YMCA-GeneraL Board Treasurer's Reports, 1929-1931 Box 183, Folder 3055 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library John R. Mott Papers, 1813-1982Subject FilesRelated to Specific Organizations
YMCA-General Board Treasurer's Reports, 1932-1933 Box 183, Folder 3056 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library John R. Mott Papers, 1813-1982Subject FilesRelated to Specific Organizations
YMCA - General, n.d. Box 132, Folder 2148 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library John R. Mott Papers, 1813-1982Notes and Notebooks, 1907-1937, nd.
YMCA - General, n.d. Box 132, Folder 2149 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library John R. Mott Papers, 1813-1982Notes and Notebooks, 1907-1937, nd.
YMCA handbooks: Toronto, McGill, Queen's universities Box 92, Folder 753 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation Records, 1859-2007B(a) CanadaB(a)500 Organized Lines of Work and Study. Religious Departments and Meetings. General MethodsB(a)580 Information. Employment Bureaus. Handbook of university information for new students
Y.M.C.A.: History and Polity Box 24, Folder 203 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Henry Burt Wright Papers, 1728-1928Subject File
Y.M.C.A.: History and Polity Box 24, Folder 204 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Henry Burt Wright Papers, 1728-1928Subject File
Y.M.C.A. - History, Shedd exams Box 89, Folder 848 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Clarence Prouty Shedd Papers, 1915-1967Source Material, 1920-1949
YMCA Hong Kong: Agape Box 36, Folder 357 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Sarah Refo Mason Papers, 1866-1999Canton YMCA Research Materials
YMCA hymnal, 1904-1904 Box 225, Folder 1746 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation Records, 1859-2007F(b) JapanF(b)500 Organized Lines of Work and Study. Religious Departments and MeetingsF(b)520 Devotional and inspirational. The Morning WatchF(b)522 Days and weeks of prayerF(b)522.3 Song books, religious poetry