Appreciation for how Harriet and her mother welcomed his daughter. Requests that she (his daughter) be encouraged to rise early and exercise daily and practice her French.
Was sent five cheeses but he cannot possibly accept that much so he has stored them in cellar. Fanny has toothache but is otherwise well. Joseph Webb promised an account of the CT iron works but left without leaving anything.
Mr. Edwards informs him of a meeting of corporation. Has received two French packets one which resolves Yale college will be lent some very valuable presents. The King will establish "here" a botanical Garden to transmit everything useful.
Hector sent a letter through Shelor and gave Wadsworth's son the finished Seal. "Freedom of New Haven" Discussed paying a writer $3 to write once the Town vote is obtained.
Has only written once to Mr. Edwards. Has been awarded a 9-month leave of absence. Mentions being made bearer of the "Pieces of Parchment". Marquis de Condorset. Mr. La Crestelle, lawyer of Parliament.
Made a mistake and omitted the Duke of Harcourt on his list. Asks Wadsworth to remedy the problem by using his influence with the mayor in Hartford to award a note of compliment. Mentions live oak, Empress of China has just arrived, and the Wawayanda and Cheesecocks Patents. Closes with "Pray secretly find out some ways to accelerate ye Diplomas of New Haven and do Find out some other ways to pay generously ye writer."