Browse Items (63 total)

35 fires since the founding of the City between April and August.
Two short satirical pieces - one on Mayor Hopkins and the other on Captain Keating
From a story on the Firebug investigation, 1889.
A short summary of the ruling from the section on rewards.
Detail from Sandborn Fire Map 1892
Description of the aftermath of the fire and a mention that Mayor Hopkins would be going on vacation.
Nearly a full page article on what the headline claims is the most serious fire in the history of Danbury. The origin of the fire is not stated and is not attributed to the "Fire Bug."
Short mention of William Smith of Morris St. shot himself. He was a hatter and reported to be disabled without the ability to work. He left a wife and 3 children and was a veteran of the Civil War.
Two full page columns dedicated to the celebration of Danbury's new status as as City and the aftermath of its first elections. Descriptions of how each neighborhood was decorated.
Two full page columns on election results broken down by ward.
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