The collection contains letters, manuscripts, and printed material related to the life and work of James Branch Cabell. The letters in Series I were written by Cabell to his publishers, literary collaborator, and colleagues; in most cases the folders include carbon copies of responses sent back to Cabell. Writings in Series II are typescripts and proofs of several works, and include correspondence related to their publication, as well as designs by John O'Hara Cosgrave for the cover and end papers of Cabell's work There Were Two Pirates. Series III holds published material about Cabell, including reviews of his work, in the form of clippings, pamphlets, and other ephemera, and portrait photographs by Carl Van Vechten and Foster Studio, Richmond.
The James Claude Thomson and James C. Thomson, Jr. Papers provide a visual and written record of James Claude Thomson's career as a biochemist, professor at the University of Nanking, and medical nutrition expert. The collection contains Thomson's private and professional correspondence, a record of his academic and research work, several copies of his nutritional surveys of Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan, as well as the lectures and speeches he delivered during his long career as a professor. A highlight of the collection is the series of color slides of Iran, Afghanistan, China, Korea, and Japan, and notable film footage of China. Addenda to the original collection also document the life and work of James Claude Thomson's son, James Claude Thomson, Jr. (1931-2002), who was a statesman, historian, and journalist.
James Luitweiler (1890-1982) was born and raised in York, Pennsylvania and the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico, 1906-1911). An international lawyer and businessman, Luitweiler served as Secretary to the American Land Commission Canal Zone in 1913.
The papers consist of correspondence, audiotape transcripts, subject files, writings, and printed material relating to Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Alexis Carrel, and Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and used for the book Uncommon friends: Life with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Alexis Carrel & Charles Lindbergh, by James D. Newton. Also included are correspondence, subject files, and writings relating to Eleanor Forde Newton.
The papers consist of personal papers, memorabilia, photographs and medals of James Dowling Trask (1890-1942), his father and grandfather (1821-1883), also named James Dowling Trask. The bulk of the collection is related to James Dowling Trask (1890-1942).
A double collection of the papers of James Elisha Babb, a lawyer prominent in Idaho politics, and of his father-in-law, Charles Johnson Tinkham. Babb's correspondence, which was devoted largely to politics, included both local and nationally prominent figures. Among the most important were William E. Borah, with whom he corresponded from 1898 to 1933 on issues such as women's suffrage, the League of Nations and the Roosevelt Administration; and William Jennings Bryan, who wrote between 1880 and 1924. Of particular interest are Bryan's early letters explaining his reasons for entering politics and his letters in the 1920s defending fundamentalist Christianity. Charles Johnson Tinkham's papers are significant for his own Civil War letters and those from his fellow soldiers and officers in the Union Army. Included also in his papers are miscellaneous official documents relating to his war service and an autograph collection.
This collection documents the academic career of Yale professor James E. Dittes. Dittes received his B.D. and Ph.D. from Yale and taught Pastoral Theology and the Psychology of Religion at Yale beginning in 1955.
James Edmund Dyer, graduate of Western Connecticut State College and politician, was born in Danbury, Connecticut, on September 20, 1946. His papers span the years 1900 to 2008, with the bulk of the collection dating from 1970 to 1990, primarily documenting his work as Mayor of Danbury, Connecticut. Information regarding his activities at Western Connecticut State College, his two terms as Trustee of the Connecticut State Colleges, and State Representative for the 110th District is also included.The collection consists of biographical materials, legislative and trustee files, citations, correspondence, fliers, greeting cards, membership cards, newsletters, news clippings, scrapbooks, petitions, photographs, posters, postcards, press releases, printed materials, proclamations, resolutions, writings and campaign materials such as bumper stickers, campaign pins, sample ballots, and mailing lists.
This collection details experience of James E. Robert as he served in the U.S. Army during WWII in Europe. The collection contains video of an oral history interview, an excerpt of publication about the 104th infantry division, and few photographs.