Browse Items (3 total)
- Tags: Swift's News Office
Tags: A. E. Fuller's Market, Albert Anderson, Beers Family, Brother Burch, Canton Ohio, Charles Crosby (constable), Charles E. Disbrow, Charles Griffing, Charles Hayes, Charles Hull, Charles Wilcox, Dr. Bulkeley, Dwight and Rogers, Edmund Allen, Edward Davis, Edward Dunning, Elyria OH, Ferrell's Hotel (Wooster House), Foster Brothers' Carpenter Shop, Frederick Starr, George Barnum, George Bell, George Starr, Harris Crofut, Henry Fanton, Homeopathic Mutual of N.Y., John Meeker, Joseph Ives, Louise Vintz, Mother Griswold, Oscar Serine, Pahquioque Hat Factory, Raymond's market, Robert Cocking, Seth Downs, Sewing Society, Swift's News Office, Theodore Bradley, Turner Stevens, Twitchell, William Bedient, William Hayes, William Warren, Willie Griswold
Tags: 17th Connecticut Infantry Regiment, Alfred Gregory, Aunt Louise, Bell Purdy, Brooklyn (NY), Brother Bartram, Brother Pegg, Burr Bradley, Connecticut Military Units - Civil War, Danbury Times, David Bradley, Eddie Purdy (son), Edward Barnum, Fanny Griswold, Father Griswold, Frederick Wildman, George Purdy, Gussie Purdy, Harriet Griswold Wheeler Stevens, Henry Mead, Hoyt Family, Jeffersonian (newspaper), John Cosier, Mrs. Cyrus White, New York City Location, O. H. Swift, Raymond's market, Robert Cocking, Sherman Disbrow, Swift's News Office, Uncle Chauncey, Wooster Guards
Tags: 5th Connecticut Regiment, Abel Wheeler, Allen McDonald, Bell Purdy, Benedict and Nichols, Bennetts Store, Boughton Family, Brother Crawford, Charles Crosby (constable), Charles Mills, Charles Stevens, Connecticut Military Units - Civil War, David Mills, Dr. Bulkeley, Elizabeth Mead, Father Griswold, Frank Boughton, Frank Butler, Frederick MD, Hoyt Family, John Bouton, Joseph Young, Long Island, Lounsbury's Shoe Store, Mary Purdy, Mother Griswold, Mrs. Mary Stone?, Mrs. O.H. Swift, New Haven (Conn.), New York Tribune, O. H. Swift, Republican Party, Sherman Disbrow, Swift's News Office, William Witherspoon