Horace Purdy Journal, March 1863 Entry (Still Image)
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3/1 Sunday - Stormy. Snow and rain. I attended church in the morning. After Sunday School, I came home and in the P.M. I wrote to George and to Cousin David Mills. Mother came down just before evening meeting and brought a letter which she had written to George to be enclosed in mine. I went to meeting in the evening. It was a prayer meeting in the basement. An unusual interest was manifest for the country both in prayer and exhortation. It cleared off in the evening with a high wind and growing cold fast. 3/2 Monday - Pleasant. I worked as long as I could in the shop. After tea I mailed a Tribune to George and a letter to Louise Wright for Gussie. 3/3 Tuesday - Stormy in the forenoon; snow. It cleared off after dinner. I have worked very hard and am very tired. I went to the market in the evening. Gussie received a letter from Anne (Edwin's wife) by the morning mail with a Carte de Visite of herself and baby for Gussie. 3/4 Wednesday - Pleasant . When I came home from work at night I found that Mrs. Powell and Mead had come from Brooklyn. They were up home, and I went up there to tea. I went to the market in the evening but it was so late before I went on account of company that I did not get to class meeting. I mailed a Semi Weekly Tribune to George. 3/5 Thursday - A pretty cold night last. Mrs. Mead stayed with us last night while her sister m Mrs. Powel stayed with Harriet. Having a severe headache, I left my work and came home after dinner. Mrs. Powel, Mrs. Mead and Harriet took teat with us. I stayed at home in the evening to lest Gussie go with her company into the street shopping and to meeting. I mailed to George the Danbury Times and a Semi Weekly Tribune, both in one wrapper. 3/6 Friday - A snow squall in the morning. It lasted for an hour or two and then ceased. It remained cloudy during the day. The moon and stars shone in the evening. I received a letter from George in the morning mail. He is flat on his back with a fever. I wrote to him in the evening. Mr. Mallet from Redding called to see me this noon about letting me have some money $1,100.00 with which to take up two notes and mortgages on my place and have any indebtedness on my house in one amount in one place, but to be paid annually at the expiration of each year instead of semi-annually and in advance as I have done on $700.00 heretofore at the Savings Bank. I gladly accepted the offer. Eddie is in a singular manner deprived almost entirely the use of his legs in walking today. We feel some concern about him. 3/7 Saturday - It began to snow before noon and continued all day and in the evening. Mr. Mansfield was buried today. I went to the Post Office in the evening and got a letter for Gussie from Harriet. 3/8 Sunday - It snowed until about noon. I shoveled paths around home and up to Father Griswold's in the morning. I went down to the church in time for Sunday School. Communion in the P.M. I wrote to George after tea. Louise came down and stayed with Eddie and let Gussie and I go to hear Mr. Coe preach his sermon on patriotism at our church. He preached the same sermon on Washington's Birthday two weeks ago in his own church. Text. Deut 34:7-8. 3/9 Monday - About 4 or 5 inches of snow fell last night. I spent considerable time this morning in sweeping paths for Harriet, Father Griswold and myself. A little boy of Mr. Allen's (our first neighbor north) accidently had his foot nearly cut off by Violette Pine (a little colored girl across the way) while cutting wood together. Dr. William C. Bennett who came home today from the army on furlough dressed the wound. I went to Teachers' Meeting in the evening. After I came home, I copied the minutes before retiring. I took a letter from the Office for Gussie from Marianne Underhill, one of her old schoolmates at Armenia Seminary (Ed. Note ' town of Amenia in Duchess County , NY) 3/10 Tuesday - I have worked as usual in the shop. Did not get paid off yesterday on account of Mr. Crofut being in New York, but was paid today $28.00. Josiah Day discharged from the 17th Reg't. Called on me at the shop and handed me a package of George's received letters which he sent home by him. He said that George was some better when he left the Reg't last Thursday. I wrote a letter to George after tea and went down and mailed it. 3/11 Wednesday - More snow last night. It cleared off in the middle of the day. A snow squall in the evening. I received a letter from George by the evening mail. It was written by Mr. Warren, I think. He was better when it was written. I went to class meeting in the evening. 