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John Fee Embree papers, 1926-1950, bulk 1945-1950

2 Linear Feet
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Miscellaneous papers of John Fee Embree, sociologist and director of Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University, 1950. Two journals of trips to the Far East, 1926 and 1947-1948, the latter accompanied by numerous photographs, postcards, wood cuts, and other illustrations are included. Also in the papers are correspondence and mimeographed memoranda of the American Council of Learned Societies, the Social Science Research Council and the Far Eastern Association, 1948-1951, on the advancement of Asian studies in the United States. There are also documents, reports and lecture outlines from the School of Naval Administration, Hoover Institute, 1945-1946, on the Far East and countries in the South Pacific, and manuscripts by Embree on East Asia and the Japanese in America.

Clement Hurd papers, 1944-2003, 1902-2003

89.58 Linear Feet
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The collection contains artwork, professional and personal papers, photographs, correspondence, scrapbooks, journals and other papers by or relating to Clement Hurd.

Le-Hi-Ho (The Lehigh Valley Homophile Organization), Bethlehem, PA Records, 1960-2002

3.0 Linear feet
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Le-Hi-Ho was established in 1969 in Pennsylvania to be a safe and supportive organization for the GLBTQ community. This collection includes the group's, and other organizations', documents, articles, essays, and advertisements dating from the early 1960's to the late 2000's.

Wesleyan Clinic Escorts Records, 1993 - 2006

0.5 1
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Wesleyan Clinic Escorts is a group that trains and organizes students to escort patients past anti-abortion protesters at women's clinics in Connecticut.
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Felice Picano papers, 1970-1991

11.63 Linear Feet
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The papers contain Felice Picano's writings, journals and diaries, and correspondence with his publishers and his friends, including American author Andrew Holleran.

Morse Family Papers: William Reginald and Anne Crosse Morse, 1909-1940

2 Linear Feet
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Medical missionary William Reginald Morse and his wife Anne (Anna) Crosse Kinney Morse served under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society in China from 1909 to 1937. Substantive correspondence describes the daily life and work of the Morses, their travels, medical practice and education in China, and the turbulent political and social situation in China during this era. The Morses were based primarily Chengdu, Sichuan Province and at the West China Union University.
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Margaret A. Farley papers, 1958-2008, bulk 1970-2008

9 Linear Feet
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The Margaret Farley Papers include materials relating to Farley's career as a Christian Ethics professor and her research, writings, and course materials relating to subject fields such as sexual ethics, history of christian ethics, medical ethics, and more.
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Miriam Hapgood DeWitt Papers, 1812-1990, bulk 1903-1990

11.36 Linear Feet
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The Miriam Hapgood DeWitt Papers consists of original and photocopied material, including letters, documents, and literary papers, related to the journalists and authors Hutchins Hapgood (1869-1944) and Neith Boyce (1872-1951), their forebears, and their circle of intellectuals, social reformers, and artists. The collection was created by their daughter Miriam Hapgood Dewitt (1906-1990), with the assistance of her sister Beatrix Hapgood Faust (1910-1994).

George William Watt papers, 1920-1954

9.25 Linear Feet
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Correspondence, research notes, clippings, and a book-length manuscript on Woodrow Wilson written by Watt, a lawyer and Wilson enthusiast. The correspondence consists mainly of Watt's requests for information about Wilson and an attempt to ascertain whether Theodore Roosevelt actually fought in the battle on San Juan Hill. Although much of the correspondence is perfunctory, there is a letter from Winston Churchill on World War I, another from Josephus Daniels on Wilson, and several replies from "Rough Riders" attesting to Roosevelt's participation in the battle.
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Correspondence, 1930-1954 2 Linear Feet

Miniature Book Collection, 1800-2010

6.67 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Miniature books, as defined by the Library of Congress, are books under four inches in all directions. The books in this collection are also individually cataloged in Orbis, the Yale University Library online catalog.