Hofmann Ysenbourg sculpture

Herbert Hofmann-Ysenbourg on sculpture:

"Sculpture is architecture, it is the balance of the masses, [...] the architectural aspect is difficult to achieve. I always start from one geometric shape (a rectangle, a triangle), because these are the figures that are best sustained in space ... What matters is the general idea, that is, the constructive idea: like the Doric temple that has balanced harmony of forces - static and dynamic, the solution of the conflict between load and support, action and reaction, movement and countermovement, tension and relaxation."

Fierro, María Teresa Favela.  Política cultural del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes 1950-1970.  Concursos y bienales de escultura. Mexico: 2016; Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura. (quoting: Juan García Ponce, “Vigencia de los grandes maestros y afirmación de los jóvenes”, México en la Cultura, Siempre!, México, D. F., 1965.)
Hofmann Ysenbourg sculpture