The collection consists primarily of photocopies of documents and photographs, assembled by Johan Cornelis Alphons Lawrence Colenbrander, which relate to the personal life and professional activities of his father, Johan W. Colenbrander.
Correspondence to Logan from his military colleagues in the Civil War, and to his widow, Mary Simmerson Cunningham Logan, and members of his family after his death.
A list of persons and their accounts with John Allen for 1805, 1806, and 1807. A memorandum of the real and personal property and debts of John Allen made January 4, 1806.
Letters, reports, and writings document American mission work in South Africa from 1927 to the 1960s. John A. Reuling was director of teachers' training at Adams College, Natal, South Africa, serving under the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, from 1927 to 1941. After 1946 he was an administrator for the United Church Board for World Ministries, serving first as regional secretary for Africa and then as general secretary for Mission. Eleanor Swanson Reuling also taught at Adams College and assisted her husband in his work.
Incoming correspondence, including letters from Irving Berlin, Aaron Copland and others, and edited typescripts for the books, Eyes of Discovery,Spies of the Revolution, In the Big Time, Lewis and Clark, Partners in Discovery, andDaniel Boone: Master of the Wilderness. Research materials, including copies of historical documents and photographs.The papers of Katherine Bakeless are also included in the collection.
The papers consist primarily of John A. Danaher's senatorial files and include political and constituent correspondence, speeches, background material, and copies of legislation. The files document Danaher's service on the Judiciary, Finance, and Banking and Currency Committees during the 76th-78th Congresses, and highlight his efforts to prevent American involvement in World War II, his study of post-war foreign policy aims, and his concerns over domestic liberties during wartime. The papers also contain files relating to Danaher's service on the Republican National Committee and Republican Party staff, and document his role as a campaign adviser to congressmen and to Dwight Eisenhower between 1945 and 1952. In addition there are also scrapbooks and files which document Danaher's pre-senatorial career. The papers contain no substantive material relating to Danaher's legal or judicial career.
This collection chiefly consists of professional and personal papers of John Archiquette that document events and activities of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, primarily between 1876-1919. It also contains materials collected by his heirs, 1866-1984. The personal papers include ledger volumes that Archiquette used as journals and letter books, which include brief and frequent entries related to community affairs and events, as well as to his personal life and family. The collection also includes records of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin kept by Joseph O. Powless and Archiquette, which principally document deaths in the community, 1817-1880, as well as the records of the vestry council of the Church of the Holy Apostles in Oneida, Wisconsin, kept by Peter Bread and Archiquette, 1881-1906.
The John Arthur Wilkinson Papers Documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning (CARP) document the administrative and institutional history of CARP, and offer a detailed view of the workings of a non-profit civil rights legal agency. CARP's work in the New Haven area with dozens of minority economic interests and neighborhood organizations is reflected in extensive correspondence, legal memoranda, proposals, and collected material. Much of the CARP material also addresses the general topic of African-Americans in the professions, particularly in law and business. There is substantive documentation on housing (discrimination, fair housing, neighborhood advocacy) and educational issues (especially concerning community and technical colleges).
Collages created by John Ashbery, 1948-2011. Collages in the collection include Seaport, September 1948; Fjord, approximately 1972; Notre Dame des Neiges, 1977; Fountain, 2010; and The Leisure Class, 2011.
Chiefly papers documenting John Augustus Hartwell's activities as a Yale alumnus, particularly on behalf of the Yale University Athletic Association. Included are correspondence, articles of incorporation, minutes and reports of the Association. Other papers concern the class of 1889, Yale-in-China, and Hartwell's service as a major in the Medical Corps during World War I.