The materials consist of a videotaped interview with Alfred Van Sinderen regarding the presidential letters exhibition in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University.
The collection consists of photographs documenting the construction of Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale. Included are pre-construction views, construction progress views, and completed interior and exterior views. Also included are photographs of the opening ceremonies and reception.
Belding Brothers and Company were silk manufacturers in Rockville, Connecticut, with additional mills in Northampton, Massachusetts, Belding, Michigan, San Francisco, California, and Montreal, Canada.
Collection consists of mounted black and white and color reproductions of 19th- and 20th-century Belgian paintings. Content varies from original photographic prints to reproductions from magazines and other published sources. Some sections have accompanying clippings folders.
Journals, letterbook, medical notes, and essays of Benajah Ticknor, doctor and surgeon with the U.S. Navy. Of primary importance are the journals which describe journeys made by Ticknor with the Navy to South America, the Far East, and Europe.