The collection contains correspondence, writings, and photographs. Correspondence includes autograph and typescripts letters from Harold Acton, Iris Barry, Charles Fisk, Katherine Anne Porter, John Strachey and others. There is a small amount of outgoing letters among the correspondence. Writings include autograph manuscript and typescript drafts and printed versions of writings by Brewer, including "20th Century Typography in the Netherlands." Photographs include ones by Milton Horn and ones of Katherine Anne Porter by George Platt Lynes.
The Joseph Brodsky Papers document the life and work of Russian-born poet, essayist and Nobel Laureate Joseph Brodsky, with a particular emphasis on the time period of his residence in the United States (1972-1996). The papers consist of correspondence, writings, personal papers (including legal, medical and financial records), audiovisual material, teaching material, student papers, newspaper clippings and printed ephemera, spanning the years 1890-2004, with the bulk of the material dating from the period 1972-1996.
The Joseph Bruchac Papers contain correspondence with family, publishers, and storytelling and literary colleagues; drafts of writings, on paper and computer disks; materials concerning writing workshops taught by Bruchac in prisons; writings of others, including Native American authors; and subject files, photographs, audiocassettes, and videocassettes, many relating to storytelling performances at festivals and schools, or to Native American storytelling and literary organizations, including Returning the Gift Native American writers conferences, 1990s, and the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers & Storytellers, 1990s-2000s. Research strengths include Bruchac's writings and storytelling; teaching of Abenaki and other Native American cultures; 20th-century Native American literature, children's literature, and literary organizations; and 20th-century American small presses.
Founder of major Bridgeport institutions such as Harborfest and the Ocean Classroom, Joseph Caesar Cardozo was a remarkable educator and member of the Bridgeport community. Much of his work related to Bridgeport's maritime history and helped to strengthen ties and highlight the importance of Bridgeport's relation to Cape Verde.
Six weeks before he was set to graduate from the United States Naval Academy, Joseph Steffan resigned. Thus started a seven-year legal battle over this dismissal which was related to his sexual orientation. In 1993, a three-judge panel ruled in favor of Steffan and order him reinstated. In 1994, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld the dismissal. The collection documents the lawsuit and outcomes as well as the personal and professional impacts on Mr. Steffan.
This book is a hybrid sketchbook-scrapbook that contains many wonderfully detailed color and monotone watercolor, pen, and pencil depictions of encampment sites, battle scenes, landscapes, and buildings that were witnessed and unofficially recorded by Corporal Shadek during his tour of duty in the Burnside expedition through the Southeast (1861-1862). Each watercolor is carefully labeled with dates and place names so that the sketches themselves provide a chronicle of the Eighth Connecticut Volunteers, Company A's (8CV, Co. A) travels in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina.
This collection details Joesph Niedemayer's experience serving in Vietnam War in weapon department of USS Enterprise(CVN-65). The collection contains video oral history interview, personal and military documents, and photographs.