Browse Items (63 total)

Out-going Mayor of Danbury, L.LeGrand Hopkins' message to the Common Council of the City of Danbury regarding its government, expenditures, finances and improvements.
Board of…
These are pictures of John H. Ellwood's grave, as well as that of his wife, Theresa M. Ellwood. Their children are buried here, yet there are no markers still present to designate their places of internment.
35 fires since the founding of the City between April and August.
2 pgs from ledger
Howard Stevens presented a bill for work he had performed on the fire steamer. The fire committee, despite great contention between Stevens and Chief Meyers, accepted the bill and ordered it paid.
1 pg from ledger
Fire Committee request for Hose House No. 1 furnace approved. Petition for "...steamer and sufficient hose, etc., was referred to the Fire Committee." Also, "It was voted that the people now occupying the house in rear of the Fire house, on Ives…
The Fire Committee report states that, "...the department statnds to-day reorgianized, remodeled, and in an effective condition. Discipline once more controls the men and the causes of discontent have been removed." The Committee goes on to detail…
Two full page columns dedicated to the celebration of Danbury's new status as as City and the aftermath of its first elections. Descriptions of how each neighborhood was decorated.
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