Sold thirty acres of land to Ebenezer Pickit, Junior, where his current house stands "beginning at a heap of stones at the highway at the southwest corner running easterly to a heap of stones and then running southerly to a stump with stones and bounded south and west by Ebenezer Pickit's land, then running northeasterly to a chestnut oak with stones to still the same course to a chestnut stump with stones to then running northerly to a beach stump with stones to the same course to a white oak tree with stones to bounded easterly by [Hea ? s] of Ephram Gregory and Ebenezer Gregory and Nathan Hoyt land then running west to a red oak tree with stones to then running south to a White Oak tree with stones to still the same course two rods to a stump with stones to bounded north by Matthew Boughton land and west by Matthew Linfley's land and highway then running easterly to a stump with stones to then running southerly to a heap of stones then running westerly to a chestnut stump with stones to the highway bounded southerly and westerly and northerly by Ebenezer Pickit's land then running southerly by highway to a heap of stones then southerly by highway to the first mentioned bounds."