Horace Purdy Journal, May 1863 Entry (Still Image)
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5/1 FRIDAY - Pleasant and warm. I have had a slight headache all day. I borrowed $15.00 of George Fenner until next Monday and paid Mr. Harris for my overdraft $14.00 in the evening. I went to the market in the evening and to the Post Office and got a letter from Harriet. 5/2 SATURDAY - destroyed worms' nest . On my way to the shop after dinner, I stopped to Mr. Hanford's for my shop shoes which he has been mending. Stinted in my work for the first and came home about 3 o'clock. I took the leader which carries water from the roof into our hogshead down and had it soldered together as it given way. I went to the choir rehearsal in the evening. The Evening Post states that Fighting Joe Hooker has captured Fredericksburg and taken prisoners. 5/3 SUNDAY - Pleasant. I attended church in the morning. Came home after Sunday School and Gussie went in the P.M. I wrote to George and mailed it as I went to prayer meeting in the evening. 5/4 MONDAY - Showery during the day. Mrs. Stone came to the house and washed today. I did not have work enough to last all day. Sherman Disbrow brought me ' ton of better coal, it being softer and burns more fierce than did the last ' ton he brought. I bought a two inch chestnut plank at G. W. Ives to make a platform for my pump. It cost 68 cents. Just after tea, Eddie had a fall from a chair and made two very bad bruises on his head. I went to the Post Office in the evening, but got no letters. Before retiring, I wrote to Harriet. 5/5 TUESDAY - Showery all day. Good news from General Hooker's army. He has occupied Fredericksburg and turned the left of the rebels and is still driving them. I sowed some grass seed I the bare places in my yard. Received a letter from George in the evening (No. 7). He is gaining his health quite fast and will soon be able to come home on a furlough as he expects in ten or fifteen days. I wrote an answer to him before I retired. When I went to the Office, I mailed one to Harriet. Mr. Cocking paid me $3.00, one month rent. 5/6 WEDNESDAY - Stormy all day. Only 1 dozen hats at 2/ (?) to finish today. I finished about 11 o'clock and came home. I received a letter from George in the evening with his picture enclosed. I wrote a reply to it in Swift's office and mailed it immediately. The news from Hooker's army continues good. Gussie went up home this afternoon while Eddy and I went to bed and took a nap. 5/7 THURSDAY - Cold and stormy. The work not being ready, the men adjourned until tomorrow. By the request of the foreman, I finished 10 hats for trial to see how they looked, so that the facers could go on and have work ready for us tomorrow. In the P.M., I took a nap and spent the remainder of the afternoon in reading while Gussie went to the store and up home to Mother Purdy's. In the evening, I went to market and to the Post Office and got a paper from George, the National Republican from Washington D.C. The news from General Hooker's army was rather unfavorable in the morning papers, but the Evening Post gives us good news again. Hooker was not driven back across the Rappahannock, but withdrew of choice on account of the storm and the rising of the river. General Stoneman's cavalry expedition to the rear of the rebels is a complete success. He has cut the line of rebel communication by telegraph and railroad between Fredericksburg and Richmond. Hooker has been strongly reinforced also. 5/8 FRIDAY - Cloudy until near night when it cleared off or rather the sun came out, but the wind still continues easterly. I had enough work to last all day. My truss being out of order, I went down to Dr. Thompson's after I finished my work to get it repaired. The news by the evening papers are good considering all things. The complete success of Stoneman's Cavalry said cutting off the rebels' line of communication is confirmed. Hooker has been reinforced and is ready to resume the offensive again and take advantage of the rebels before they can repair damages done by Stoneman. News by telegraph this evening that the first calls for troops under the Conscription Act has been made. Number not named. I went down to the Post Office before breakfast this morning and mailed a letter to George. I wrote another to him in the evening. I expect to mail it tomorrow morning early in time for the mail. John B. Gough lectured here this evening, but I did not attend. Subject ' Lights and Shadows of London Life. 5/9 SATURDAY - Pleasant. Bell came down and spent the day and is staying all night with us. News by telegraph this P.M. that Richmond is captured. Joy beams forth from the countenance of every loyal man, a good feeling is pervading the people. Gussie went into the street with me in the evening. 5/10 SUNDAY - Pleasant and warm. I attended church in the morning. Sunday School prayer meeting at noon after which I came home and Gussie went in the afternoon. I wrote two letters in the P.M., one to George and to David Mills who is in hospital in Washington. Was wounded in the late battle between Hooker and Lee on the Rappahannock. The last night's news of the capture of Richmond is confirmed by telegraph. After tea, we put Eddy in his carriage and went up home. Preaching in the evening. I attended. On to the church, I mailed my letters to George and David. 