Collections : [Central Connecticut State University]

Central Connecticut State University

Central Connecticut State University

Elihu Burritt Library
Central Connecticut State University
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050
CCSU's Elihu Burritt Library includes Special Collections & Archives to preserve and improve access to university and Connecticut history. The department prepares finding aids that describe available collections to support scholars in their research. The Connecticut Polish American Archives CPAA contains materials related to the history of the Polish American community in the United States, with an emphasis on the history of Polish Americans in Connecticut and New England. The GLBTQ Archives holds materials related to the struggle for gay rights, especially in Connecticut. It provides comprehensive coverage of local political and cultural history from the 1970s to today.

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Various periodicals- "Les Droits" [Text form Helsinki Committee in Poland, autorized by Z. Bujak, W. Hardek, B.Lis, J.Pinior,E.Szumiejko, Poland 1983];"Til Lech Walesa Og Ideer "Solidarnosc" by Barbara Ur, Andrzej Jan Piwarski, Krzesislaw Piwarski; "Solidarity" by Jain Ajit, USA 1983; 1984 "Des droits de l'homme et du citoyen en Republique Populaire de Pologne, Rapport par Le Comite Helsinki en Pologne", Belgium, 1985; "Studia i Materialy", Jan.-March, Osrodek Prac Spol. Zaw. NSZZ Solidarnosc, Warszawa 1990; Dokumenty, no.3/4- 31/12/82 - 30/01/83, Biuro Solidarnosci, Sweden; KOSMAS, Journal of Czechoslovak and Central European Studies, vol. 3 and 4, Winter 1984/Summer 1985;"Rapport" La Polodne cinq ans apres aout, NSZZ Solidarnosc, Belgium 1986; The Polish Trade Union in 1984, by Bogdan Lis for the Temporary Coordinating Commission (TKK), Poland 1984; NSZZ "Solidarnosc" on reforming the Polish economy, Belgium 1987; NSZZ "Solidarnosc" on Poland in 1985, Belgium 1986; Participation Solidarite, Section Polonaise De La C.S.C. Bureau D'Information "Solidarnosc", Belgium, 1983; Czardara, zapamietaj, Bureau International Afghanistan[1985]; Polska bez cenzury, independent imprints from Poland [1984-1990?]; Le Programme de Solidarnosc, Gda_sk, Oct.7 1981, Presses Universitaires De Lille, 1982; Utrzymac i wzmocnic, Confederation Generale Du Travail, Paris, [1982-1989?]; Les Sept de Solidarnosc, Comite de Coordination du Syndicat "Solidarnosc" in France; Repressions in Poland: State of War, Coordinating Office Abroad of NSZZ "Solidarnosc", Belgium; Report of IMF Mission to Poland, December 1980, International Metalworkers' Federation, Switzerland; Koriakov, Mikhail, 1911 , " Pokaianie Khrushcheva : po stranitsam vospominanii byvshego Pervogo sekretaria TSK KPSS i predsedatelia Soveta ministrov SSSR; Prokop, Myroslaw, " Ukraïna i ukraïnska polityka Moskvy", Sucasnist, 1981; "Solidarnost o rabochem dvizhenii v Polshe i o rabochem dvizhenii v Rossii", Frankfurt a. Main : Posev, c1982; Pruss, Witold, "Rewolucja 1905 roku w Krolestwie Polskim", Warszawa : Instytut Wydawniczy Zwiazkow Zawodowych, 198; Wojcik, Zbigniew, 1922-, " Rola Jozefa Pilsudskiego w odzyskaniu niepodleglosci Polski", Warszawa : Instytut Wydawniczy Zwiazkow Zawodowych, 1981; Ksiazka pamiatkowa Polonii, Okregu Kitchener, Ontario Kanada : zbior materialow historyczno kronikarskich obejmujacych dzialalnosc organizacji polskich na terenie Kitchener, Guelph, Galt, Preston : 966 1857 1966 / w opracowaniu redakcyjnym Slawomira Kinastowskiego ; [zespol autorski Jozef Dutkiewicz ... et al.] Kitchener, Ont. : Okregowy Komitet Milenium Polski Chrzescijanskiej, Sekcja Wydawnicza, Sekcja Kola Zolnierzy P.S.Z.,1968, 1911-1990, bulk Bulk, 1980-1990 Box 4, Object 2