The A is A newsletter is a periodical publication that covers libertarian topics, typically through a philosophical lens, with frequent references to classic philosophers like Aristotle, as well as modern Objectivists like Ayn Rand. It also catalogues other written works with libertarian viewpoints, such as independent periodicals and long-form books. Smaller sections are dedicated to news and advertisement of organizations/meetings. Issues included are Vol. 3, No. 4 (September 1975), Vol. 3 No. 5 (October 1975), Vol. 3 No. 3 (May 1975), Vol. 3, No. 2 (November 1973), Vol. 3 No. 1 (October 1973), Directory Issue (January 1971), Volume 2 No. 12 (September 1973), Volume 2, No. 11 (August 1973), Volume 2, No. 10 (July 1973), Volume 2, No. 9 (June 1973), Volume 2, No. 8 (May 1973), Volume 2, No. 7 (April 1973), Volume 2, No. 6 (March 1973), Volume 2, No. 5 (February 1973), Volume 2, No. 4 (January 1973), Volume 2, No. 3 (December 1972), Volume 2, No. 2 (November 1972), Volume 2, No. 1 (October 1972), Volume 1 No. 12 (September 1972), Volume 1, No. 11 (August, 1972), Volume 1, No. 10 (July 1972), Volume 1, No. 9 (June 1972), Volume 1, No. 8 (May 1972), Volume 1, No. 7 (April 1972), Volume 1, No. 6 (March 1972), Volume 1, No. 5 (February 1972), Volume 1, No. 4 (January 1972), Volume 1, No. 3 (December 1971), Volume 1, No. 2 (November 1971), and Volume 1, No. 1 (October 1971). Issues are listed in order of appearance in the file.