Accounts and receipts: detailed receipts for kitchen provisions, munitions, and sundries., 1745 - 1752 Box 2, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History French and Indian War Papers., 1743 - 1763untitled
Accounts and receipts: detailed receipts for munitions and horse supplies; includes Captain Gilbert's notes on deficiencies in provisions., 1756 - 1757 Box 2, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History French and Indian War Papers., 1743 - 1763untitled
Accounts and receipts: detailed receipts for munitions, horse shoes, saddles belts, and blankets., 1755 Box 2, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History French and Indian War Papers., 1743 - 1763untitled
Accounts and Receipts (includes two from African -American soldiers)., 1775-1792 Box 3, Folder B Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History American Revolution collection, 1776-1786III. Pay Table Records
Accounts and receipts: receipt book kept by David Seymour consisting of provisions procured for the use of the sick., 1759 Box 2, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History French and Indian War Papers., 1743 - 1763untitled
Accounts., [before 1830] (38 items) Box 2, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Mason Fitch Cogswell Papers, 1779-1830untitled1779-1830
Accounts Edward Bancroft, Feb. 1778 - Aug. 1779 (2 items) Box 9, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Silas Deane Papers, 1740 - 1782untitled
Accounts Ferdinand Grand, 1777 & 1778 (7 items) Box 9, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Silas Deane Papers, 1740 - 1782untitled
Accounts Haller Geradot - Co., 1776-1778 (8 items) Box 9, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Silas Deane Papers, 1740 - 1782untitled
Accounts Isaac Moses, 1778-79 (4 items) Box 9, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History Silas Deane Papers, 1740 - 1782untitled