Horace Purdy Journal, March 1860 Entry (Still Image)
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MARCH 01 – THURSDAY- I rose this morning feeling much better. Cloudy and rain most of the day. I went to the shop and worked all day. On my way home, I bought another bottle of London Porter of Edgar Benedict. Received a letter from Harriet. Mother Griswold called in while I was drinking tea, expecting to find me sick but I surprised her by having earned $3.00 in the shop and feeling as well as usual, except for being tired. I did not go out in the evening. MARCH 02 – FRIDAY – Pleasant. A beautiful day for March. I worked as usual in the shop. Hiram Crofut was off from the shop today. He has hired out for the spring to a Mr. Bevens to work at patent roofing. Gussie went up home in the PM and stayed the evening. I attended drill. Captain Southmayd has resigned and we were warned to appear next Friday to elect a new captain and to fill all vacancies occurring thereby. MARCH 03 – SATURDAY – Cloudy with some rain in the PM and evening. We stayed with Mother Griswold last night and are to do so tonight. She came over and took tea with us. I brought home some worsted cord for the bookshelves in the parlor. I strung them and put them up in the evening. MARCH 04 – SUNDAY – We rose a little after 6 o’clock and came over home for breakfast. Mother Griswold took breakfast with us as she is alone. Pleasant but windy, not very cold. We attended church. Preaching by Brother Miley. The text in the AM was Luke 12 and part of the 48th verse. We were at Sunday School as usual. The text in the PM was Hebrews 11:24-26. The morning sermon was to the children. The one in the PM was on the “Faith of Moses.” Mother Griswold took tea with us. After tea, we went over to Abel’s until evening church time. We did not attend in the evening. MARCH 05 – MONDAY – We rose over to Mother Griswold’s about 6 o’clock. We overslept about an hour. Was at the shop as usual. Was paid off $15.00. Father Griswold came home today from one of his tours of his district, so that Mother Griswold will have company tonight and we will sleep in our own home. Mr. Baxter called while we were at tea to have me go over to his house and witness him warn his tenant out of his house (Mr. Smith). I went as he requested. Mr. Smith would not take it, so Mr. Baxter laid it on the table before him, Mr. Smith saying at the same time that he would not receive any notice from anybody. I read it before Mr. Baxter carried it up to him. Cousin Frank Boughton came over to see if we were coming over to her Mother’s to Mary’s party. We did not go. MARCH 06 – TUESDAY – Pleasant. I worked as usual in the shop. I engaged ½ ton of Council Ridge coal of Martin Griffing. Received a letter of Phebe Palmer telling us of her late conversion. This is news over which we may rejoice. She urges us quite hard to come to Stamford and make a visit during conference which sets there on the 11th of next month. I would like very much to go and think we will. We went up home in the evening, the first time I have been home this year. I have been so hurried with work that I could not. MARCH 07 – WEDNESDAY – I rose this morning and found it snowing hard, but before night, it turned to rain and the snow wasted fast. I worked all day in the shop. It was late when we finished our tea and the weather being bad, we did not attend class in the evening. Mr. Crofut came downstairs and sat a part of the evening with us. I answered Phebe Palmer’s letter before I retired. MARCH 08 – THURSDAY – Was rather late to the shop this morning. I have not felt very well today. I accomplished but little at my work. I ironed off 3 dozen for shipping in the PM. Two garnishes were spent this afternoon for beer and crackers. I did not eat my dinner on that account. I brought home some cord and tassels for pictures and hung them in the evening. Mother Griswold came in and sent the latter part of the evening with us. MARCH 09 – FRIDAY – Snow in the morning. It cleared off about noon. The snow nearly disappeared before night. I worked all day as usual in the shop. On my way home, I did some marketing. I attended drill in the evening. We elected officers: for Captain, E. E. Wildman, 1st Lieutenant, Jesse Stevens, 2nd, R. G. Gowan, for 1st sergeant, Andrew Knox, 2nd, Milo Dickens, 3rd, John Raymond, 4th, George Davis. For 1st Corporal, Nelson Elwood, 2nd, George B. Allen, 3rd, Joseph Young, 4th, Nathan Couch. I received one vote for 1st lieutenant, one for 2nd sergeant, one for 4th sergeant, and four for 1st corporal. I then told them to drop me for I should not accept any office whatever. I came home and copied the minutes of the meeting, and went over home and prepared Mother Griswold’s fires for morning and retired. The largest number of votes cast at the election of officers was 15. MARCH 10 – SATURDAY – The ground was frozen quite hard this morning. March has made