The records consist of construction and renovation records, photographs, bid addenda, and related materials documenting the design and construction of the Irving S. Gilmore Music Library at Yale.
The records consist of correspondence, subscription requests, articles, and lists documenting the publication and distribution of the Yale University Library Gazette.
The materials consist of notes, maps, letters, studies, and samples documenting the buildings and grounds of the Yale campus with regard to long range planning.
The materials consist of photographs of Army and Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC and NROTC), Signal Corps, Yale Batteries, and Civil Affairs Training program activities at Yale during World War I and World War II. Includes images of drilling instruction, exercises, and artillery practice. There are a few photographs of Yale students during the Spanish-American War.
The collection consists of eight videotaped recordings of Native American alumni of Yale University, recorded in November 2005 and November 2008, as well as paperwork documenting the project and its purpose. Interview subjects are asked to reflect on their student experiences at Yale University. Questions explore the interview subject's tribal background, experiences at Yale, college activities, perceptions of the University, and present employment. Each interview is conducted by an identified Native American undergraduate. Two recordings of events held during the 2005 Henry Roe Cloud Conference: A Celebration of Native Americans at Yale are also present. Running time of recordings ranges from twenty to thirty-five minutes.