The records consist of correspondence, subject files, project files, budgets and financial statements, motion picture film, videotapes, and audiotapes documenting projects and operations of Yale University Films. Records concerning the Yale Media Design Studio are also included.
The material consists of a final draft of the Yale University publication Framework for Campus Planning, annotated by Richard Levin, president of Yale, and Linda Lorimer, vice-president and secretary. The document outlines the university's largest building and renovations program in its history.
The materials consist of invitations, posters, programs, Four photographs of Simon Samoeil, curator of the Near East Collection, Yale University Library, providing a guided tour of the "Middle Eastern and Islamic Cuisine" exhibition in Sterling Memorial Library, and videorecordings documenting Yale University Library activities, events, exhibits, and functions.
The collection consists of photographic negatives of new acquisitions, specifically acquisitions for the Rare Book Room (now the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library). Also included are photographs of exhibits, library staff at work, various library operations and departments, and bookplates, as well as a commemorative edition of the Yale Daily News featuring the opening of Sterling Memorial Library..
T he records consist of reports, charts, statistical data, questionnaires, job descriptions, and work description sheets documenting position classifications, pay plans, and the trainee program at the Yale University Library.
The records consist of plans, minutes, and cost estimates documenting the construction of the Cross Campus Library and the redevelopment of Sterling Memorial Library at Yale.