its appearance today, it being windy and cool. I worked quite late in the shop. Fanny returned from New York by the evening train and brought a number of articles which Gussie sent for. Adelia Powell came home with her. We were over home when they returned and spent the evening there. MARCH 11 – SUNDAY – We rose rather late. Preaching by our pastor Brother Miley in the AM. The third quarterly meeting of the Juvenile Missionary Society was attended at noon instead of the usual prayer meeting. The teachers, some of them handing in their money with and some without papers to show what scholars had collected the money, and the consequence was that I did not know who to credit the money to. All was confusion and I having a severe headache, could not get up and talk to them as I ought to have done. I was vexed and very much out of patience. I should not have done so but it seemed as if I could not help it. I cared but little how matters went. The Secretary (Clark Beers) came home with me to tea in order to count over the money. We did so and counted out $59.15. I was so sick I could hardly sit up. We did not attend church in the evening. MARCH 12 –MONDAY – I rose feeling quite well this morning. I prepared water for Gussie to wash and put out the line but took it in again before going to the shop on account of the commencing of a storm. Gussie washed out her clothes and left them in soak. I have not felt very strong but worked all day notwithstanding. I was paid off at the shop - $12.98. Paid Martyn Griffing for ½ ton of Council Ridge Coal - $3.75. Our tea was rather late in consequence of working late at the shop. While we were drinking it, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter came in to spend the evening. Clark beers came also according to agreement to do some business pertaining to the Juvenile Missionary Society. In the course of the evening, Mother Griswold came in, and a little later in the evening, came Abel and Harriet accompanied by Mrs. Powell who came with Fanny from New York and is visiting for a few days with her. The sitting room was about as full as we could sit conveniently. All except Clark Beers came unexpectedly. We did our business and then he went home about 10 o’clock. I retired after 12 o’clock. It stormed nearly all the forenoon, cloudy still in the PM, a few stars showed themselves in the evening. MARCH 13 – TUESDAY – I was occupied until 9 o’clock this morning trying to exchange $27.00 in specie for paper money. I finally succeeded. I then carried $50.00 in small bills to the Pahquioque Bank and exchanged it for a fifty dollar bill, the money belonging to the Juvenile Missionary Society, I being treasurer of the same. I got to the shop a little after 9 o’clock. We had to wait considerably for our work today, the facers not getting the work ready for us fast enough. We took tea over to Mother Griswold’s with Abel and Harriet along with Mrs. Powell of Brooklyn. In the evening I went up to Agnes Keeler’s for Gussie’s ring braided of brother John’s hair. It did not fit her; it was too small. We both went up again and had it fitted to her finger. We retired about 11 o’clock. MARCH 14 – WEDNESDAY – Mrs. Powell started for New York this morning. She stayed at Abel’s house last night and Harriet and he accompanied her to the cars this morning. I went to the shop as usual and waited until after dinner for work. In the meantime, I went up to Roger’s Picture gallery with 4 of my shopmates, viz., William Wheeler, Thomas Kyle, Edward Stevens, and Theodore Flagler and we all had our ambrotypes taken. Mine I design to give to Cousin Phebe Palmer. I had one dozen of hats in the PM. I finished them and came home early. Mother Griswold and Fanny being uptown visiting, Gussie went over home to get tea for her father when he should come home and I went to class. MARCH 15 – THURSDAY – A pleasant day. I had to wait a considerable time for work at the shop. I came home to dinner for the first time in a long while. Gussie went out shopping in the PM and had her picture taken (ambrotype) to carry to Stamford for Cousin Phebe Palmer. It cost 25 cents. We did not attend church in the evening. MARCH 16 – FRIDAY – Pleasant again today. I waited again a part of the forenoon for work. I got a dozen of hats and finished them before noon and came home to dinner. I bought a hundred pounds of white lead and 5 gallons of oil to paint my house before I went to the shop in the PM. I went back to work and waited about two hours and then we men who were on drabs adjourned until tomorrow morning. I came home and piled up my wood which had fallen down. Gussie went up home in the PM. I attended drill in the evening. MARCH 17 – SATURDAY – St. Patrick’s Day. It had somewhat the appearance of a storm in the AM, but it proved to be a very pleasant day. I had more work in the shop today. Mrs. Cyrus White and Mrs. Ives were at Harriet’s to tea. We were invited