Yale University. Institution for Social and Policy Studies
Abstract Or Scope
The records consist of correspondence, student files, and administrative and subject files documenting the activities and operations of the Institution for Social and Policy Studies. Topics include fellowships, internships, evaluations and the City Program.
Miscellaneous records and studies of insurance companies in Connecticut. Included is an agent's register (1870-1881), letter books of the State Fire Insurance Company (1860-1861), and a study by Richard M. G. Potter of the Aetna Life Insurance Company.
Yale University. Office of Finance and Administration
Abstract Or Scope
The records consist of correspondence, policies, statements, accident and injury reports, certificates of insurance, payment statements, and printed materials documenting the activities and operations of the Yale Insurance Office.
These are the official archives of Interfaith Cooperative Ministries, Inc., an organization established as Downtown Cooperative Ministry, Inc. in the early 1970s in New Haven, Connecticut. It was an ecumenical organization that sought to build relationships between churches, support the development of social service agencies and programs, and encourage involvement in local, state, and national social justice issues.
These materials represent the official archives of the International Association for Mission Studies from its formation through 2012. IAMS is an international, inter-confessional, and interdisciplinary professional society for the scholarly study of Christian witness and its impact in the world. The association was inaugurated in 1972 at Driebergen, the Netherlands. From 1972 to 2012, IAMS held thirteen international conferences on five continents.
District Lodge 91 received its charter in May 1953. At that time the representative locals consisted of Hartford Aircraft Lodge 743, chartered in 1941, representing workers at Hamilton Standard (located in East Hartford until 1952 when it moved to Windsor Locks); Industrial aircraft Lodge 1746, chartered in February, 1945, representing workers at Pratt and Whitney, East Hartford; and Industrial Aircraft Lodge 1746A, chartered in October, 1951, representing Pratt and Whitney workers in Southington. In March 1959 Canal Lodge 700, in Middletown, was chartered and added to District 91 representation. Prior to 1953, Pratt and Whitney workers' lodges were part of IAM District 26. As of 1984, District 91 included Lodge 700, Lodge 707 (from North Haven), Lodge 743, Lodge 1746, and Lodge 1746A.
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW), Canel Lodge 700 was founded on 20 April 1959. The lodge, located in Middletown, Connecticut, was organized by machinists at the Canel Atomic Testing Lab. In 1959, the local gained collective bargaining recognition from the Canel Lab. Pratt and Whitney took over the plant circa 1965. Pratt and Whitney continued union recognition after the takeover.
The International Aircraft Lodge 1746 was chartered on 1 November 1945. The local represents production workers at United Technologies Corporation's Pratt and Whitney plant in East Hartford, Connecticut. The workers make jet engines and other components for commercial and military aircraft. Lodge 1746 is a member of IAMAW District 91.
Chartered in 1941 to represent members of the International Association of Machinists at Hamilton Standard in East Hartford, Connecticut. In 1952, it moved to Windsor Locks, Connecticut.