Eighty-four letter books covering the professional career of James William Hook, who was president and treasurer of Geometric Tool Company of New Haven, 1923-1944; member of President Hoover's National Organization on Unemployment Relief, 1931-1933; president of the New England Council; and president and director of United Illuminating Company, 1939-1942. There are letterbooks labeled general, Geometric Tool Company, National Association of Manufacturers, New England Council, unemployment activities, University of Connecticut, and United Illuminating Company. The collection also includes press clippings and genealogical information.
Photographs of locomotives and scenes of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, the Boston & Albany Railroad and the Boston & Maine Railroad, and of street railroads in the Boston, Massachusetts, area, most taken in the 1930s and 1940s, most likely by James W. Wall. The collection also includes photographs of scenes that show men in the United States Army in World War II in Europe and after the war in Japan.
Collection consists of legal documents of Jan and Elzbieta Merta, who in 1950 immigrated to the U.S. from a displaced persons camp in Germany under the Displaced Persons Act.
The Jane B. Hendrick papers relating to James G. Barnett contain sacred vocal music and other vocal music by Barnett, 1859-1886 and undated, including autograph manuscript scores, scores and parts copied by Hendrick and unidentified copyists, and published music. Some music is accompanied by autograph manuscript notes by Hendrick about performance, editing, and publication, or by printed performance programs. Also present are additional autograph manuscript notes by Hendrick about Barnett's music, undated; music notebooks written by Hendrick while a student of Barnett, 1873 and undated; concert programs and newspaper clippings about performances of music by Barnett, 1860-circa 1885; and an autograph letter signed, from Hendrick to Eva Judd O'Meara, Yale University music librarian, presenting manuscript music by Barnett, 1923 June 13.
The Jane M. Bentley Research Materials collection (1972-64-1; 1972-64-2; 1972-67-0) is a collection of papers, items, newspaper clippings, and other miscellaneous items collected, created, and/or used by Jane Merritt Bentley while researching her Great Great Grandfather Salmon Giddings.
Seventy-five letters to Jane Perry Clark Carey from Benjamin Cardozo from 1935 to 1937, and after 1937 from Joseph L. Rauh, Jr. writing on Cardozo's behalf during his illness. The letters are entirely social in character, largely letters of thanks for gifts or for invitations.
Contains letters from Porter to various people, including Sir James Bland Burges, Dominic Paul Colnaghi, Mrs. S. C. Hall, James Justinian Morier, Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, and Owen Rees; holograph version of Porter's "The Pastor's Fire Side"; and proofs for Porter's "Thaddeus of Warsaw."