0-10: Viewing slides or pictures from the construction of the Union Carbide headquarters in Danbury, 1976, Union Carbide site, topographic map, wetlands, areas had been farmed, Power lines, area we picked, trees most prevalent, oaks and maples, hierarchical design of the Union Carbide Headquarters
11-20: Various features of the Union Carbide building discussed, modules become community, way ahead of the curve in terms of ecology,
21-30: One road from the north and one from the south, gym, tailor shop, minimum disturbance to the water table by adding to the top of the ridge, natural light, each person selected the furniture for their office, interior design, cafeteria, low-key approach of UC, significant building in terms of its relation to the human element, not much of a connection with Danbury,
31- : Chose Danbury to attract person who would be reticent to locate to NYC, finished 1982, press unfair to UC after Bhopal disaster, end of UC, not a lot going on in Danbury, productivity increased by moving to Danbury,