Horace Purdy Journal, January 1860 Entry (Still Image)
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JANUARY 01 – SUNDAY – We rose rather late in the morning for the commencement of a New Year. We commenced sitting downstairs in church today for the first time. We have concluded to leave the choir and take seats below hereafter. Preaching all day by Brother Miley. Text in the morning – 2nd Corinthians, verse 4 and the last clause of verse 18. “For the things that are seen are temporal; the things that are not seen are eternal.” The text in the PM was Romans, 9:3. “For I could wish for myself to be accursed (and separated) from Christ for (the sake of) my brethren; my kinsmen according to the flesh.” We went over home after tea. Frank Boughton and Mary Purdy called for Mrs. Crofut and Augusta to go to the Baptist church before evening meeting to see Anna Tobias married to a Mr. Williams. I did not go, but met them at our church in the evening. JANUARY 02 – MONDAY – The mercury stood at 4 degrees below zero this morning. Paid my interest money at the savings bank before I went to the shop - $21.00. Sent $40.00 for the Juvenile Missionary Society by J. A. Lovejoy for two certificates of Life Membership of the Parent Society, they being for Fanny Griswold and Frances Lovejoy. I wrote a letter to Mr. Lovejoy in the evening about changing Fanny Griswold’s name from Frances to Fanny, as I had by mistake given him the wrong name. JANUARY 03 – TUESDAY – Very cold in the morning, but the weather moderated before night so that it snowed a little in the evening. I worked in the shop all day and was very tired at night. I went to market in the evening, but did not attend class, which was to be a short sermon and a speaking meeting. We have commenced this week to have some extra meetings preparatory, as we trust, to a revival of religion among us. JANUARY 04 – WEDNESDAY – Went to Thomas Barnum’s in the morning for an old box wood stove and to George Hull’s for some old pipe, which made it about 10 o’clock before I arrived at the shop. I put up the stove down in the cellar when I came home from work to keep out the frost. I went to market in the evening after which it was too late to attend class. Augusta being unwell did not attend either. JANUARY 05 – THURSDAY – I worked all day in the shop. We attended meeting in the evening. Father Griswold preached from Ephesians 2:20-22. After the sermon, the quarterly conference was held. JANUARY 06 – FRIDAY – No work in the shop. Theodore Fowler (our foreman) of the Pahquioque Finishing Shop gave his men an oyster dinner at Mr. Philander Ferry’s eating saloon. It was one of the pleasantest occasions of the kind that I have ever enjoyed. The dinner was made up of oysters, pickles, hot coffee, mince and apple pies, and fried cakes with ale beer for those who wished and ended with the best cigars that the establishment could afford. The whole was interspersed with suitable and appropriate toasts and compliments to Mr. Fowler and to the proprietor of the establishment, the speeches being considerably witty and some of them quite eloquent. A committee was appointed (while we were leisurely enjoying our cigars) to see that the doings at the dinner were properly inserted in the Danbury Times, tendering to Mr. Fowler and Mr. Ferry our thanks and compliments for their liberality and the manner in which the dinner was prepared. I received the two certificates of life membership in the Missionary Society for Fanny Griswold and Frances Lovejoy by J. A. Lovejoy from New York together with a ___ for myself. I attended the drill of the Wooster Light Guards in the evening. JANUARY 07 – SATURDAY – I did not go to the shop this morning, on account of gong to Ridgefield in the PM with Father Griswold. We started at 2 o’clock, Father, Augusta and myself, with Mr. MacDonald’s horse and sleigh. We arrive at Ridgefield between 4 and 5 o’clock. It commenced raining in the evening. JANUARY 08 – SUNDAY – It was pleasant in the morning, but the snow was mostly gone. We attended church. Sacrament in the AM. Father Griswold preached in the PM. Text was John 4:24. – “God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” We were invited to take seats in the choir and did so. The singing was excellent. It had been warm and pleasant during the day, so that it was very wet and muddy. It did not freeze any in the evening, so that we did not go to church. JANUARY 09 – MONDAY – We are at Uncle Joel’s yet. We went up on the hill before breakfast to see Long Island Sound. We saw it very plainly. After breakfast, I harnessed the horse and we started for Danbury with the sleigh mostly on bare ground. We did not put on the bells, thinking that they would not be very appropriate since the sleighing was so poor. Father Griswold went home by the cars to diminish the weight on the sleigh. We started about 9 o’clock and arrive in Danbury about 11 0’clock, before Father Griswold came Father, Mother, and Fanny. I went to the shop in the PM and earned $.75. Went to market in the evening. JANUARY 10 – TUESDAY - I helped Augusta about her washing in the morning. I went to the shop and worked all day. Foggy and the appearance of rain in the AM. The sun shone a little in the PM. No rain during the day as I expected. I worked in the shop for as long as I could see. Frances Boughton was with us to tea. John came in the evening. Mrs. Crofut came downstairs and sat with us in the evening. I spent most of the evening in writing notifications for the members of the Military Company. JANUARY 11 – WEDNESDAY – Foggy and cloudy. A little rain in the evening. I had work in the shop all day. I worked as long as I could see. Having a new ledger to make out for the Military Company, and it being so dark and muddy, I did not go to class. My writing kept me busy until 9 o’clock. JANUARY 12 – THURSDAY – I awoke and found that it had been snowing during the night and it continued to do so. It cleared off in the PM. I had full work again in the shop. When I came home from work, I found the house empty of all except for Prince (the cat) and a note left for me by Augusta to come over to Harriet’s to tea. I went over and found Brother and Sister Miley and Mr. Patterson together with Father and Mother Griswold. They had about finished their tea, so I took possession of the second table. After tea, Brother Miley prayed with us and then Clark Hoyt came in to give them a sleigh ride home. We attended meeting in the evening, which was a sermon by Brother Miley and a prayer meeting. Being obliged to go to market, I did not get in soon enough to hear the text. Mother Purdy called just as I was going to tea. She would not go with me, so I left her in the house, but when we came home, she had gone. JANUARY 13 – FRIDAY – I had full work in the shop and earned $2.50. When I came home from work, I found that Gussie had gone up home to Mother Purdy’s. She came home in time to get my tea. After tea, I went to market and to drill. It was a quarterly meeting. It was previously announced that we should elect some officers, but the whole business was laid over for next week. After drill, I came home and copied the minutes, wrote in my journal and went to bed. JANUARY 14 – SATURDAY – I awoke and found the earth nearly clad with a fresh layer of snow. It continued to snow for a while in the morning, but it soon became misty and some rain during the day and evening. I bought some writing paper for the Military Company on my way home from the shop. Mr. R. Smith came to look at my rooms in the evening and about concluded to take them about the first of April. I went to market in the evening, returned home and did some writing (ruling and preparing a ledger for entering some accounts for my own use) and then retired. JANUARY 15 – SUNDAY – Very icy this morning, but it being a warm and pleasant day, the ice soon disappeared. We had oysters for breakfast and chicken pie for supper. We attended church. Brother Miley preached. Text in the AM – John 15:25, the latter clause: “They hated me without a cause.” George assisted me in the library this noon for the first time. Text in the PM - Ezekiel 33:7, “So thou, son of man. I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel. Therefore, thou shall hear the word of my mouth and warn them from me.” The preaching was excellent. We went over home for a short time after supper. We attended prayer meeting in the evening, but we were both so tired and sleepy that the meeting did us but a little good. The meetings continue very good, but there are no seekers to my knowledge. JANUARY 16 – MONDAY – Gussie and Mrs. Knapp were on a strife to see who would get their washing hung first. Gussie beat her a little. We have all the work we can do now in the shop. William Wheeler was at the shop again today. I took him on turn. He was shopped. Warm and pleasant overhead; rather sloppy underfoot. The sleighing has about left us today, I paid six months dues to Alfred heath in the evening, being July 10th to January 10th – 60 cents. I sold a roll of salve to John Armstrong in the evening. We attended Teachers’ Meeting in the evening. I was elected one of a committee to procure some new library books for the Sabbath School, but do not think that I shall act. JANUARY 17 – TUESDAY – I worked hard and as long as I could see in the shop today. Cloudy and had the appearance of a storm in the morning, but before night, the sun shone and it was pleasant in the evening. Eli Hoyt’s mother died today. I went to market in the evening, but did not stay to church, was too tired. While I was in the street, I had a conversation with Milo Dickens about the Military Company. Mr. And Mrs. Crofut came down for a while in the evening. We ate some apples together. JANUARY 18 – WEDNESDAY – We are very much hurried in the shop. I have been on drab work today. I worked as long as I could see again today. On my way home from work, I found George by Montgomery’s Shop. He went home with me and carried some apples home with him. He expected