The papers consist of correspondence and other documents of John Cotton Smith and his family. Material relating to Simeon Smith, Cotton Mather Smith, and William Mather Smith is also included.
John Cecil Rushworth Whiteley (1904-1959) was a member of the Wesleyan Class of 1925. He was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and attended Waldham College in Oxford.
John Curtis Smith and Mary Snell Steele Smith were Congregational missionaries from New England who served in Sri Lanka (Ceylon), which was then part of the India Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM). This collection provides intensive documentation for the lives of missionary families, especially "missionary children" and their extended families in the 1850s through the early 1870s. Of particular value in this collection is the large number of letters written by the Smith children themselves. The six children in the Smith family were all born in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and spent at least half of their childhoods there before being sent or taken to live in the United States, where they resided with relatives and friends in New England.
The John C. Wilson papers consist of scrapbooks, photographs, and other material documenting the life and work of American producer and director John C. Wilson.
Collection, including playscripts, production files, and printed materials, documenting the professional collaboration between American theater producer and director John C. Wilson and British playwright Noel Coward.
John D. Alsop was elected to the Connecticut state legislature in 1946. He served as co-chairperson of one of the three committees that wrote the present Connecticut State Constitution at the Constitutional Convention of 1965.
The collection contains writings, lecture notes, syllabi, research notes and notebooks and other materials documenting the scholarly career of American philosopher John Daniel Wild. In particular, the papers concern Wild's work on aspects of Phenomenology and Existentialism during the last decades of his career.
The papers consist of photostatic copies of John Davenport letters collected by Isabel M. Calder and published in her Letters of John Davenport, Puritan Divine (1937).
The papers include writings, biographical documentation, photographs, and a tape recording documenting Hayes' work in China. Hayes was a Presbyterian missionary in China from 1917 to 1952, serving primarily in the Beijing (Peking) area. He was involved in student, educational, and administrative work. Hayes was interned by the Japanese during World War II and imprisoned by the Communists in China from 1951 to 1952.