Collection of mounted black and white and color reproductions of Italian paintings, predominantly from the 13th-16th centuries. Some materials have been transferred to and are available at the Yale University Art Gallery, please also consult the companion finding aid, "Italian Painting Photograph Collection: Materials Available in the Yale University Art Gallery." see VRC 23.1. Content Varies from original photographic prints to reproductions from magazines and other published sources. Some sections have accompanying clippings folders.
Collection consists of mounted black and white and color reproductions of Italian painting, predominantly from the 13th-16th centuries, which has been transferred to and available at the Yale University Art Gallery. For materials transferred to and available from LSF, please consult the companion finding aid, "Italian Painting Photograph Collection." Content varies from original photographic prints to reproductions from magazines and other published sources. Some sections have accompanying clippings folders.
The Italians of New London Oral History Project was conducted by Jerome Fischer, director of the Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecticut, based in New London.
Correspondence from John Allan, William Hayward and Theodore Strong, a notebook of mathematical exercises, photostatic copies of letters of patent for improvements on bridges and one architectural drawing of Jones Court, built in New York City for James I. Jones. Also included is a scrapbook assembled by Town's daughter, Etha Town Peters.
Letters from Russian émigré writers to Terapiano, accompanied by clippings, programs to literary events, and holograph manuscripts by Russian writers. In addition there are letters from émigré writers to Konstantin Lupakov and translations by Lupakov.
The papers consist of the lecture notes, examinations, syllabi and handouts documenting Ivan Phillips's undergraduate courses taken between 1952-1956, including courses in history, economics, and science. Also included are several grade school notebooks.
The Ivan Kats papers are comprised of correspondence, drafts of Obor Foundation publications and translations, Obor Foundation financial information, reports from the Congress for Cultural Freedom, photographs from Kats' travels in Indonesia, and three Indonesian anti-communist posters. Correspondence with journalist, publisher, novelist, and key Obor Foundation contributor Muchtar Lubis, between 1969 and 1983, comprises a large portion of the collection, as does Kats' correspondence with many other Indonesian intellectuals and officials. Of particular interest are the drafts and correspondence related to an unpublished volume, Indonesia 1958-1965: The Cultural Scene which Kats organized between 1966 and 1967. Contributors include Indonesian intellectuals Andre Hardjana, Rosihan Anwar and S. Tasrif, with several drafts in both English and Indonesian.
Ives and Pierce, a rural business in Canaan, Connecticut, was owned by Henry B. Ives and Robert D. Pierce, and sold grain, chicken feed, poultry, and agricultural supplies to local farmers. The business also sold coal to local residents. The records consist of 36 volumes of financial journals, daybooks, and coal and account books.