5/11 MONDAY - Very warm, like midsummer. The evening papers do not credit the rumor that Richmond is captured. Fighting Joe Hooker is across the river again and after the flying rebels. I went to Teachers' meeting in the evening. Frank Boughton received a letter from John( Boughton?) this evening. He was in the late battle and escaped without a scratch. David Bradley joined the Reg't. in time to be in the battle also. He is uninjured also. 5/12 TUESDAY - Very warm again today. I cleaned out my cesspool before breakfast and carried the contents to my garden. Father commenced making my garden this P.M. I spaded between the hills of strawberries after tea. Went with Gussie to the depot to see if George came. On our way home, called at the Post Office and got two letters from George. He expects to be home by the 20th. I hung the sage (?) down cellar before retiring. 5/13 WEDNESDAY - Cloudy and smoky in the morning. Sunshine in the middle of the day. Cloudy again in the P.M. and terminated with a shower. Limited in our work at the shop. Father has been to work in my garden for me today. Before going to the shop in the morning, I finished setting out my strawberry plants. As I came home from the shop in the P.M., I came by the way of J. W. Ives' lumber yard. And bought 24 feet of studding for a framework to nail the planks to in building my platform for the pump. The shower came up before I finished it but by Father's help and making some in the rain we finished it before we stopped by working a little late. I wrote to George after tea in answer to his letter received last evening. 5/14 THURSDAY - I went to the shop in the morning, but there being but little work, I chose to come home and work with Father in my garden and yard and have two days allowance to do tomorrow and make out a day's work. It rained a little in the P.M., but we worked until night. I have finished the platform to my pump and repaired my walks in the yard. I went up to Mother Griswold's to tea as they have company. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt, and daughter from Norwalk, Ohio. Miss Hack. Mr. and Mrs. [ Seafield ?] and Mrs. Blissard. The rain increased in the evening. And got a letter from George, No.11. 5/15 FRIDAY - Pleasant but cool. Father finished spading garden for me today. 3 ' days' work. Per day $4.37. I got him a bbl. of flour from Mr. Crofut (my boss) and his work went toward it. He paid me the difference to make $11.00. I left the shop early on account of the headache. I tried to plant in my garden when I came home. I put in my best seed and was too sick to do more. 5/16 SATURDAY - Pleasant, but cool for the season. A slight frost last night. Father came this way going over to Cousin Frank Boughton's to make garden. He borrowed my spading fork and garden line. Uncle Edwin Mills came down for Mother, Eddy and Gussie this afternoon and carried them down to his house to stay over Sunday. I came home and planted potatoes, corn and carrots in my garden. I worked until dark and then came in and got my own supper, after which I went to the Post Office and to singing school a short time. I got a letter from David Mills at noon and one from George in the evening. 5/17 SUNDAY - The sun shone early in the morning but it soon clouded over and began to rain with the prospects of a wet day. It cleared off again about noon and was warmer. I got up and got my own breakfast as Gussie is down to Starr's Plain at Uncle Edwin's. I melted the solder around the coffee pot spout so that it will require mending. Trying to warm the coffee by putting it on a hot coal fire. I then gave it up and made tea. I went to church in the morning. Bro. Crawford preached as usual. The congregation was small on account of the weather. The Sunday School was small also. A Union Sunday School meeting in the P.M. at the Congregational church. A lecture to the school and illustrated with paintings by Mrs. Long. After tea (which I took up to Mother Griswold's), I wrote a letter to Georg and one to David Mills. Mrs. Long gave another lecture in the evening to both children and adults. I attended. It was at the1st Congregational. The other churches were not opened. I mailed my letters as I went. A shower during the service. 5/18 MONDAY - Pleasant, but rather cool this morning. I went up to Mother Griswold's to breakfast. I took our washing over to Mrs. Stone and then went to the shop. Not having but little work, I finished before dinner. I came home and found Gussie there and dinner ready. I planted in my garden and set out my dahlia's in the P.M. I went to market in the evening and to the Post Office and got a letter from Harriet. It being still clear and cool, OI covered my tomato plants before retiring. 5/19 TUESDAY - Pleasant. I have had work enough in the shop to last all day. I put out the second tuft (?) of myrtle in my grass flat after tea. I then went downtown with Gussie. I received a letter from George stating with other things that he should doubtless be home before next Sunday. I bought 8 more bushels of charcoal today which filled my box where I keep it. 5/20 WEDNESDAY - Warmer today. Henry Ledger, who has been to England for his health and been absent nearly a year, arrived home on the morning train. I received a letter from Cousin Phoebe Palmer from Mount Hol(yoke) Fe(male) Seminary in Mass. with one enclosed for me to direct to Harriet. Gussie walked with me down to the store and Post Office in the evening. I returned without going to class. 