Obligation (bond) of one hundred dollars to be paid to Peter Benedict. Seymour Picket is guardian to Joana Ketchum, a minor and under the age of 21. Joana received a piece of land in Danbury from her mother Ruth Ketchum, "which lies at Beach Lott so called and contains ten acres and is bounded north on Seymour Pickits wife's Land - westerly on highway - southerly on land Russel? Bartlet and wife - easterly on Abijah Tuker? land." Seymour Pickit agreed to sell the land to Peter Benedict for "Fifty Dollers and Thirty Eight Cents and within nine months after Joana becomes twenty one years, which will be in October 1805, produce and deliver a good and lawful Warrenter [Warranty?] Deed of the land and deliver it to Peter Benedict" without further expense. If Seymour and Ebenezer Picket fail to "produce and deliver said deed the obligation will remain in full force and virtue in law."
Seymour and Ebenezer Picket were most likely father and son who were receiving the land, Ebenezer being the father. However, this deed could be between two brothers as Seymour had a brother by the name of Ebenezer as well.