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Robert N. Giaimo Papers, undated, 1956-1981

280 Linear Feet
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Robert Nicholas was raised in North Haven, CT. Giaimo was a member of the 86th-96th Congresses from the Third District of Connecticut (New Haven area) from 1958-1980. During his twenty-two years, he served on the House Budget Committee, the House Commission on Information and Facilities, the Joint Committee on Intelligence, the House Appropriations Committee, and its subcommittees on Department of Defense, District of Columbia, Treasury Postal Service and General Government, Legislative Branch, and Housing and Urban Development.
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Seymour Gresser Papers, 1950-1958

0.25 Linear Feet
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Seymour "Sy" Gresser was born 9 May 1926, in Baltimore, Md., the son of Simon Solomon and Sara (Williams) Gresser. Educated at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C., (student, 1949-50), George Washington University (student, 1950-53), and University of Maryland (B.S., 1949, M.A., 1972).
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Historical Commemoration Commissions records, 1927-2015

19.75 Cubic Feet
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An artificial record group that contains materials on the Battle of Bennington Sesquicentennial, Connecticut Commission on the Chicago International Exposition of 1933, Connecticut State Commission on the New Sweden Tercentenary, United States Constitution Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut, and the Yorktown Sesquicentennial Celebration. The records include newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, scrapbooks, and subject files. Click here to see the scanned paper finding aid and container list (pdf).
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Historical Commemoration Commissions records, 1927-2015 19.75 Cubic Feet

Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019

48.5 cubic feet
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The Connecticut Forest and Park Association (CFPA) was founded on December 30, 1895, in Weatogue, Connecticut, at the home of Reverend Horace Winslow, as the Connecticut Forestry Association. In 1928, the Connecticut Forestry Association changed its name to the Connecticut Forest and Park Association. The name change reflected the association's interest in recreation and leisure. Records include administrative files, minutes, correspondence, financial records, subject files, committee files, reports and studies, publications, press files, legislative files, Shaker Pines Corporation files, photographs, slides, scrapbooks, maps, artifacts, removable media, sound recordings, and film and video.

Woodstock Society for Detecting Thefts records, 1793-1865

3 Volumes
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Minutes of meetings, accounts and member records of a local law enforcement society.

Mansfield Training School records, 1863-1992

122 cubic feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Mansfield Training School opened on July 1, 1917 as a home for persons with mental retardation. It closed in 1993.

Company K Veteran Corps records, circa 1878-1948

2.25 cubic feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Company K Veterans Corps of Hartford was founded in 1879 "to promote the interests and welfare of the active Company and preserve and continue the recollection of the service in the National Guard." All past members of Company K, First Regiment Infantry, Connecticut National Guard who had received an honorable discharge were eligible for election into this corps.

Military Service Veterans Organizations small collections, 1885-1948

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Artificial collection of military service veterans associations material consisting of single items or small collections.
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American Legion LaFlamme-Kusek Post No. 15 histories, 1925-1961

.5 cubic feet
Abstract Or Scope
Contains information on Post meetings and activities compiled by Post historian Gilbert H. Miner.
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History of Orville LaFlamme Post No. 15, American Legion, Jewett City, Town of Griswold, Connecticut / by Gilbert H. Miner, Historian, 1930 December 1 volume,

State Board of Accountancy records, 1907-2007

26 cubic feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Board of Accountancy protects the users of services rendered by Connecticut licensed accountants by regulating the authorized practice of public accountancy by certified public accountants (CPA) and public accountants as well as the unauthorized practice of public accountancy by unlicensed individuals and firms.
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