company to help him eat them in the evening. Gussie and myself attended class in the evening. Charles Stevens’ class met with ours. Both leaders being absent, George Starr came in and led. We had a good meeting. After the meeting, Mr. Clark (the leader of the band) and myself had a talk about the writing on the floor of the Military Hall. JANUARY 19 – THURSDAY – The weather is moderate, thawing some during the day. I bought a small piece of beefsteak on my way to work in the morning to cook for my dinner in the shop. I stopped work a little sooner than usual and went to Charles Hull’s and bought an iron, came back to the shop and put a holder on it which took me until dark. After tea, I went down to see Alfred Heath, the secretary of the Hatters’ Society to exchange a card for a check, but he was in New York, so I left the card for him until tomorrow night when I was told he would return. The card belonged to William Wheeler. I attended church in the evening, but did not get in soon enough to hear the text. David Osbourne of Bethel preached an excellent sermon in which he earnestly exhorted the sinner to repent and seek the Savior. One person rose for prayers (a man). JANUARY 20 – FRIDAY – We arose in good season. I worked all day in the shop. I attended drill in the evening. We have news to day of another death in our military company - Robert Dikeman. He died in Memphis, Tennessee. The company voted to attend his funeral if his body is brought home, as we expect it will be next week, his friends having sent telegraphic dispatch to send his remains as soon as possible. JANUARY 21 – SATURDAY – I went to the shop as usual. We had garnish money to send out today which was spent on ale beer, cider, crackers and cheese. I partook of one glass of cider and did justice to the crackers and cheese, so much so that I did not touch my own dinner, but brought it home just as it was put up in the morning. William Wheeler’s check was put in my box at the Post Office as I directed the secretary to do for Mr. Wheeler as I promised him I would be responsible for it considering that I took him on turn. I went to market in the evening. Bought a new chimney for our camp (stove). Went down to Martin Clark’s in the evening and made an explanation about the writing on the floor of the drill room and to invite the band to turn out with us at the funeral of Robert Dikeman next week. JANUARY 22 – SUNDAY – Pleasant and warm, but very muddy. Brother Miley preached. Text in the AM – 1st Peter 1:8. “Whom having not seen, ye love, in whom though ye now see him not, yet believing ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” The Sabbath School was attended as usual; George still assists me at the Library. I think he will make a very good assistant. Text in the PM – Mark 10:17. “And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running and kneeled to him and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life.” Mother Griswold called in while we were eating supper. In the evening, I mailed Gussie’s picture and a letter to Cornelia Post in Essex for her. We both feeling tired and the walking being bad, we did not attend church. We went over to Harriet’s and sang a short time and then came home and retired. JANUARY 23 – MONDAY – Pleasant and very much like spring, thawing a good deal during the day. I was nearly all day finishing up my last week’s work. We were paid off as usual this afternoon. I drew $14.00, the largest week’s work I have made in more than a year. On my way home from work I called and paid to Gould Disbrow $5.00 on a coal debt, also to Charles Hull for a finishing iron, $2.75. Mailed a Danbury Times for Mother Griswold to Mary Burr at Bloomfield. The body of Robert Dikeman did not come on the evening train as some of friend expected. There was a special meeting of the Guards in the evening to make arrangements for the funeral, but as his remains did not come, we drilled for a time and dismissed. I went to the market and then came home. JANUARY 24 – TUESDAY – The weather continues about the same. I worked as usual in the shop. The apprentices of the Finishing Shop (Pahquioque) were all drunk today (with the exception of Edward Stevens), viz., George Loomis, Thomas Maddon, Miles Doran, and Theodore Flagler. The Make Shop apprentices joined them. They came in about noon and nearly turned the shop inside out. They then went away and stayed all the PM. The bell tolled this afternoon for Hiram Wildman. The body of Robert Dikeman did not come on the evening train as we expected. One of his friends arrived on the 11 o’clock train, saying that he would in all probability arrive tomorrow. We repaired to the hall to do some business and then adjourned. George Allen walked up with me. He being in very poor circumstances, I gave him 50 cents. Gussie commenced today to make a pair of slippers for her Father. She designs to make a pair for her Mother also. JANUARY 25 - WEDNESDAY – It did not freeze any last night, warm all day. The wind commenced