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This cartoon depicts Jasper McLevy as a cat fishing out the rats in the cheese that is the Capital House.
This unpublished poem by Mihelic gives insight into the passion of his socialist beliefs.
This unpublished poem by Mihelic displays the passion prevalent in his socialist thought.
This unpublished poem by Mihelic displays the passion prevalent in his socialist thought.
Int'l Socialist Review April 19220001.jpg
This pamphlet, the Labor Herald, outlines a great deal of socialist thought. Illustrated on the cover are the trains falling into the pit of the "open shop."
int'l socialist review0001.jpg
This pamphlet is one of many publications which outline socialist thought and philosophy. Pictured is a working farmer surveying his field.
This cartoon outlines the various problems with the class system as viewed through a socialist lens.
This quote embodies socialist philosophy.
This diagram details the various differences between socialism and capitalism and how various aspects of life are affected by either philosophy. The diagram attempts to portray the superiority of a socialist system.
This quote contains a scathing criticism of the capitalist system and its various flaws and inadequacies as perceived through a socialist lens.
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