This collection consists of two diaries by William Alvord Borst documenting trips during the summers of 1937 and 1938. The 1937 diary describes sailing from New York, travelling through Europe, and sailing home to New York. The diary focuses on the scenery, art, architecture, and Yale colleagues encountered during travel. Pages 109-115 covering August 22-26 are missing from the diary. The 1938 diary describes Borst's trip to England, visiting the cathedrals, areas of literary significance, and bookstores around the country before visiting Europe. There is also a photograph of Borst, his Yale College roommate, Ashley Olmsted, and a helmswoman, Mara, in a boat off the coast of Rab Island in August of 1938.
Autographed Photograph of the Japanese Surrender in Tokyo Bay aboard the U.S.S. Missouri (1963-17-2) showing Admiral Chester Nimitz seated at a desk signing the surrender document, with General Douglas McArthur, Admiral William F. Halsey, Admiral Forrest Sherman and Admiral Robert Carney. The photographed is inscribed, "To Captain C. B. McVay III, USN, with best wishes, C.W. Nimitz, Fleet Admiral, USN."
Autographed Photograph of the Japanese Surrender in Tokyo Bay aboard the U.S.S. Missouri (1963-17-2) showing Admiral Chester Nimitz seated at a desk signing the surrender document, with General Douglas McArthur, Admiral William F. Halsey, Admiral Forrest Sherman and Admiral Robert Carney. The photographed is inscribed, "To Captain C. B. McVay III, USN, with best wishes, C.W. Nimitz, Fleet Admiral, USN."
The materials consist of photographs documenting the construction of Sheffield Hall, Sterling Tower, and Strathcona Hall (Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall) at Yale.
The materials consist of photographs documenting the construction of Sheffield Hall, Sterling Tower, and Strathcona Hall (Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall) at Yale.
The materials consist of photographs of Yale and New Haven, sports, and student activities on Old Campus documenting Ralph H. Gabriel's (Yale 1913) student days at Yale.
The materials consist of photographs of Yale and New Haven, sports, and student activities on Old Campus documenting Ralph H. Gabriel's (Yale 1913) student days at Yale.