over to take tea with them; we went. Gussie and myself went down to market in the evening. I carried some rags to George Hull’s and Gussie traded them out. A Mr. Charles Rogers came on the evening train to Father Griswold’s from New York. I had a good deal of writing to do in the PM before I could retire. MARCH 18 – SUNDAY – We attended church during the day; preaching by Brother Miley. Text in the AM, 2nd Corinthians 9:7. Mr. Rogers attended church all day. He came to the Sunday School after lessons and talked to the school. A few of the classes brought money which they forgot to bring in last Sunday to the amount of $4.59. Text in the PM, John 5:28-29. After tea, we went over home to visit with Brother Charles Rogers from New York. They had all gone over to Abel’s so we went over. I had the headache so that we did not attend church in the evening. We sent a part of the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Crofut upstairs. MARCH 19 – MONDAY – Cloudy this morning, but the sun soon began to shine making the day a pleasant one. Mr. Rogers took the cars this morning for New York. We were stinted in our work at the shop. I had but 2 dozen hats. I was paid off in the PM - $9.00. When I came home, I dug a hole in which to set an apple tree when I could get an opportunity to move it and found that there was no frost at all in the ground where I dug. Mr. Crofut paid me the balance if his year’s rent this evening - $4.00, the year ended April 1st. I did not go w=away from home in the evening. MARCH 20 – TUESDAY - I was sick last night with a bowel difficulty. I was up and out doors three times. I commenced digging up one of my apple trees before breakfast. I finished transplanting it after breakfast. In consequence I was late at the shop. I had to wait until 11 o’clock before I could get my work. In the meantime, I went up to Retton’s and had two ambrotypes taken, one of them intended for Mother Griswold and the other for Cousin Phebe Palmer, I not being satisfied with e one previously taken by Rogers. It had the appearance of a storm in the AM. It rained a little, but before dinner, the sun shone and a greater part of the day was pleasant. I came home from work rather late and was very tired. I did not go out in the evening. MARCH 21 – WEDNESDAY - Cooler today. A little snow has been seen flying through the air nearly all day, but it did not show itself on the ground. I finished my work before night and came home and transplanted another apple tree in my yard. Quite a demonstration in the street in the evening. Mayor Wood of New York spoke for the so-called democracy of Danbury in favor of Thomas Seymour for governor of Connecticut. A strong attempt is to be made by democrats to carry the state in the election this spring. A tar barrel was burned near Concert Hall before the address commenced. The Danbury Cornet Band escorted the mayor form Forester’s Hotel to the Hall. I stopped at the hall just long enough to get a peek at him and then left. I sold a roll of salve to Mr. Woodford the jeweler. I bought a beefsteak, went to the grocer’s and came home. MARCH 22 – THURSDAY – Cool and somewhat windy. It has snowed somewhat moderately throughout the day, covering the ground nicely, but not very deep. We are still limited in our work at the shop. I carried a piece of Griswold’s salve to one of my shopmates (Albert Johnson)for him to try on a sore ankle which has troubled him for some time past and which he does not succeed in curing. I have faith to believe it will cure him. Starlight in the evening. The man I saw last evening and supposed was Fernando Wood was not him but a Mr. Bradford who was introduced to the audience before Mayor Wood. So it seems that I was mistaken and did not see the man after all my attempts to do so. MARCH 23 – FRIDAY – I went to the shop in the morning. The foreman (Theodore Fowler) kept me waiting until nearly noon for work and then told me that we had better wait until tomorrow when the work would be ready. I came home and commenced painting my house. Mother is sick with her old spinal difficulty. Gussie went up in the PM to see her and to get tea for them. I took tea over to Mother Griswold’s. I attended a military meeting in the evening. We adjourned early and went to the Concert Hall to hear Mr. ___ speak on the political questions of the day. It was a republican meeting and largely attended. The speaking was good and I think it will have a good effect which will show on Election Day. I came home rather late and copied the minutes of the Military Meeting before I retired. MARCH 24 – SATURDAY – I finished my work in the shop about 2 o’clock. I came home and worked at painting my house. I worked at it until tea was ready. After tea, I went to market, which closed up during the doings of the day as far as I was concerned. Gussie is on her knees picking up buttons, hooks and eyes, which she spilled for a box in the