St. Anthony Society Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Gennaro Capobianco Papers, 1901-2004untitled
Star Pit and Fitch Ore Beds, correspondence, 1867-1907, undated Box 78, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Rudd and Holley family papers, 1761-2006XII. Organizations, 1869-1979
Star Pit and Fitch Ore Beds, correspondence and notes by Malcolm D. Rudd, 1850-1910, undated Box 78, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Rudd and Holley family papers, 1761-2006XII. Organizations, 1869-1979
State and Federal Income Tax Return, 1924 Box 4, Folder N Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Broad Brook Co. records, 1848-1960untitled
State Blue Ribbon Commission on Housing, 1988 Box 8, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Jack Dollard urban planning records, circa 1969-1995Series VI. Housing
State Income Tax Returns, 1915-1921 Box 4, Folder G Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Broad Brook Co. records, 1848-1960untitled
Statement number enlisted men Connecticut with 2 years service., 1863 (1 item) Box 6, Folder Q Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Gilman Family Papers, 1787 - 1985untitled
"Statement of the number of deaths in the First Society of Norwich, commenced January 1, 1807.", 1807-1892 (1 item) Box 2, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Lydia Huntley Sigourney Papers, 1788-1911untitled
Statements of the Certified Debt of the United States., 1795 - 1800 (2 items) Box 40, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers, 1614 - 1880untitled
State of Connecticut taxation of miscellaneous corporations 1935. Box 3, Folder H Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Broad Brook Co. records, 1848-1960untitled