The collection consists of a small group of Falconer Madan's papers relating to his research and writings, and original and copies of manuscripts relating to various individuals, and academic, social and historical events relating to Oxford. The majority of the material is bound in volumes, many of which contain the Yale University Library bookplate reading, "From the Collection of Oxford Books made by Falconer Madan, Bodley's Librarian." Original manuscripts include a group of twenty-three printed promises to support Sir Roundell Palmer in the Parliamentary election of 1868, signed by members of Oxford University, with related manuscript notes; a "Description of a Magdalen College, Oxford University gaudy" [student festival], "Phillipps MSS 9642"; and a scrapbook record of a marriage in London and a honeymoon in Oxford, with manuscript descriptions, and illustrated with engravings, press clippings, drawings, and printed ephemera by the groom Theodosius Purland. Two boxes contain additional correspondence, verses, forms, and various memoranda relating to the city of Oxford and the University of Oxford.