $5,000. I am to see him again. 2/3 Between 8 and 9 this morning Dr. William Bulkely and I went over to William A. Bedient's and examined his wife. We then came back to his office and there examined William Bulkely himself. It is a joint policy. After dinner I went up to Victor Morrell's to get his sister, Mrs. Miller to sign the friend certificate for Mrs. Bedient. I mailed the applications by the 4 o'clock mail. I then went down to Foster Bros. Carpenter Shop and talked insurance with Charles Bradley, Nathaniel Barnum, and others. Received a letter in the evening from Homeo. Ins. Co. saying the Joseph T. Bates application was rejected for anything except a 15 yr. endowment. That is all they would grant. 2/4 After breakfast I walked down to see Joseph T. Bates to tell him that his application for a life insurance policy was rejected. I did not find him at home. On my return I called at L. L. [Houtbell's] office and left word with him that I wanted to see Mr. Bates. After dinner I called at the Rail Road Paint shop and then went to the Pahquioque shop and spent the remainder of the day talking life insurance with Seth Downs and Mr. Belltare. Gussie went in the evening to H. B. Fanton's to the Church Sociable or the Sewing Society. Louise Vintz stayed with Georgie for me to go into the street. I spent a part of the evening with A. E. Fuller at Sherwood's Store talking with him about insuring his life. 2/5 In the AM I put at door spring in Swift & Cowan's store door to let them try it. While at Swift's I saw Joe Bates about his rejected application for a life policy. He preferred not to take the 15 yr. endowment and wanted a 10 yr. annual life if they would grant it. I think it exceedingly doubtful but I wrote by the afternoon mail to the Company about it. I received by evening mail a joint policy for William A. Bedient and wife. Amos Stebbins died today. 2/6 I stayed at home all day. Gussie went down to church at noon and in the PM and again in the evening. While at tea Father came down and stayed for an hour. After tea we went over to Robert Cocking's and made a call. I wrote to William H. Hayes, 415 Hudson St,, NY and Gussie mailed it as she went to evening meeting. 2/7 I put 2 door springs on the Billiard and Bar Room doors for Nathan Turrell. I broke one putting it on, there being a flaw in it. I left them on trial for a few days. If they suit him he will pay me for them. After dinner I took my spring bed model down to Beer's store to show Elijah Beers and Albert Miller. I then came home and wrote to Homeo. Ins. Co. for information concerning William A. Bedient's policy, the premiums being more than I expected. I mailed the letter in the PM and called in Randall & Bradley's store and talked life insurance a little. After tea I went into the street for the mail. 2/8 Commenced snowing early and continued all day. I went into the street in the forenoon and stayed until nearly noon at Randall & Bradley's store talking life insurance. I took a letter from the Post Office from David R. French from Dover Plains. He is there working life insurance and expects during this week to come my way and call on me. After dinner I wrote to Eva B. Filed and addressed Station G. I wrote in answer to one received about a week ago inquiring about some engravings she left with me to be framed when I was in NY. I went to the post office and mailed it and then wnet up to Burr Rolands and spent the remainder of the PM talking life insurance with Henry Perry, Jabez [Amiston], Alfred Heath. I went into the street again in the evening to the post office. I brought a letter for Charles Hayes from his brother William. 2/9 Heaviest snow we have had yet. I rose early and commenced digging paths at 5 ' o'clock and worked at it til the middle of the forenoon, then went down to the post office and received a letter from Homeo. Ins. stating that the premium on William Bedients policyno. 2099 was correct , $27.09. After dinner I wrote to T. E . Twitchell a friendly letter telling him how business was here, but not ordering anything. I called on George Starr before coming home to tea. After tea I went into the street and mailed the letter I wrote to Mr. Twitchell. I called at Beers store and then walked up West St. with Aug. [Kiessier]. 