Drafts of books by Halford on dry-fly fishing and creation of artificial flies, and a draft of an autobiography, 1886-1912; scrapbooks containing clippings of reviews of books by Halford, 1897-1911, and clippings of obituaries and other articles about Halford, 1914-1915; and papers of Ellen Horne Kemp, 1896-1907, consisting of proofs of illustrations for books by Halford and related notes. Most drafts by Halford are autograph manuscript or typescript, with revisions and printer's annotations, some incorporating writings or annotations by J. J. Hardy, W. A. Hunter, George Selwyn Marryat, William Senior, or G. E. M. Skues. Some drafts are accompanied by galley or page proofs with revisions, photographs and printed proofs for plates; or contracts and accounts with publishers George Routledge and Sons or Vinton & Company. Kemp's papers contain hand-colored and uncolored proofs of her drawings of artificial flies, with related autograph manuscript notes; notes and proofs for illustrations by Duncan Moul; and a few drawings by Kemp and letters to her from Halford and Vinton & Company. Kemp's papers are accompanied by autograph manuscript notes, circa 1970, by Phoebe Leicester, a former owner and possibly a descendant of Kemp's daughter Jane Horne Kemp Leicester.