closet. Her patience holds out good!! I should have gone up home this evening to see Mother who is sick, but could not very well. Will try again tomorrow. MARCH 25 – SUNDAY – We did not rise very early and were consequently late to church. Preaching by Brother Miley. Text in the AM – Proverbs 14:32. PM – John 5:28-29. Subject, “The Resurrection”. I bought the “Sabbath Bell”, a singing book for the Sunday School, price 10 cents. After tea, we went up home to see Mother, who is sick. We came home just before church time and Gussie wrote a letter to Canton for Cousin Eliza’s picture to copy from. I went to the Office and mailed it for her. Father came down in the evening for a cabbage to use for a blister for Mother’s back and some apples to roast for her. We carried up a cup of crabapple jelly when we went up. We did not attend church in the evening. Elder Grant is here again preaching in the Concert Hall. A Second Adventist, he styles himself, but he does not believe in the immortality of the soul before the Final Resurrection. He places man with the beasts. It is simply a doctrine of gross materialism. MARCH 26 - MONDAY – By doing last Saturday’s work and today’s too, I was kept busy all day. A Grand Republican Mass Meeting this PM in Bethel. Senator Wilson of Massachusetts was expected, but for some reason, he did not come. A Mr. Burnham instead of Mr. Wilson was present. A special train went down for here carrying all who wished to go free. Most of our shop hands attended, but I did not. In the evening, I made out an election notice of the officers in our military company and carried one to the Times and one also to the Jeffersonian office for inclusion in both papers. I traded some in the store and came home. MARCH 27 – TUESDAY – I finished my work at the shop at noon. I then came home and painted all the PM. I went down to Mr. Fisher, the dyer, in the evening for Mother Griswold to get a dress. I stopped at the market on the way home to get something for breakfast. The bell tolled this PM. I learned it was for the wife of Orrin Pelley. MARCH 28 – WEDNESDAY – We are hurried in the shop for a lot of drab hats and we who were on those hats had all we could do. It was late before I came home to tea. I earned $3.50. Judge Cutler of Brooklyn speaks this evening at Concert Hall for the republicans of Danbury on the political issues of the day (or rather, he is expected to). I did not attend class as I expected Mr. Smith, our new tenant, to call to see about moving in on Saturday. He did not call as I expected. I stayed at home and read my paper and retired at about 10 o’clock. Fred Bradley was married this morning to Isabelle Busting and went away on the train. MARCH 29 – THURSDAY – Had work again all day in the shop. Republican Caucus in the PM. David Nichols and Thaddeus Bronson were nominated for representatives to the legislature. Mr. Crofut moved out today and has gone to Abel’s upper rooms. When I came home, Gussie had been to tea over home. Mrs. Wood, formerly Frances Doane had been there and stayed to tea. I was asked to go over there and get my tea. I did so. I was quite tired and did not go out in the evening. MARCH 30 – FRIDAY – I worked all day in the shop. None but those of us who were on drab work had any today. A part of the choir came up to Abel’s in the evening to sing. I had to attend drill and I went over a short time after I left the drill room. The following persons were there, viz., Mrs. Ely, Martha Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Boughton, Mr. Woodford and Peter Starr and Gussie and myself. After the singing, we came home. I did my writing and retired about 11 o’clock. A Democratic Mass meeting tonight in Norwalk. A train was run down free by the Seymour Club and of all the loads that ever was, that was the greatest. A harder set of men could scarcely be found. MARCH 31 – SATURDAY – Warm and pleasant. I helped Mr. Smith bring water from the brook to clean his rooms upstairs before moving in. After breakfast, I went to the shop and worked hard all day. John Brush and George Loomis and Thomas Maddon were drunk last night down to the mass meeting at Norwalk. Tom came to the shop but went back home again, not being in condition to work. John and George continued to drink until they were about as drunk as they could be ad still get around. They left off work before night but before going away, they nearly tormented James Hogan to death. They seemed determined to fight with him. But he displayed wisdom and good sense by not fighting with them. They nearly tore his shirt off his back. They were, I think, a pretty good specimen of the so-called Democratic Party. Taking it all together, it has been an eventful day. Bell came down in the PM and stayed to tea. After tea, we went downtown. When we came back again, we went up home with Bell and stayed a part of the evening.
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