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The cover of a pamphlet outlining the ideals and goals of socialism, meant to inform those new to socialism or the general public.
This cartoon depicts opportunity as an angel knocking on the door of a citizen, urging him to wake up and form a farmer's labor organization.
This artworks depicts a worker out in his field reaping his crop in with a scythe, demonstrating the pride that socialists in general have for their labor.
This photograph depicts a hospitalized socialist following the events of a riot.
This cartoon depicts the popular attitude toward socialism by non-socialists by portraying the public as a hen warning her children of the approaching Communist, depicted as a black chicken.
This cover artwork depicts the two sides of Capitalism as perceived by socialist thinkers: Republicans and Democrats. The symbol of each, an elephant and a donkey, are fused together into a deformed creature running full-speed with a spot for a third…
This emblem represents the feeling of brotherhood that workers have with one another, especially under the banner of an organized union. This embodies the socialist ideal of collectivism.
This quote contains a scathing criticism of the capitalist system and its various flaws and inadequacies as perceived through a socialist lens.
This diagram details the various differences between socialism and capitalism and how various aspects of life are affected by either philosophy. The diagram attempts to portray the superiority of a socialist system.
This quote embodies socialist philosophy.
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