5/21 THURSDAY - Very warm. Mrs. Stone helped us clean house ' the parlor, sitting room and bedroom. No work in the shop and I have helped. Gussie and I went to the depot I the evening, but he did not come. Mrs. Richards called in the evening. 5/21 FRIDAY - Very warm. The thermometer standing at 90 degrees in the shade. Gussie and Mary Purdy went up to John Polletts and spent the day. I came home and got my own dinner. On my way home from work at night, I came by way of Mr. Wright's and bought 5 gallons of kerosene oil at 54 cents - $2.70. I am to pay him when I get paid off at the shop. I planted my squash seed at night. I cleaned out the hogshead with Mrs. Cocking's help. Gussie came home in time to put Eddie to bed and go to the depot to meet George. He did not come. David Stillson came on the train from the same hospital. He said that George was waiting for his furlough and would be home in a day or two. 5/23 SATURDAY - Very warm again today. I had work enough in the shop to last me nearly all day. I planted some bush beans and a [???] of peas in addition to what I had previously planted. I also put some dust around my strawberry hills. Gussie and I went to the depot again to meet George. He did not come. It was about 11 o'clock when the cars came in. A thunder storm came up and rained nearly all the time we were waiting at the depot. Gussie went home before the cars came. 5/24 SUNDAY - Cloudy but no rain. I attended church in the morning, came home after Sunday School and Gussie went in the P.M. After tea, we went over to Harriet's a short time. Before evening meeting I wrote to Harriet. As I went to the Office to mail my letter on my way to prayer meeting, I found a letter in my box from George, which I did not see as it was just [edge nice] close against the side. It was written on Friday. As his furlough had been delayed, he concluded not to start for home until Monday (tomorrow). He expects to arrive in New York on Tuesday, spend one day there and see Harriet, arriving home Wednesday probably arriving in the evening. As my letter to Harriet was not sealed, I added this news before mailing it. 5/25 MONDAY - Cloudy all day and some rain. I received a dispatch from George in New York on his way home saying that he would be home on the evening train. We went to the depot and I brought him home with us to stay. We retired about 11 o'clock. 5/26 TUESDAY - I stayed away from work and spent the day at home visiting with George. After tea, George came down home with us and went to the Sleight of Hand performance with Gussie while I stayed at home with Eddie. I have not felt very well today, which was one cause of me not working. When we went up home this morning with George, we took Mother completely by surprise. 5/27 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I worked as usual in the shop. After tea, I went up home to see George. He was away over to Aunt Louisa's. On my return, I stopped to see Thomas Barnum. I then went over to Aunt Louisa's and went with George downtown. Thos. Kyle carried us down to Blackman's Store so that George could get his watch. George came home with me to stay all night. 5/28 THURSDAY - Pleasant and warm. I went with George before breakfast down to the depot to see Kellogg and Charles Wilcox leave to rejoin their Reg't. We then returned home to breakfast. Gussie and Eddie went up home in the P.M. to visit with George. He and Bell came home with them after tea and we all went to prayer meeting together. 5/29 FRIDAY - Pleasant and warm. George came to the shop in the forenoon. He came to my house and took dinner with me. He came down after tea, but I worked until after 7 o'clock and he went to his Lodge before I came home. Mrs. Allen (our neighbor) died this evening about 7 ' o'clock. Gussie went into the street with me and went to the Milliner's with Bell's hat. I saw David Knowles at the Post Office. We called at Joseph Ives and looked at his ranges and came home. 5/30 SATURDAY - Appearance of a storm in the morning, but it cleared away and was pleasant and very hot. A thunder shower in the P.M., but little rain fell here. Sold my stove (Peyton Airtight) to Daniel Manly for $8. Bought a range at Joseph Ives' for $13 and put it up and made fire for tea. Louisa stayed with Eddie while we went into the street. We found George and Bell; we all went to Sunday School. 5/31 SUNDAY - Had to punish Eddie this morning to make him mind. Gussie attended church in the morning. I went to Sunday School and preaching in the P.M. A Mr. Breckinridge from Bethel preached for us all day. A young man and smart. Mrs. Allen's funeral was attended at 3 o' clock at the house. Gussie went. George came home with me to tea and on account of a thunder shower which came up after, he stayed and went to prayer meeting with us in the evening.
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