2/10 After breakfast I wrote to George in Brooklyn, Houston Street, 3 doors down from DeKalb Ave. I wrote speaking of the deaths of Abel Parsons' wife, Mrs. Stewart and Amos Stebbins. I also requested some money if he could let me have some. I went up to Harris L. Crofut's Carpenter Shop (in the rear of Bradley and Mansifield's Stables) to see George Barnum about life insurance. After dinner I took Gussie and Georgie up to William Bedient's Photograph Gallery to get Georgie's picture taken. After which I mailed my letter to George. Bedient this forenoon paid me the $27.09 premium on his joint policy. As Georgie and I were walking up West St., Robert Cocking and wife with some of Mr. Crofut's family were sleigh riding and Robert took Georgie up with them and gave him a fine sleigh ride about town and then drove home with him. In the evening I went to the post office and then home. Harriet Mills came back from Bethel today. 2/11 I spent a part of the forenoon in Charles Hull's tin shop talking life insurance with Peter Ambler. After dinner I called at Wooster House to see how the door springs worked which I had put on and then I went to [Frey Hoyt Ives] shop to talk insurance a little with Albert A. Stone. From there I called a few minutes on David Cosier by the Bridge and then went to William Bedient's Gallery and took 2 proofs of Georgie's picture to show Gussie how they looked. After tea I went again into the street. 2/12 I went into the street and returned the 2 proof pictures of Georgie to William Bedient to mount and finish up. I paid him for 4, $1.00, and brought home the 2 and am to wait until next week for the remaining 2. I saw Theo Lyon at Victor Morrell's blacksmith shop and talked with him until noon and then came home to dinner. After dinner I went again into the street and collected from J. C. Beers $32.80, the balance due me from Stephen L. Beers first premium of life ins. policy,. $40.17 was the premium but I traded $7.07 of it. I expected Mr. French would be here today from Dover Plains on his way home to Bridgeport but he did not come. I called on David Cosier this PM and I offered him $1 for every man he could send me that I would insure. In the evening I went to Frederick Starr's with Gussie to do some marketing. 2/13 Gussie and Hattie Mills went to 'love feast' this morning and Gussie came home after to finish her work. At noon she returned again to church and stayed in the PM. I did not go, but just before noon took Georgie up home to see my folks. We returned home about 2 o'clock. Mother and Bell are both sick but not dangerous. They have taken cold and are not able to go out, though not confined to their beds. 2/14 Monday. I went in the morning to Benedict Bros. Shoe Store and had my boot repaired. From there I went down to Foster Bros. Carpenter Shop and then to Pahquioque Hat Shop a few moments and then home to dinner. After dinner I went to Fred Starrs market and ordered half a hog sent to Father Griswolds. I then started to go up to Tweedy's factories but the rain drove me home. I bought 5 bushels of charcoal of a peddler. I wrote to D. S. Lessington, 88 South Halsted St., Chicago Ill. in answer to an advertisement in Harpers Weekly to send sample of goods free to any good energetic canvasser. I also wrote to D. R. French. Gussie and I went into the street together in the evening. I mailed my 2 letters, bought 50 cents worth of buckwheat flour and came home leaving her to do some other marketing. Henry Crofut's wife gave birth to a son about 2 o'clock Sunday morning when she went into a fit and has lain insensible since then. They have hope of her recovery. Before retiring I wrote a receipt for $40.17 for Stephen L. Beers, the first premium of his policy. 2/15 Henry Crofut's wife died last night. I went down to his factory this morning but found all the men about to go home and the shop to be closed. There was black crape on the factory and office door. I went from there up to Foster Bros. Carpenter Shop to give Harry Davis a role of Griswold's salve which he engaged a few days ago. From there I went over to the Rail Road Paint shop and talked with William H. Warren about life insurance. I called a moment at Charles Griffins Coal Office to solicit life insurance from him, but he already has a much life insurance as he wants to pay at present. I then came down to Parmalee & Sherman's store and talked ins. with Mr. Parmalee, In the meantime Spencer the druggist came in and of course the drug seller must oppose Homeopathy so I had quite a dispute as to the merits of Homeopathy and Alopathy. Benjamin White who was there took sides against me and I fought the whole crew of them. After dinner Father called, also Horace Cable. They staid nearly all PM. After they went away I went over to Abbotts [Ban] Box Shop and talked with