to blow in the PM and began to freeze in the evening. I came home from the shop and drank my tea alone. Gussie had taken hers over to Cousin Frank’s. I was at the depot when the train arrived in the evening. The remains of Robert Dikeman did not arrive as expected. We went to the Drill Room and drilled in slow time by music, “The Dead March” to prepare ourselves for the funeral on Friday if the body arrives. After the drill, I walked up West Street with Cyrus Benedict and had a conversation about the feelings existing between the Military Company and the Brass Band. Father Griswold presented us a frame for Gussie’s record of her father’s family. The Catholic church caught fire yesterday. I did not attend call this evening on account of the special drill. Charles Maddon lost a child today. JANUARY 26 – THURSDAY – Cooler today, but little sunshine. Abraham Wildman was buried today. Gussie was up home to tea. It commenced snowing in the evening. A telegraphic dispatch that the remains of Robert Dikeman would arrive tomorrow. I went up to the Hall a short time and then came home. JANUARY 27 – FRIDAY – The ground was covered with snow this morning, but clear and pleasant. I worked all day in the shop. The remains of Robert Dikeman, which we have expected since Monday last, came this evening by Adams Express. The members of our company, The Wooster Guards, carried him to the undertaker’s shop (our Captain George Southmayd) and examined the corpse. It came in a metallic coffin and was in an excellent state to be seen. He was laid out in his clothes and looked very natural. It was a heart rending scene to see his father when he first looked upon the lifeless form of his only son. After he had been seen until all present were satisfied, we carried our brother soldier to the residence of his sister, Mrs. Theodore Sanford. After which, we returned to the Drill Room to make further arrangements for the funeral. After the business was completed, I walked home in the company of George Allen. JANUARY 28 – SATURDAY - I went to the shop in the morning and worked until nearly 11 o’clock. I then came home to dinner and equipped myself in uniform for the funeral of Robert Dikeman. It was attended at 1 o’clock. Our Company marched to the home of Theodore Sanford near the cemetery and took possession of the corpse and escorted it in military style to the Disciples’ Church, where a sermon was preached from Job 14:14 – “If a man die, shall he live again?” After the services, his remains were again placed in the hearse of our Captain, George Southmayd and our Company took their position at the head of the line with the left of the Company in front and proceeded to the cemetery by martial music (The Dead March) through a hard snow storm. When the services were over at the grave, The Company formed on each side of the grave and fired two volleys over the last resting place of Robert Dikeman and returned by quick step to the Armory. George called in the evening for a roll of salve for father. JANUARY 29 – SUNDAY – We rose rather late, about 8 o’clock. The day is pleasant, but rather a cool air. There was a prayer meeting instead of a sermon in the morning. We did not get ready in time to attend, so we waited until noon. Preaching in the PM by Brother Miley. Text – Hebrews 10, latter clause of the 23rd verse- “For he is faithful that promised.” We have a new chorister and the singing improves. The sermon did me but little good, I was so sleepy. A representative of a colored church in Bridgeport was here this PM for money to aid his church, but I guess he did not succeed very well. Father called while we were drinking tea and stayed until nearly dark. Mother Griswold called also. We did not attend church in the evening. JANUARY 30 – MONDAY – I woke with the headache and had it all day. I left my work at 1 ½ o’clock and went to the church to buy a seat (as it was the day appointed for renting them). I rented No. 30 – price $16.00. I went back again to the shop and went to work. We took tea and spent the evening over home. The Elder had quite a tea party, the persons present were as follows: Brother Miley and mother-in-law, his wife being sick, she could not attend, Charles Stevens and wife, William Scofield and wife, Fred Starr and wife, George Starr and wife, James Nichols and wife, Able and Harriet, and ourselves. We sang a hymn and closed with a prayer by Brother Miley. JANUARY 31 – TUESDAY- Have felt more like myself today. I have worked all day as usual. Mr. Crofut was to New York yesterday and in consequence, we did not get our pay. He was at the shop today, but for some reason or other, he did not pay us off. It thawed considerably but grew colder towards night and froze. It commenced snowing in the evening and the wind blew furiously. We did not attend the meeting in the evening. Father and Mother Griswold and Fanny were invited out to dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Miley at Isaac Smith’s.
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