1905 : Executive Committee Box 450, Folder 5259 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964Organization and Policy RecordsChronological Sequence
1906-1910 Box 55, Volume 12 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Congregational Church Records, 1709-1983Congregational Churches in the United States: Regional, State, and Local Records, 1709-1978ConnecticutStatewide organizations and meetingsMinutes of General Association, General Conference, Connecticut Conference of Congregational Christian Churches
1906: CSES Treasurer's Report; Report of the Parsonage Fund; Report of the Oak Street Mission (Welcome Hall); Table of Income and Expenses 1899-1906; Corrected Membership Roll of CSES 1905-1906; CSES Membership Roll 1906; Corrected CSES Membership Roll 1906; CSES Names Voted upon Roll but Not Signed, 1906- Box 9, Folder G Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Church of the Redeemer (New Haven, Conn.) Records, 1838-2000Records of Administrative and Governing Bodies of the ChurchChapel Street Ecclesiastical Society, 1893-1938
1906: Executive Committee Box 450, Folder 5260 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964Organization and Policy RecordsChronological Sequence
1906: Miscellaneous Box 450, Folder 5261 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964Organization and Policy RecordsChronological Sequence
1907-1908 Box 41, Folder 604 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967National Committees, Commissions, Councils, 1899-1958International Committee of the YMCAsStudent DepartmentSecretaries' Conferences
1907-1910 Box 1, Folder 1 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Including from Josiah Royce view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Douglas Clyde Macintosh Papers, 1906-1978Correspondence, 1907-1910
1907-1948 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia Records - Addendum B, 1938-1988United Board Consolidated General File
1907: CSES Treasurer's Report; Report of the Parsonage Fund; Report of the Oak Street Mission (Welcome Hall); Resolution on the Death of M. F. Tyler; 1908: CSES Treasurer's Report; Monthly Treasurer's Reports: Nov 1907, July 1908, Oct 1908, Nov 1908; Report of the Chairman of the Society's Committee; Report of the Oak Street Mission(Welcome Hall); Supplementary Report re Legacy of A. E. Lines, 1907-1908 Box 9, Folder H Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Church of the Redeemer (New Haven, Conn.) Records, 1838-2000Records of Administrative and Governing Bodies of the ChurchChapel Street Ecclesiastical Society, 1893-1938
1907: Executive Committee Box 450, Folder 5262 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964Organization and Policy RecordsChronological Sequence