3/12 Thursday - Pleasant . I have worked as usual in the shop. I brought home Mr. Witherspoon's vinegar jug to [let] him have a [gal ??] and carry it to him at the shop in the morning. I went to Dr. Bulkely's in the evening to consult him about Eddie and got some medicine for him I paid him what I owed him $8.30. I then went over to the Post Office and finished a letter I had begun to George and mailed it. At the Office I saw Dr. William Bennett who said that he could take a small parcel to George when he returns which will be on Saturday he says. I went up home and got George's soft hat to send to him. 3/13 Friday - Pleasant. I carried Mr. Witherspoon's jug filled with vinegar to him to the shop this morning. I went over to Mr. Olmstead's for Father Griswold's hams before tea but they were not out of the smokehouse. I went to market in the evening. I carried a small package containing a soft hat over to Dr. Bennett's this morning to carry to George in the 17th Reg't as he returns to his Reg't the 5th tomorrow. 3/14 Saturday - Pleasant. Bell stayed with us last night. After dinner, Gussie came to the shop with a letter from George. He is worse and in the hospital at Brook's Station on the Aquia and Falmouth R.Road, Va. I left my work to go to Bethel to see if Chas. Mills had got home yet as George requested that he should come and take care of him if he could be persuaded to do so. He had not got home. I stayed to tea and took the evening train up. I also went to see Lieut. George Averill before going to Bethel and after my return about getting a pass at Washington to go within our lines if I should go to see George. I received a letter from Cousin David Mills 5th Reg't in the evening. 3/15 Sunday - Pleasant. I attended church in the morning. After Sunday School, I came home and wrote in the P.M. and evening to George and to Dr. William Bennett, Surgeon in the 5th Reg't requesting their influence to get a furlough for George to come home and regain his health or a transfer to some hospital nearer home. I got Lieut. George Averill's signature joining with me in my request to Dr. Hubbard. Gussie went to prayer meeting I the evening. 3/16 Monday - I worked until noon. I ate my dinner and then came home with a sick headache. On my way home, I stopped at the Jeffersonian Office to let Mr. Ashley extract something from David Mills' letter for the issue of this week. I ate no supper. I vomited a good deal in the evening. Gussie went to the Post Office in the evening and got a letter for me from Mr. Warren informing me about George. He visited him last Tuesday at the hospital and again on Thursday, the day he wrote the letter. He says that he is better. The hospital doctor says that he has the Typhoid Fever, but the Regimental Surgeon says not. 3/7 Tuesday - St. Patrick's Day. Not feeling well, I did not go to the shop. I went down to the Post Office. I stayed home in the P.M., went to bed, after which I wrote to David Mills and to Mr. Warren. The Irish turned out in grand style to keep up St. Patrick's day. This was their first demonstration ever made on this day in Danbury. Gussie went downtown in the P.M.I went down and mailed my two letters in the evening. Father Monahan, the Catholic priest lectured at Concert Hall in the evening. 3/18 Wednesday - Pleasant . I worked hard all day in the shop. Bro. Crawford and wife, Charles Stevens and wife, George Miller and wife, were at Father Griswold's to tea. Gussie being there, I also went there to tea. I went down intending to go to class, but was too late. I took a letter from the Office for Gussie from Mrs. Mead Brooklyn and then went to hear Wadsworth speak on the political issues of the day at Concert Hall. 3/19 Thursday - Pleasant. In the P.M. I, with other returned Volunteers under the command of Capt. Wildman, attended the funeral of Patrick Lilly who died in hospital. 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Co. B. We turned out with drum and fife with Jackson's Cadet Muskets. He was buried in the Catholic burying ground. I took a letter from the Office for Mother from Harriet in the evening and went to prayer meeting. 3/20 Friday - Pleasant . I felt in excellent condition for work in the forenoon, but after dinner I was taken with the sick headache and was obliged to leave work about 3 o'clock. I went home by way of Couch's Picture Gallery and got a dollar's worth of Cartes de Visite of wife and baby which I ordered a few days ago. I went to bed after I got home. Bell came down after school to stay all night and tomorrow Aunt Louisa called while we were at our tea. Gussie went to Sewing So(ciety) in the evening. I, not feeling well enough, did not go into the street. 3/21 Saturday - Charles Mills arrived home in Bethel last night. He came up on the train this morning and came to the shop. I stopped work and took him home with me to dinner. Caroline came up on the freight train. I spent the afternoon with them and went to the depot at {??] o'clock as they returned to Bethel. Harriet joined them at the depot and went home too. Bell, who came down last night stayed with us today and went up home again after tea. I received a letter from George by the morning mail. He is still in the hospital at Brook's Station and somewhat better, the fever being broken and changed. 