
Search Results

William Jackson papers, 1782-1828

0.5 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The papers consist of correspondence, memoranda, and miscellaneous items of William Jackson, a major in the American Revolution and later an active political figure. Most of the items in the papers are letters received by Jackson between 1782 and 1828. Also included are memoranda relating to payments for surviving officers of the Continental Army and an account of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. Among the correspondents are John Quincy Adams, Alexander Garden, Joseph Hopkinson, Ebenezer Huntington, Benjamin Lincoln, Charles Pinckney, John Sergeant and George Washington.

University of Connecticut, Athletic Game Films Collection, undated, circa 1930 - 2004

5.3 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains moving image recordings (in multiple formats) of University athletic games throughout the 20th century.
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Antiquarian bookseller catalog collection., 1747-1993

1000 Linear Feet
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Antiquarian bookseller catalogs collected by Yale University Library.
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John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010

242.35 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The papers consist of correspondence, topical files, writings, legal and financial papers, photographs, scrapbooks, and audiovisual material documenting John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney and their extended family. The papers provide a substantive resource for the study of the private and public lives of the Whitney family, a prominent American family, widely known for its members' engagement in business, public service, government service, publishing, philanthropy, horse racing and breeding, and fine art collecting.

Baldwin family photo album, undated, Date acquired 1976-01-06

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
The Baldwin family photo album (1974-49-0) is a nineteenth century photograph album and contains photos related to the Baldwin family. The item is currently housed in 3A Box 4.
1 result

Baldwin family photo album, undated, Date acquired 1976-01-06 1 items

As Delia Is to Me, Undated, Date acquired: 08/06/2011

1.00 items 0.00 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
"As Delia is to Me" (2011-77-0) is a piece of sheet music containing three verses of the song. On the front piece of the sheet is the music and the first verse. The other verses are on the reverse.
1 result

As Delia Is to Me, Undated, Date acquired: 08/06/2011 1.00 items 0.00 Linear Feet

Francis D. Donovan Papers, undated, 1829-1997

80 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Francis D. Donovan (1917-2005) was a resident of Medway, Massachusetts, and an avid railroad photograph and memorabilia collector and researcher, particularly of materials associated with the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad and its predecessor lines. His papers consist of his writings and research files about the railroad; photographs of stations, engines, and railroad scenes; maps, scrapbooks, postcards and timetables.

Hartt School Community Division records, 1936-2018

5.13 Linear Feet (19 containers)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection contains minutes, brochures, concert programs, photographs, accreditation/self-study reports, and other material documenting the Hartt School Community Division.

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School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records of the dean, 1900-2010

116 Linear Feet 7473 Megabytes
Abstract Or Scope
The records consist of correspondence, subject files, financial records, committee files, minutes, reports, and related materials documenting the activities of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (called the School of Forestry prior to 1972). Topics include governance, curriculum, budgets and fund-raising, buildings and properties, camps and experiment stations, research programs, students, personnel, alumni relations, and relations with governmental and forestry organizations. The records include central files of the school and those maintained by the following deans: Henry S. Graves (1900-1911 and 1922-1939), James W. Toumey (1911-1922), Samuel J. Record (1939-1945), George A. Garratt (1946-1965), Francois Mergen (1965-1974), Charles W. H. Foster (1976-1980), John C. Gordon (1983-1992), Jared L. Cohen (1992-1997), and Gus Speth (1997 -).

University of Connecticut, Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center Records, undated, 1965-2011

42.85 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Archives & Special Collections, located at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, was created by the merger of Special Collections and Historical Manuscripts and Archives in 1995. The new area moved into the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center upon its opening. President William Clinton officiated at the dedication of the Center and kicked off the "Dodd Year", a year long series of lectures, exhibitions and events. Although the Center houses several entities, the vast majority of the information in the collection pertains to Archives & Special Collections.