Ed Targett on insurance. I then called n Turner Stevens and had some encouraging talk with him on the subject, and then called on E. P. Davis at his shop. I then came home, it being about 6 o'clock. Before tea, I emptied my port cask to the the salt for Father Griswold to use in packing his pork. In the evening I went to market and to the post office and got a valentine for Georgie from Elyria Ohio. 2/16 In the forenoon I went into the street, called and talked insurance with Russell Hoyt, from there called on Saul Hawley's hat shop and talked with John Beard about ins. until about noon then went to Dr. Bulkely's office and paid him $8 for Homeop. Ins. for the 4 examinations ' Beers, Bates, Bedient and wife. I then went to the post office and got a letter from T. E. Twitchell speaking of the spring bed business in general and hoping that I will work the bed again in the spring. In the PM I took some sausage meat to Fred Starr for E. E. Griswold to be ground . I talked insurance a little in Avery Raymond's store with Albert Blissard and Rusell Bevans. I then called a few moments on Bedients Photograph Gallery and then went to Mortimer Jennings Carriage Shop and talked with him and Mr. Barber who works there. I called again at Bedients and then walked up West St. with him as I came to tea. Before coming home I went up to F. Starrs and got the sausage meat I took there and brought it home to Mother Griswold. After tea I went to the post office and to the store for coffee. I called on Dr. Bulkely and got a partial list of Homeopathists from whom to solicit ins. Henry Crofut's wife was buried this PM at 1 o'clock. Gussie went to a surprise party in the evening at Henry Tobias'. 2/17 In the forenoon called at John Meeker's Hat Shop and talked life insurance a little. Received a letter from D. R. French in the morning, he having gone home from Dove Plains by way of New York instead of coming through Danbury. In the PM I went to the Danbury Bank and got a draft which I mailed to him with my report of my two first policies issued for the Homeopathic Mutual. I went to Wooster House and collected from Mr. Turrell $3.00 for door springs on put on the Billiard and Bar room doors on the 7th. Went to William A. Bedient's Photograph Rooms and got 4 more carte de visite of Georgie and came home and painted a little on my house until night. After tea I wrote to D. R. French and that I this PM mailed him a report and draft for $42.34. I went into the street in the eve and mailed the letter. Before going into the street, as Gussie was putting Georgie to bed she had to whip him severely for disobedience through the day and sauciness at the time. 2/18 Rained hard all day. In the forenoon went into the street and took the door springs off at Swift's Store, he not caring to buy them. In the PM I called at Henry Ryder's, the Assistant Assessor's Office, to see about furnishing him a spring bed. I bought a Valentine for 5 cents for Georgie to send to his cousin, Willie S. Griswold in Elyria, Ohio in return for one received. In the eve I went into the street and mailed it. I called at Gould S. Disbrow's feed store and had a talk with him on life insurance. He liked the appearance of the Homeopathic Company very well. 2/19 Only a little snow left in place. I spent nearly all the forenoon in Disbrow's Feed Store talking life insurance with Charles Wilcox. I received by the morning mail a letter for W. H. Hayes. When I came to dinner I found Joseph T. Bates at the house waiting for me. He decided he would take the 15 yr. endowment on the stock plan. He paid me $6.00 for the first quarter premium payment and wishes to pay quarterly. I wrote to the company saying he would accept the endowment. In the PM I spent some time talking with Dwight Rogers in his store. I received by the evening mail a letter from C. M. Linington, 88 South Halstead St., Chicago with a paper of needles enclosed as one of the article for which he is soliciting agents. Also received a letter from D.R. French acknowledging receipt of report and draft for amount due his company. 2/20 I did not go to church at all. Gussie went down to Sunday School at noon with Georgie and stayed until after the afternoon service. Just at night Theodore B. Bradley came over and stayed until evening meeting time when he and Charles E. Hayes went together. In the evening Gussie wrote to Cousin Eliza in California. 