3/22 Sunday ' Pleasant and warm, but the melting snow made it very wet and muddy. I went to church and spent both the forenoon and afternoon at the library checking the book from Carleton & Porter's and the Sunday School Union Catalogues in order to use the catalogues to select some new ones for the library as we have about one hundred dollars to spend for new books for our library. After Sunday School, Bell came up to take care of Eddie so that Gussie could go in the P.M. I finished a letter to George and mailed it with the Times in the evening. John Cosier called just before evening meeting time to see about going to New York to get the Sunday School library books. He wants me to go with him. 3/23 Monday - Sick, Joseph Young drew my pay and brought it to me at night. I went down to John Cosier's office and stayed until the mail came. A letter for Gussie from Ellen Dare. I not feeling able, Gussie went to doctor's and got some medicine for me and to the Post Office in the evening. She got a letter from her old school mate, now Mrs. Wright. 3/24 Tuesday - Cloudy, chilly, southeast wind. Appearance of storm. Sick. I stayed at home and took medicine all day. 3/25 Wednesday - I took a profuse sweat last night. I feel better, though very weak. It rained hard with thunder in the P.M. I received a letter from David Mills and answered it. A Mr. Hamilton from Texas is to speak to the people tonight a Concert Hall upon the political issues of the day to aid in the election of Buckingham for Governor. 3/26 Thursday (Ed note: Purdy calls it 3/25) I went down to John Cosier's office in the morning and we checked off more books on the Book Room catalogue preparatory to going to the city to buy them. Charles Mills came up on the train and stayed to dinner. I went with him to Averill's office to get him to take a pension agency for his friend in Washington. I then went to the Cars and went to New York with John Cosier and wife to buy books for the Sunday School. I stopped for the night with Bro. Pegg in Forsyth Street. 3/27 Friday (Ed note: Purdy calls it 3/26) - In New York. After breakfast, Mr. Cosier came down to Bro. Pegg and we went up to the Book Room to buy our books. We bought some at the Sunday School Union and also at then Tract Societies Room. But the largest portion, we bought at the Book Room. We were very busy all day. We took dinner at a Restaurant. We finished our book buying about 4 o'clock, when we went over to Brooklyn together. I went up Fulton Avenue to Gideon Powell's and Cosier went another way. I stayed to Mr. Powell's to tea. I went with them to hear Cyrus Foss preach in the evening. But we were disappointed. His brother Archibald preached in his stead. I returned with them and stayed all night. 3/28 Saturday (Ed note: Purdy calls it 3/27) ' After breakfast at Mr. Powell's, I went over to the corner of Classon and Greene Avenues to call on Mrs. Mead. From there, I went to Claremont Avenue near DeKalb and stayed with Harriet until noon at her boarding place at Mrs. Boyles. I took dinner with them. After which, I started for New York on my way home. I intended to stop in Pine Street to see Mr. Mead and in Murray to see Mr. Powell, but it began to rain so hard that I did not. I arrived home in the evening. 3/29 Sunday - Pleasant and muddy in the morning. It grew cold in the P.M. and evening and froze up hard. I attended church in the morning. Mr. Coe preached for us. After Sunday School, I came home. After tea, I wrote to George and Harriet. I filled out 3 Certificates of discussion for the Loveland and DeWolfe children. I went to prayer meeting in the evening. 3/30 Monday - Do not feel very strong yet. I ordered 1,000 labels for our Sunday School books at Ashley's (the Jeffersonian office). The books came from New York this P.M. by freight. I went down to the shop just before night and ironed over Father Griswold's silk hat preparatory to going to conference. In the evening I received and answered a letter from George. He is better, or was when he wrote. I mailed to him $1.00 in money and stamps. 3/31 Tuesday - Snow in the morning. Father Griswold and myself went to the Savings Bank about 9 o'clock to do business with Ephraim and Alfred Gregory and Mr. Mallett of Redding. I took eleven hundred dollars from Mr. Mallett and gave him my note and a mortgage deed together with my insurance policy to secure him. With the said $1,100.00 I took up Gregory's note of seven hundred at the Savings Bankand my note of Four Hundred with Alfred Gregory and took quit claims from the parties. D.B. Booth executed my papers for me. The mortgage deed required a Revenue Stamp of $2.00, the Note, 60 cents. I sold some specie (silver) for 23% premium which amounted to $1.37. I sold it to Robinson the Jeweler. I went to market in the evening. When I returned, I did some writing for the Sunday School and retired about 10 o'clock. The snow storm continued all day.
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