This is an artificial collection of publications, timetables, forms, reports, track diagrams and charts, equipment blueprints, maps, drawings and artwork, and photographs almost exclusively associated with the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad and its predecessor railroad lines, gathered from many donors and purchases.
The scrapbooks were created by individuals and entitities associated with the University of Connecticut and maintained as a separate collection because of format requirements.
The Research Notes & Writings Collection contains research notes and historical writings by Wilton historians, genealogists, and litterateurs G. Evans Hubbard, F. Clerc Ogden and family, and David Hermon Van Hoosear.
Research files and photography by noted photographer and documentary filmmaker U. Roberto (Robin) Romano, who has documented child labor in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal, and Pakistan, migrant farm labor in the United States and Mexico, and the cocoa industry in the Ivory Coast.
The Vachel Lindsay collection contains original correspondence and manuscripts by early twentieth-century American poet Vachel Lindsay. The collection features letters from Lindsay to poet Sara Teasdale, dating from 1913 to 1931, documenting their early courtship and ongoing friendship. Writings appear to have been sent to Teasdale as enclosures to the letters. There are also letters to Teasdale from Lindsay's widow, Elizabeth Connor Lindsay, following his death in late 1931.
Legal and financial papers concerning the Valentine and related families from Oyster Bay, Glen Cove and Hempstead on Long Island, N.Y. The related families are Bennet, Carpenter, Coles, Mudge, Seamans, Shaw, Titus and Townsend. Among the items are the receipt book for William Bennet's estate (1786-1801), deeds, marriage certificates and wills.
The collection includes administrative, military and personal correspondence between Valeriano Weyler and several individuals during his years as a pubic officer of the Spanish Government.