2/21 It grew very cold and blustery today, like March. In the forenoon I went to see Elijah Beers to get him to insure his life in the Homeopathic Mutual. He had pretty much decided to insure with Charles H. Crosby in the Connecticut Mutual of Hartford. In the PM I called to see Edmund Allen and Joseph Ives. I called a short time at the Pahquioque shop and then came home. In the evening I went into the street to hear Mr. Lord lecture on temperance at the Concert Hall. The weather being so cold and blustery few came, so the lecture was postponed for 2 weeks. While in the Hall, L. L. Hubbell handed me the receipt I gave to Joseph L. Bates on Feb. 1st for payment of the premium on the life insurance policy, which he had sent to me by Hubbell. 2/22 I talked life insurance up to Mallory's shop this forenoon. In the PM I went up to Tweedy's shop and introduced my insurance there also. After tea I went to the post office and then up to Rose Hill to see and talk life insurance with Little Ed Duning. I filled out and application for him but he does not want the policy quite yet. I arrived home around 10 o'clcock. 2/23 I spent part of the AM in the street. In the forenoon I painted on the North side of my house. Charles Hayes paid Gussie $17.00 for board at noon, leaving a balance of $27.00 yet to be collected from his employer, James Olmstead, on March 1st. This he has made payable to me and I am to call for it. In the evening I went to the post office and then to Burr Roland's Shoe Store where I sat until time to close and then came up with Mr. Haviland. I today paid $2.50 for a life insurance agent license until May 1st. 2/24 Called to see George Bell at A. Anderson's coal yard. I agreed to call tomorrow evening at his home to talk life insurance. I also called to see John White at his home on River St. but he was just getting his breakfast so I postponed business until some other time. I received the 15 yr. nonparticipating endowment for Joseph L. Bates from Charles G. Wightman, General Agent at Bristol Connecticut. After dinner I took the policy down to him. When I returned I called at George Starr's Shop and then ordered a ' cord of wood for Mother Griswold of John Wildman. I wrote and mailed a letter to Mr. Wightman acknowledging receipt of the policy and letter enclosed. In the evening I received a list of prominent policy holders in the Homeopathic Mutual Ins. Co. 2/25 Took order from Henry Ryder for a spring bed. Took George Bell and wife's application for a joint policy. Also Charles Wilcox on his life alone. 2/26 H. B. Fanton's shirt factory has burned last night, at 2 o'clock this morning. The alarm woke me about 2 ' o'clock. Charles E. Hayes and I went down and returned about 4 o'clock. I snowed just enough to whiten the ground. On account of having been up at the fire I suppose, I have had a sick headache all day. Have one a good day's work . Took an order for a spring bed from Elijah M. Beers and had 3 men examined for life insurance policies ' Charles E. Dunning, Charles H. Wilcox, and Charles E. Disbrow. In the evening I received by mail a package from Charles G. Wightman, Gen. Agent in Bristol, a package of blotters with my name on them but with a mistake in printing. Hartford is on them instead of Danbury and vicinity and Putnam County, NY. Charlie Hayes took the train to NY for spend a short time while work is dull. 2/27 Felt poorly this morning from headache yesterday and last night. Gussie and Hattie Mills went to church but I stayed home. In the evening Gussie and I went to church to hear Brother Burch preach a sermon on 'Women's Rights' 2/28 After breakfast I went up to Maple Ave. to get James M. Bailey to sign the friends certificate for Charles H. Wilcox application. Then went up to Mallory's Shop to see Ed Dunning's hair and eye color which was omitted on Dr. Bulkely's examination of him on Saturday evening. I stayed there until nearly noon. I then called on E. M. Jones at White's factory and talked life insurance with him a little and then came to dinner. I put in the Post Office for the PM mail the 3 applications. I then went down to the Pahquioque shop. Henry Reed called me into his room over Mr. Crofut's office to see about insuring James Fenning's life for our year or Seven for security. I called at Foster Bros. Shop and got 25 cents from Harry Davis for a roll of salve I sold to him a while ago. I then called at the Rail Road paint shop to talk with William Warren. He has pretty much concluded to take out a policy on his wife for $500. In the evening I mailed an order to Twitchell for spring beds for Griswold, Hawley, May, Beers and Ryder.
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