The papers document Arthur Jack Viseltear's scholarship and professional interests in the field of public health. They include materials related to his teaching and research, documentation of his professional activities, and personal papers which include his diaries from 1974 to 1989. Unpublished writings include research notebooks for his biography of C.-E. A. Winslow and tapes and transcripts of interviews for his study of the contemporary Yale School of Medicine of his time.
The collection contains documentation of Mr. Lumsden's activities and association with the Greater Hartford Chamber of Commerce, Greater Hartford Corporation, Hartford City Council from the 1960s through the 1980s.
Arthur Joseph Pierpont was born 3 December 1876. He was a 1895 graduate of Storrs Agricultural College, now the University of Connecticut. A noted authority on agricultural matters, Mr. Pierpont was a member of the Waterbury Milk Producers Association, Trustee of his alma mater (Connecticut Agricultural College as of 1899) and manager of the College's Gilbert Farm, a working farm in Georgetown, Connecticut, bequeathed to the College in 1906.
The bulk of the papers relate to Brown's activities in the Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and with the ecumenical and world missionary movements. Of special interest are Brown's travel diaries of tours of China and the Far East, 1901-1902 and 1909. Arthur Judson Brown was a Presbyterian clergyman, author and pioneer in the ecumenical and world missionary movements of the 20th century. The positions he held included administrative secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions (1895-1929), charter trustee of the Church Peace Union (1914), organizer of several World War I relief committees, editor of Missionary Review of the World (1930), vice-president of the International World Alliance of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches (1933-1937).
The papers consist of correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings and printed briefs relating to Arthur Lazarus, his activism in the area of Native American civil rights, and his legal clients. The papers document Lazarus's legal work for two prominent cases: Tuscarora Indian Nation v. Power Authority of the State of New York, which came before the Supreme Court in 1958, and Montana v. Blackfeet Tribe, which came before the Supreme Court in 1985. Other clients and cases are also documented in the briefs, correspondence and clippings.
Memoirs, stories, poems, a novel and essays by Griffiths based on his experiences in the Philippines, where he served under Governor-General William Howard Taft from 1901-1903. Also included is a memoir about Herbert Lucker, another Yale graduate, who served with Griffiths in the Philippines, but died in 1902.
The papers consist of correspondence, diaries, legal documents, speeches, writings, printed material, photographs, and audiovisual materials that document the career of Arthur Liman. The papers emphasize the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings but also document many of Liman's other professional activities, including the Attica Prison uprising investigation and the Michael Milken trial. The papers contain an extensive collection of audiotapes and videotapes featuring conversations with and interviews of Liman.
Contains correspondence to, from, and about Machen. Correspondents include Aldrich Munson Havens, Charles Parsons, and Vincent Starrett, among others. Also contains holograph, typescript, and proof versions of Machen's writings, such as "The Garden of Avallaunius", "The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova", and "The Secret Glory."